Thursday, January 29, 2015
Communist Party USA Chairman Vows To Work With Democrat Party To Advance Shared Communist Goals…
Weasel Zippers
. . . “ 'First, we are part of building the broadest anti-ultra right alliance possible, uniting the widest array of class (including a section of monopoly), social and democratic forces. This necessarily means working with the Democratic Party,” the communist leader explained.
“ 'Second, our objective is not to build the Democratic Party. At this stage we are about building the broad people’s movement led by labor that utilizes the vehicle of the Democratic Party to advance its agenda,” Bachtell further expounded. “We are about building the movements around the issues roiling wide sections of people that can help shape election contours and debates.”
“ '[W]e are for building movements in the electoral arena and see engagement in the electoral arena and democratic governance as a vital means to further build movements,” Bachtell also said.
"To that end, he claimed, “thousands of trade unionists have been elected” at municipal and local levels of American government. Bachtell did not note a party affiliation of these elected leaders.
"The rest of Bachtell’s declaration is mostly a somewhat modernized version of the same, garden-variety communist drivel communists have been spouting since roughly 1840." . . .
George Will: Questions for attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch
"Senate confirmation hearings put nominees on notice that, as a Michigan state legislator reportedly once said, “I’m watching everything you do with a fine-toothed comb.” Loretta Lynch, a talented lawyer and seasoned U.S. attorney, should be confirmed as attorney general. Her hearing, however, should not be perfunctory. Questions like the following would highlight some festering problems:" . .
One salient issue would be Will's asking what Lynch would do with regard to the "politicization and corruption of the Internal Revenue Service."
What sort of man have Obama voters elected?

Voting "present" has been a refuge for Obama for years.
The record has become an issue on the presidential campaign trail, as Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, his chief rival for the Democratic nomination, has seized on the present votes he cast on a series of anti-abortion bills to portray Mr. Obama as a “talker” rather than a “doer.”Obama Squirms to Dodge the Truth . . . "Our superficial and self-deluded political elites pretend that jihadi Islam is peaceful, just like early Buddhists did before all the monasteries were destroyed. Muslim forces have bought up our political and media class, which is why they keep lying to us about a clear and present danger.
"So Obama is blaming the victim, along with his Eurosocialist buddies in Europe. If only Israel would surrender to the phony “Palestinians” everything will be okay. For Hitler it was Czechoslovakia that had to be his to prevent war, and once he swallowed the Sudetenland he would never, ever, be nasty again. Then it was Poland. Then it was all of Europe, and ultimately it would have been America, because the Nazis had a world-conquering ideology. So did Stalin." . . . The French are finally seeing the obvious.

In Obama's Speeches, the 'I's Have It "When President Obama gives a speech, it often seems as though it's more about him than whatever subject he's supposed to be talking about.
"A case in point comes from his 33-minute talk in India, during which Obama referred to himself 118 times. That works out to once every 16.6 seconds. PJ Media managed to compile them all into one amusing 3-minute video." ...
"This is quite a feat, but it's not even close to a record for Obama.
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blurred on TV
Is too! Is NOT! Is too! . . .
"The new king shook hands with President Obama at the Erga Palace but didn’t acknowledge the first lady during a brief meeting at the funeral for King Abdullah. Barack and Michelle Obama cut short their trip to India to attend the funeral.
"Several videos posted on Saudis' Facebook pages obscured Michelle Obama's face. They were removed shortly after they were posted. I captured a screenshot of one such video before it was taken down. The Arab news service Mashahead posted on YouTube a video allegedly taken from the Saudi government television broadcast showing the blurred spot." . .
. . . "The alleged blurring wasn't the only controversy. Some Arab media outlets criticized Michelle Obama for wearing a blue dress, rather than a black one. Videos of the short meeting between Salman and President Obama showed the king leaving in the middle of the protocol, abruptly turning around and walking away, in order to go to prayer.". .
One can cheer this sticking it in the face of these 7th century denizens, but then we realize this is all part of a pattern of tone-deafness and lack of grace in this couple toward both political opponents and international allies over the past six years.
If the next president is a Republican, they will have to start off their time in office with a world apology tour and a couple of dozen reset buttons. TD
Report: Islamic tribunal confirmed in Texas, media largely silent
The eyes of Texas better open soon.
An in-depth look at Shariah Law by Adina Kutnicki:
ISLAMIC ALARM ALERT: Shariah Law Implanted in America! What/Where Are The Dangers? (Emphases in the original. TD)
"Editor’s Note:
. . . "On Tuesday, Breitbart Texas said it confirmed the existence of an Islamic tribunal dispensing Sharia law in Texas. According to the report, the tribunal consists of four attorneys operating in Dallas. The tribunal, Breitbart added, issues voluntary rulings on civil disputes like divorces and family problems. While one might think the existence of such a tribunal would make national news, a Google search found that the so-called "mainstream media" has yet to issue a single report as of this writing.
Taher El-badawi, one of the so-called "judges" of the tribunal, told Breitbart the tribunal applies Shariah law only to litigants who voluntarily accept their rulings on disputes involving family and business issues. According to El-badawi, the organization is “a tribunal, not arbitration.” Meriam(sp)-Webster’s Dictionary defines tribunal as “a court or forum of justice.”
ISLAMIC ALARM ALERT: Shariah Law Implanted in America! What/Where Are The Dangers? (Emphases in the original. TD)
. . . "SPECIFICALLY, the Muslim Brotherhood’s overall plan is to subsume all of America under the boot of Shariah, not “just” the Muslim community. They are deadly serious, and their track record attests as much. Don’t dare to dismiss their American (and global) designs.
"AT its base, Shariah Law is a knock out blow (despite protestations to the contrary, ala Islamists and anti-American leftists) to the U.S. Constitution, the law of the land." Much more on this here.

Related, wouldn't you say? From The Freedom Fighter's Journal:
‘Discover Hell on Earth’: France Releases Graphic Video Showing Executions, Crucifixions and Terror to Warn Citizens Against Joining the Islamic State"Editor’s Note:
The video embedded in this story features disturbing themes and extreme violence."
. . . "The graphic, two-minute clip published on Stop Djihadisme (Stop Jihadism), a new counter-jihad website created by France’s Interior Ministry, attempts to dismiss the promises that terrorists are making to individuals interested in joining jihadist groups, with the government telling French citizens that they will “discover hell on earth” and “die alone” if they join militants.. . .
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