Monday, August 26, 2013

If Miley Cyrus really, really, really wanted to shock people...

 Dear Miley Cyrus:
"We get it already. You’re not a kid anymore. That Teddy Bear-to-porn maven motif at the 2013 MTV VMAs was so unsubtle even the kind of people who like the VMAs couldn’t miss it. Ditto the latex bikini and relentless “twerking.” Besides, you’re belaboring the point. It’s been abundantly clear for some time you killed Hannah Montana and you’re pole-dancing on her grave."....

Miley Cyrus, Robin Thicke performance draws negative reactions from fellow celebrities

After MSNBC Broadcasts 20-Minute Sharpton Speech, MSNBC Anchors Fawn Over Him as 'Peerless' Civil Rights Leader of Our Time

Newsbusters  "Does Al Sharpton run MSNBC now? On Saturday, the cable network broadcast hours of live coverage of the Sharpton-organized 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. When Sharpton prepared for his keynote speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, his friend Rev. Franklyn Richardson singled him out as “the one who has become the voice of this era.” They broadcast Sharpton’s entire 20-minute speech live.

"When he was finished on stage, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz, Melissa Harris-Perry, and Michael Eric Dyson formed a hallelujah chorus, all praising Sharpton in the same glowing light as the "peerless" and "pre-eminent" civil rights leader of our time, like he was paying everyone’s salary:

HARRIS-PERRY: Joining me now for ongoing coverage of today's events is MSNBC’s Ed Schultz, host of The Ed Show. So nice to have you.
SCHULTZ: A fabulous last hour. A number of different speeches. There's no doubt that Reverend Sharpton is the contemporary civil rights leader of our time.

When the going gets tough, Obama goes golfing

American Thinker  "While his underlings selflessly toil to determine whether or not all the Assad government of Syria used chemical weapons against its own people (as seen on TV), President Obama played a 5 hour round of golf Sunday, closing in on a presidential total of 150 rounds of golf in four and half years. Meanwhile, The Royal Navy is ready for strikes on Syria, should Obama decide that his red line is more than the empty threat it seems to be.