Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Muslim world celebrates Women's Day

Weasel Zippers

Islamic Women's Day by Abul Kasem 
. . . "Below, I have compiled some of the outstanding features of Islam which are exclusively applicable to all Muslimahs. These 'marvelous' features of Islam have been collected from the most authentic Islamic sources, viz. the Qur'an, the Hadis, the Sharia and Imam Ghazali, whose book, 'Ihya Uloom Ed-Din' is considered next to the Holy Qur'an. This list, of course, is not comprehensive. If you have time to skim through the vast ocean of Islamic of literatures you will surely discover many such incredible 'golden ' treatments of Muslimahs in Islamic societies. Please peruse this list and decide whether the entire feminine gender of the world should follow the Islamic world or not." . . . 


Random Thoughts from Dr. Thomas Sowell

I love it when he does these articles.

Thomas Sowell

. . .  "The presidential election prospects for the Democrats are so bad this year that only the Republicans can save them -- as Republicans have saved them before.
"Will a Supreme Court without a single Protestant justice rule that an "under-representation" of any group is evidence of discrimination?
"Here is a trick question: What percentage of American households have incomes in the top 10 percent? Answer: 51 percent of American households are in the top 10 percent in income at some point in the course of a lifetime -- usually in their older years. Those who want us to envy and resent the top 10 percent are urging half of us to envy and resent ourselves.
. . . 
"Many Americans were not only saddened but angry that Iran publicized photographs of captured American sailors weeping. But do you think that Reverend Jeremiah Wright was saddened and angry? What about his 20-year disciple in the White House? Let us not forget that President Obama voluntarily humbled himself -- and America -- by bowing to foreign leaders."

Springtime For Pundits

Terrifying video added by the Tunnel Dweller.

Ann Coulter   "If you're into self-dramatization, Donald Trump’s candidacy is perfect for you. 
"Half of the Washington political class is vowing to vote for Hillary -- even Stalin! -- over Trump; psychologists (and massage therapists) report they are treating patients for "Trump anxiety"; lengthy thought-pieces on Trump have no room to mention his signature issue, immigration, but get prolix on George Wallace, Mussolini and Hitler. (Never Mao, Stalin or Lenin, curiously.) 
"You're going to have to act quickly if you hope to be among the first 200 princesses to feel the pea under 15 layers of mattresses. 

"To save you time, I will provide the prototype. Do not be surprised if the following turns up, word for word, under the byline of David Brooks, Stephen Hayes, Cokie Roberts, every single writer for Salon, Gawker, National Review, Commentary and The Huffington Post. And then, of course, Fareed Zakaria will steal it. 

At the link are listed the many ways Donald Trump is exactly like Hitler, including these examples:
  -- Adolf Hitler had a loyal and overweight henchman, Hermann Goering. Donald Trump has a loyal and overweight henchman, Chris Christie.
   -- Adolf Hitler was a teetotaler. Donald Trump is a teetotaler.
   -- Adolf Hitler had a pact with the Soviet Union from 1939 to 1941; Donald Trump said nice things about Russian president Vladimir Putin. 
  -- Adolf Hitler required all non-Jewish, German civilians to greet one another with a rigid right-arm salute, while exclaiming "Heil!" or "Heil Hitler!" Donald Trump has asked audiences to promise to vote for him by raising their hands, which is the PRECISELY same thing. 
--Adolf Hitler forcibly annexed Czechoslovakia. Donald Trump tried to merge two casinos in Atlantic City. 
Do you not find these similarities frightening? TD

. . . "In conclusion, [dramatic music plays] I have covered American politics for 30 years. For the first time in my life I am afraid for my country. Very afraid. Very, very afraid. Very, very, very afraid. "

Trigger warning: terrifying Nazi video:

Voting for Hillary? Keep things like this in mind.

Do you really want the Clintons back in the White House?
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

“And the next thing you know he pulls down his pants. He sat on the couch and he was fondling himself and he asked me to kiss it"
"Klein asked Jones whether she believes female voters should be concerned about the allegations that Hillary was complicit in covering up her husband’s ill treatment of women, including Jones herself."

By Freeing Child Rapists? 12-Year-Old Rape Victim: "Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell"   . . . "When the Free Beacon published tapes in which Hillary Clinton laughed cheerfully about a case in which she got a child rapist off, ordinary people had a glimpse into the twisted mind of a woman who keeps claiming to be a role model for young girls." . . .
. . . For the victim, the tapes prove that while Clinton was arguing in the affidavit that the victim could have some culpability in her own attack, she actually believed that her client was guilty." . . .
Carly Fiorina claims that Hillary and Trump are "two sides of the same coin"

Bill Clinton cancels on small crowd due to ‘bad weather’
"The Hillary Clinton campaign said it was bad weather that kept Bill from addressing a small crowd in Kansas City on Tuesday.
"Only about 300 people turned out to see the former president — in a metropolitan area that boasts some 2.34 million people.
"KMBC reports the crowd had already assembled and was awaiting Clinton by chanting for Hillary and the Kansas City Royals."

Hillary wants more of your money  . . . "She’s concerned that those who are already paying for everything aren’t paying “their fair share.' ”

Why Hillary Clinton is unlikely to be indicted over her private email server  . . . "American University law professor Stephen Vladeck, an expert on prosecutions involving classified information, told me. “This is really just a political firestorm, not a criminal case.” . . .

Fact checking the Hillary Clinton email controversy. Via Lucianne
. . . "The Fact Checker has run 10 fact checks on the issue, mostly regarding dubious statements that Clinton had made to defend her actions. (We also had one fact check each on the Democratic spin and the Republican spin on the issue.) Reviewing our conclusions again, it appears Clinton often used highly technical language to obscure the salient fact that her private email setup was highly unusual and flouted existing regulations." . . .

10 Reasons Americans Are Voting For A Socialist

"In many cases, Bernie Sanders may actually be a rational (progressive voter’s) choice."

The Federalist  . . . "From the outside, it may all look radical, or even loony, to conservatives. After all, calling Sanders a socialist isn’t about hurling a twentieth-century epithet. It’s a term Sanders proudly uses to describe himself.
"Bernie is obviously not someone conservatives would ever choose, but it’s always worth trying to understand your political adversaries. As someone who’s always lived amongst people currently debating whether to vote for Bernie or Hillary, I submit that in many cases, Bernie may actually be a rational (progressive voter’s) choice. Here’s a list of 10 reasons why:  (Each item listed is discussed in the article linked)

1. Bernie’s the Protest Vote  "If you simply don’t like Hillary, because she’s an uninspiring retread, or because you are troubled by her endless scandals, Bernie is Plan B."

2. Voters Should Matter . . .

3. Trust and Authenticity Are Appealing . . .

4. Viva la RevoluciĆ³n . . .

5. The Economy Tanked . . .

6. Socialism Doesn’t Scare You I give you more details on this one:  "Younger voters don’t have strong negative associations with socialism. They missed the Cold War. What they know of socialism is likely what they’ve learned from admiring college professors; socialism probably just sounds like one more reasonable choice on the menu of government models."

7. The Church of ‘None’ Suits Millennials . . .

8. Voters Dislike Threats . . .   . . .“ 'There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!' ”  . . .

9. The Second Wave Has Passed . . .

10. Bernie Embraces Humor . . .

This interview is with a young voter who (whom?) I'd say is one of those discussed above.

Cartoons and video added by the Tunnel Dweller

Documents Reveal US Army Indoctrinated Soldiers on Dangers of ‘White Privilege’
Judicial Watch  "Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained documents from the United States Department of the Army revealing that in April 2015, 400 soldiers in the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon, Georgia, were subjected to a “white privilege” briefing, including a PowerPoint presentation instructing the attendees: “Our society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual …”

"The slideshow also informed the soldiers: “Race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans.” It alleged that there are unspecified “powerful forces everywhere” keeping different kinds of people from being valued, accepted, and appreciated, but “we act as if it doesn’t exist.” This alleged privilege creates a “yawning divide” in income, wealth, and dignity.  The material described a mythical African woman who isn’t aware that she’s black until she comes to America, encounters “white racism” and discovers the U.S. is “organized according to race.”

"The Department of the Army documents were obtained in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking: . . ."

. . . Judicial Watch previously obtained Defense Department equal opportunity training materials that depict conservative organizations as “hate groups” and advise students to be aware that “many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place.”  And last month, Judicial Watch uncovered Air Force Academy documents that show how the Academy used its “Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund” to pay for cadets to participate in worship services featuring witchcraft, “Faery Magick,” and voodoo.

Outrageous – that is the only word to describe this type of raw racist indoctrination,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.  “The Obama administration undermines the morale of our military with morally repugnant ‘equal opportunity training’ that makes many soldiers feel unwelcome because they are the wrong sex, race, religion or aren’t part of a politically correct group.” . . .

The Legends of "Kilroy Was Here" Yes, he has his own site! I remember as a boy in the late 1940s seeing these scrawled on surfaces; in fact I recall drawing a few myself while not having any idea what it meant. TD

"There was one person who led or participated in every combat, training or occupation operation during WWII and the Korean War. This person could always be depended on. GI's began to consider him the "super GI." He was one who always got there first or who was always there when they left. I am, of course, referring to Kilroy Was Here. Somehow, this simple graffiti captured the imagination of GI's everywhere they went. The scribbled cartoon face and words showed up everywhere - worldwide. Stories (some even true) abound.

"Legend #1: This Legend of how "Kilroy was here" starts is with James J. Kilroy, a shipyard inspector during WWII. He chalked the words on bulkheads to show that he had been there and inspected the riveting in the newly constructed ship. To the troops in those ships, however, it was a complete mystery — all they knew for sure was that he had "been there first." As a joke, they began placing the graffiti wherever they (the US forces) landed or went, claiming it was already there when they arrived. . . 

All the above to introduce today's cartoon from Rich Terrell: