Saturday, February 27, 2021
Did Wind Power Fall Hard During the Great Texas Storm? Yep. Twice.
PJ Media "Texas is that rare state that has everything: oil, natural gas, coal, space for wind and solar, rare-earth minerals, great food, good-looking people, and abundant humility.
"Maybe not that last one. And we haven’t had a Super Bowl champion in much too long a time.
"Anyway, Friday morning I pulled electric power generation data by source from the United States Energy Information Administration. EIA is reputable and authoritative, to the extent that any government agency is. Insert shrug emoji if you wish. I mostly trust their data. It’s EIA’s data everyone cites when they, accurately, say the United States reduced carbon emissions faster than other developed nations and ahead of the Paris Accords targets over the past few years. EIA’s data attributes that to the rise of natural gas as a cheap, reliable, and clean power source. So you’ve probably trusted their data too, whether you were aware of it or not.
"Here’s what their Texas energy generation graph of the past week says.
"The beige line at the top is natural gas, the green line in the middle is wind. Take note of what that line does between Feb 15-16 and then again on Feb. 17. Also take note of what the beige line is doing during that second period.
"I’ll add some arrows to point out wind’s lowest generation points": . . .
Biden bombs when comparing Trump to Nazi official "Joe Biden, who has accused Republicans of being practitioners of the Big Lie, is no slouch either when it comes to telling whoppers.
"And he can get away with it because the biased media fails to hold him accountable for anything, even when he calls Republicans Nazis. They believe him or pretend to.
"Otherwise, some straight-shooting mainstream reporter (if there are any left) might have asked Biden what the hell he was talking about when he compared President Trump, U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley to Nazi Joseph Goebbels and the Allied World War II firebombing of Dresden, Germany.
"It all may be academic now that Trump is out the door, but it matters.
"But no reporter asked a follow-up question, perhaps because they had no idea what Biden was talking about. Dresden to them probably was some sort of chinaware. Besides, it sounded like more of Biden’s gibberish.
"World War II is not taught much in schools anymore, and only a diminishing number of veterans who fought in it are still with us. So, ignorance about it is understandable.
"It was a war in which the United States defeated Nazi Germany, and fascist Italy and Japan. The U.S. freed Europe from Nazi occupation and made the world safe for democracy, as quaint as that might sound today.
"Biden, prepping for his presidency — and tired of using Hitler as an insult — came up with Goebbels, who was Hitler’s propaganda minister and a master of the Big Lie. . . ."
Regrettable need for a language warning:
Syrian Woman Begs Trump & Americans To Stop Biden From Killing Innocent People…
"Sorry. Can’t help you. We’re traitors now remember?"
Good job to all the Biden voters out there.
— Add_Your_Name_Here ➐ (@Tr00peRR) February 27, 2021
Biden Is Blundering Us Into World War 3 - National File "The Joe Biden administration is blundering America into a World War 3 scenario as tensions rise globally. We are looking at a WW3 in which the regime controlling America does not represent the American people, there is zero national cohesion, and there are no clear objectives except the profit-oriented destabilization goals and petty rivalries of the Oligarchs. Such a war is not winnable for the American government, and could spark a massive bipartisan antiwar movement to challenge the bellicose decisions of the Biden regime." . . .
Woke Is Stupid: Hasbro Neuters Mr. Potato Head, Drops ‘Mister
UPDATE: Hasbro said it will label the toy as Potato Head, but Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head are not going anywhere. I guess they’re trying to please everyone?
"Well, earlier, the Associated Press reported Mr. Potato Head no longer exists:
Hasbro, the company that makes the potato-shaped plastic toy, is giving the spud a gender neutral new name: Potato Head. The change will appear on boxes this year.
Toy makers have been updating their classic brands to appeal to kids today. Barbie has shed its blonde image and now comes in multiple skin tones and body shapes. Thomas the Tank Engine added more girl characters. And American Girl is now selling a boy doll.
Hasbro said Mr. Potato Head, which has been around for about 70 years, needed a modern makeover.
"But then Hasbro tried to save face!" . . .