PJ Media " Who'd have ever thought flying and benching 8000 pounds would be a drag?"
"No wonder every kid grows up wanting to be a superhero. The comic books make it sound awesome: your life is exciting, you’re important, you’re famous, and being a hero is part of the description of what you do on a regular basis! It’s like being a celebrity-astronaut-Seal who can lift a car over his head. Who wouldn’t want to do that? Well, maybe YOU wouldn’t once you realized that in practice, it would be about as much fun as being
Mark Sanchez’s quarterback coach."
1) It Would Be Impossible to Hide Your Secret Identity.
"Most comics only make a cursory attempt to explain how superheroes could hide their identity. Superman just wore glasses. Glasses on, Clark Kent. Glasses off, “Hello, Superman!” Batman wore a mask and disguised his voice, but he was obviously an incredibly wealthy, athletic man with access to advanced technology who lived near Gotham."....
2) You’d Be Buried Under an Avalanche of Lawsuits.
"..... “Yes, your honor, he did save me from Dr. Hitler’s giant robot Nazi, but in the process, I hurt my back. I’m not going to be able to work for six months. How am I supposed to make a living?” "
Ellipses mean there's a lot more where all this came from, so go to the link to see it all.
4) The Government Would Turn Your Life Into a Nightmare.
The first time some five year old got hurt in a battle between you and “Moocor the Dinsosaur-Cow from Space Wyoming,” there would be a dozen bills introduced in Congress to curtail your activities. The IRS would wonder if you’ve paid your taxes on your rocket cycle. The Environmental Protection Agency would demand that you submit to a 10-year study of the environmental impact of your laser eyes. Keep in mind that we’re talking about people who want to regulate the size of the sodas you’re allowed to drink. You think they’re just going to roll with it when you throw a city bus at a space Dinosaur-Cow that’s eating the Planet Hollywood sign?