Sunday, June 19, 2016

Activists plot ‘world’s largest fart-in’ during Hillary’s DNC speech

American Mirror

"Far-left activists aren’t going away quietly — or with a pleasant aroma."

Hillary Clinton hold nose

. . . "Cheri Honkala, head of Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, is organizing the world’s largest ‘fart-in’ to be held on July 28 at Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center during Hillary Clinton’s anticipated Democratic nomination acceptance speech.
“ 'We will be holding a massive bean supper for Bernie Sanders delegates on American Street in my Kensington neighborhood on the afternoon of July 28,” Honkala says, TruthDig reports.
“ 'We are setting up a Clintonville there, modeled on the Hoovervilles of the 1930s where the poor and unemployed built shanty towns. The Sanders delegates, their bellies full of beans, will be able to return to the Wells Fargo Center and greet the rhetorical flatulence of Hillary Clinton with the real thing.”
"Activists have invited Bernie Sanders to join their bean supper, which Honkala has dubbed “Beans for Hillary.”
“ 'Any remaining beans will be served to the homeless, although we will, of course, be urging Sanders delegates to eat as much as possible,” she says." . . .

Victor Davis Hanson: Politics, Not Personalities, Will Likely Determine the Presidential Election

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

National Review  . . . "True, both candidates are notorious flip-floppers and opportunists who seem to lack deeply held beliefs. But for now, Clinton is pledged to the progressive wing of the Democratic party and has largely repudiated many of the centrist agenda items of her husband Bill Clinton’s 1990s administration. And Trump, for all his contradictions, is, at least for the moment, far more conservative than Clinton. Neither Trump nor Clinton is viewed by the other side as a centrist.Why? For all the flaws of both presidential candidates — Trump is an undisciplined political amateur, Clinton a compromised and scripted establishmentarian — they will still advance political agendas that are markedly at odds and represent radically different views of America’s proper future." . . .

How politicians responded to the Orlando shooting

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino

WaPo  "After the deadly shooting in an Orlando nightclub on June 12, some in politics pushed for stricter gun control while others asked for prayers. GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump ignited controversy with his tweets. (Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post)"

Lewinsky Freaked Out After Bill Clinton Allegedly Had Affair With Mondale’s Daughter

Weasel Zippers

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"Via NY Post:"
President Bill Clinton had an affair with former Vice President Walter Mondale’s daughter — while multitasking with at least two mistresses in the White House — according to a tell-all by a Secret Service officer who guarded the Oval Office.
Gary J. Byrne’s account of walking in on Clinton and the gorgeous Eleanor Mondale, then a TV journalist, is the first eyewitness report of the long-rumored affair.
“There before us was E! Network host Eleanor Mondale . . . and President Clinton in a compromising position, that is, making out on the Map Room table,” Byrne writes of the alleged Christmastime tryst around the middle of Clinton’s presidency.
Mondale, who was romantically linked to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Eagles drummer Don Henley, died in 2011 of brain cancer at age 51. She had maintained she and Clinton were “just friends.”
Byrne’s book, “Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience With Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate,” out June 28, depicts a cheating Bill Clinton and an unstable and tyrannical Hillary Clinton.

Trump is running as Trump. Surprise!

Charles Krauthammer  . . . "Six weeks into Donald Trump’s general election campaign, Republicans are discovering that he indeed intends to run as Donald Trump. He has boasted that he could turn “presidential” — respectful, respectable, reticent, reserved bordering on boring — at will. Apparently, he can’t.
GOP leaders who fell in line behind Trump after he clinched the nomination expected, or at least hoped, that he would prove malleable, willing to adjust his more extreme positions and tactics to suit a broader electorate.
"Two problems. First, impulse control: Trump says what he actually feels, whatever comes into his head at any moment. Second, a certain logic: Trump won the primaries Sinatra-style, his way — against the odds, the experts and the conventional rules. So why change now? “You win the pennant,” Trump explained, “and now you’re in the World Series — you gonna change?' ”. . . 
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Down the Memory Hole: In 2008 Obama campaign booted 3 newspapers off his campaign plane

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Thomas Lifson  "The mainstream media have been hysterical this week in their response to Donald Trump’s revocation of the Washington Post’s campaign press credentials in response to coverage and headlines so unfair that the paper went back and changed them.  Yet those same media outlets remained silent in 2008 when the Obama presidential campaign booted 3 major newspapers that had been writing unfavorably about the campaign off its press plane. Joe Concha of Mediaite remembers what happened 8 years ago, and contrasts the media response in the two instances:
The year was 2008. The candidate had a big lead in the polls going into election day. And in a preview of how petulant he would be act as Commander-in-Chief as it pertains to his treatment of the press, Barack Obama decided he didn’t like what three newspapers were writing about him, so he kicked its reporters off his campaign plane

Here are some non PC words you had better avoid as the truth often upsets!

The Real Politically Incorrect WebRing 

 "Please use the PC alternative...."

AliveTemporarily metabolically abled.
BaldFollicularly challenged
Body OdourNon discretionary fragrance
Broken HomeDysfunctional family
CaretakerSite Engineer
ClumsyUniquely coordinated
CriminalBehaviourally challenged
DeadLiving impaired
DishonestEthically disoriented
DrunkChemically inconvenienced
DustmanSanitation Engineer
FailAchieve a deficiency
FairyPetite airborne humanoid with mystical powers
FatHorizontally challenged
Foreign FoodEthnic cuisine
GhettoEconomically disadvantaged area
GirlfriendUnpaid sex worker
GossipSpeedy transmission of near-factual information
HousewifeDomestic Engineer
IgnorantKnowledge-based non-possessor
Illegal AliensUndocumented Immigrants
JailerCustodial Artist
JungleRain Forest
LateRescheduled arrival time
LazyMotivationally deficient
LumberjackTree Murderer
Natural DisasterGlobal Warming occurrence
ProstituteSex worker
Sex changeGender reassignment
ShortVertically challenged
ShyConversationally selective
SpendthriftNegative saver
TalkativeAbundantly verbal
TallVertically enhanced
Trailer ParkMobile Home community
TrampHomeless person
UglyCosmetically different
UnemployedInvoluntarily leisured
VagrantNonspecifically destinationed individual
White TrashWhite Trash
WorstLeast best
WrongDifferently logical
Conclusion: Political correctness changes our language to reflect left wing ideas.

'Why not Texit?': Texas nationalists look to the Brexit vote for inspiration

The Guardian

Texas secession

. . . "Culturally, too, we are a long way from Europe. Heck, we are even a long way from Dallas. But the referendum matters deeply to Miller and like-minded Texans. As the president of the Texas Nationalist Movement, which wants Texas to secede from the United States, he is hoping for a Leave vote that he believes will ripple all the way from Austria to Austin.
“ 'There are a lot of people asking, if Brexit why not Texit?” he says. “I do talk with some folks over there on a pretty regular basis that are involved in Ukip and the Conservative party.”
"The night before we met, Miller addressed a local Tea Party group, drawing parallels between Brexit and Texit, which the TNM is pushing as a hashtag. In Miller’s telling, Britain’s relationship with Europe was a marriage of convenience between ill-suited partners that has become stormy and ripe for divorce on grounds of irreconcilable differences, with too much sovereignty ceded to an ineffective central bureaucracy and too much hard-earned money sent elsewhere." . . .