Friday, October 15, 2010

MTV Casting Call Pays Off: Obama Pitched Only Softballs at Townhall

Big Hollywood  "From what I gather, these cherry-picked students, which are supposed to reflect young America – only care about issues that make Obama seem like a caring sensitive dad: anti-bully, gay rights, race issues, and stuff about “political rhetoric” – a jab at Obama haters. Oh yeah – don’t’ forget “environmental justice,” whatever that is. Sure, a tea party question popped up, but Obama managed even to nail them, if only a little."

The Democratic ‘D’ Now Stands for Demagoguery

Michael Barone   "Back in January, the president attacked the Supreme Court for ruling that corporations and unions have First Amendment speech rights and pointed to the possibility that foreigners might try to influence American election outcomes. Now he and his spokesmen on the campaign trail and on Sunday interview programs are charging that outfits like the Chamber of Commerce are smuggling foreign money into the campaign.
"Their evidence? Well, there isn’t much, as even the New York Times, the Washington Post, and agree.
"The smoking gun? The Chamber of Commerce collects $100,000 in membership dues from foreigners out of a $200 million operating budget and spends some of that budget on campaign ads. But Obama uber-adviser David Axelrod says it’s up to the chamber to prove it’s innocent."

Your Pre-Election Post-Mortem

Charles Krauthammer "When the election is over, prizes and trophies and hosannas will be issued left and right. But why wait? As a public service, I present an infallibly prescient scorecard of best and worst of 2010."