Review here. |
Jewish World Review "Back in the heyday of the British Empire, a man from one of the colonies addressed a London audience.
" 'Please do not do any more good in my country," he said. "We have suffered too much already from all the good that you have done."
"That is essentially the message of an outstanding new book by Jason Riley about blacks in America. Its title is "Please Stop Helping Us.' "
"As an experienced journalist, rather than an academic, Riley knows how to use plain English to get to the point. He also has the integrity to give it to you straight, instead of in the jargon and euphemisms too often found in discussions of race. The result is a book that provides more knowledge and insight in a couple of hundred pages than are usually found in books twice that length." ...
Jason Riley: ‘Blacks Ultimately Must Help Themselves’
What those policies have done is foster an excessive dependence on government in the black community, he says in the book, which the Democratic Party and opportunistic black leaders are using to further their own agenda.
“Democrats have a vested interest in black dependency on government,” Riley told The Daily Caller. “It’s one way that Democrats keep blacks loyal — they present themselves as the party who gives people things.”
What those policies have done is foster an excessive dependence on government in the black community, he says in the book, which the Democratic Party and opportunistic black leaders are using to further their own agenda.
“Democrats have a vested interest in black dependency on government,” Riley told The Daily Caller. “It’s one way that Democrats keep blacks loyal — they present themselves as the party who gives people things.”

"Imagine all that and you would have British comedian Russell Brand lecturing author, Fox News contributor and member of the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Jason Riley on how to think black."
In this video he actually IS a liberal in a limousine.