"In the article, Moody's economist Mark Zandi said:
“Tariffs threaten to strangle the global golden goose,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. “The global economy is on the same page for the first time in over a decade. This threatens to derail it.”

"As Obama stacked regulation upon regulation, it was similar to adding tariffs to whatever the regulations applied to -- and the media cheered.
"Obamacare also added many new taxes and mandates and each added costs (equivalent to tariffs) to the product. As prices went up, businesses had less money to hire more people and people had less money left over to buy other products or services or to invest and save -- and not once do I recall the media worrying about the taxes and regulations slowing down the economy.
"The biggest quasi-tariff of all -- and the most potential destruction to the global economy -- was the Paris Climate Accord." . . .