Tuesday, June 7, 2016

JINOs Demand Dems Make Anti-Israel Platform

To be more accurate, Ms. Schlussel actually wrote, "JINOs: J Street Pigs Demand Dems Make Anti-Israel Platform

Debbie Schlussel

"These Nazi Schmucks* . . ."
"Are The Same As These Nazi Schmucks . . ."


"As I’ve always said, Jews are the Jews’ worst enemies. And so it goes not just with that jerk Bernie Sanders–who deliberately picked two anti-Israel cretins to be on the Dem’s Platform Committee–but also with J Street. The Jew-hating organization, parading as a “pro-Israel” and “Jewish” group, is demanding that the Democratic Party make its platform for anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian."
. . . 
"And in case you didn’t know, J Street is funded by former real-life Nazi George Soros (who personally rounded up and deported Jews to the death camps on behalf of the Nazis) and a number of Muslims from the Middle East are funders and financiers of J Street and its chief kapo schmuck-in-chief, Jeremy Ben-Ami.
"With “Jews” like J Street, who needs enemies? There is a reason I call them JINOs (Jews In Name Only; Va-JINOs for the female version)."
* "Schmuck or shmuck in American English is a pejorative meaning one who is stupid or foolish; or an obnoxious, contemptible or detestable person. The word entered English from Yiddish (שמאָק, shmok), where it has similar pejorative meanings, but its original meaning is . . . "guess what?

NYC Spends $265G To Urge People To Use Restroom Of Their Choice

Weasel Zippers

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"Via Fox News:
New York City has spent $265,000 in taxpayer funds to make sure everyone knows they can use the bathroom of their choice, with a massive ad campaign urging residents, commuters and tourists to “Look past pink and blue.”
The ads, which urge readers to “Use the restroom consistent with who you are,” feature transgender models and are set to be featured in subway cars, bus shelters, phone booths, local newspapers, digital ads and social media promotions. Most will be printed in either English or Spanish, though some community newspaper ads will be written in Korean, Chinese, Russian and Bengali.
End quote.

Obama Now Selling ‘Pride’ T-Shirts On Twitter…

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Mr. Trump! Please read all this! Now!

I have a bad feeling about this election. TD

Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Memo to Mr Trump: Talk jobs, jobs, and more jobs!  
. . . "Mr. Trump: Read Reagan's speeches and start sounding like him! The state of the U.S. economy favors the outsider or challenger. Of course, this is assuming that Trump talks about the lousy economy rather than a lot of other stuff!"

Trump’s Outrageous Attack on Judge Curiel   . . . "Now, Trump is using his bully pulpit to slander Curiel — and in the process undermining the notion of an impartial rule of law. The country and Judge Curiel deserve better.

Trump may not just hand the Presidency to the Democrats but the Congress as well! All Obama's executive orders will then have the force of law. 
    Trump Complicates Ayotte’s Re-election Effort in N.H.
"But when she filed for re-election on Wednesday, Democrats tied her directly to a new Republican faction no one foresaw a year ago: Donald Trump’s."
Here it comes: "Ayotte-Trump"; "Your candidate-Trump".

Trump on Order From His Campaign Staff: 'Throw It The Hell Out'
. . . "The report seems to add to the perception that Trump's campaign is unstable. It isn't unusual for a candidate's message to fail, but it is very unusual for the candidate to contradict the messaging his staff has created." . . .

Trump Orders Surrogates to Intensify Criticism of Judge and Journalists  "An embattled Donald Trump urgently rallied his most visible supporters to defend his attacks on a federal judge´s Mexican ancestry during a conference call on Monday in which he ordered them to question the judge´s credibility and impugn reporters as racists." (Lucianne)

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Pat Buchanan: The Donald & The La Raza Judge   . . . "Just this. First, Trump has a perfect right to be angry about the judge's rulings and to question his motives. Second, there are grounds for believing Trump is right. 

"On May 27, Curiel, at the request of The Washington Post, made public plaintiff accusations against Trump University ­­ that the whole thing was a scam. The Post, which Bob Woodward tells us has 20 reporters digging for dirt in Trump's past, had a field day. 

"And who is Curiel? 

"An appointee of President Obama, he has for years been associated with the La Raza Lawyers Association of San Diego, which supports pro­illegal immigrant organizations." . . .

On Judges, Trump Undermines One of the Only Good Reasons to Vote for Him   . . . "At the same time, CNN reports GOP poobahs are starting to fret that if Trump doesn't cool it, he's going to alienate Latino voters to the point that the GOP loses badly in down-ticket contests. "The concern is -- do we get to the point that all the money in the world doesn't matter?" one GOP donor tells CNN. "We're obviously not there right now, but stupid s--- like this really makes you wonder.' "

A Secret Service Agent Remembers. (No, this is a different agent)

He is this man:

Elise Cooper       Five Presidents by Clint Hill with Lisa McCubbin is a nonfiction book written as a page turning historical novel. People might not recognize the author, but the photo of him jumping on the Presidential car is engrained in most everyone’s mind. He is the Secret Service agent who heroically leaped onto the Kennedy car in Dallas after the president was shot. American Thinker had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Hill.

"In 2017, President Kennedy would have turned one hundred years of age. Knowing that people have played Monday morning quarterback for decades about the JFK assassination, Hill dispelled some of the rumors: “I don’t think what the FBI knew would have made a difference. Nothing indicated Lee Harvey Oswald had a grievance against President Kennedy. There was no conspiracy because no one would have utilized a guy like Oswald, who was not intelligent or capable enough for anyone to put trust in him. The reason I ran to the car and not the other agents was how we were situated. After the first shot was fired I began to turn toward that noise. In doing so my eyes passed across the Presidential vehicle. I saw the president react to the first shot. The agents on the right running board turned away from the President and did not realize he had been hit. The car did not initially speed up because the driver apparently heard and thought perhaps the noise was a blown tire. He eventually accelerated, but with a big heavy car acceleration does not happen instantaneously.”
. . . 
"Five Presidents illuminates the lives of each leader in an insightful way. Hill has allowed readers to take the memory journey with him as he opens up about the private world he observed. This book is an incredible inside account."