Sunday, May 15, 2022

Biden administration warns of new COVID wave… just in time for fall midterm elections

"100 million, huh? Oddly enough, that’s just about the number of mail-in votes Democrats will likely receive in the mid-term elections. Weird how that works."


Image by The Slammer.

 American Thinker   "It’s an oldie but a goodie: the Biden Regime is telling us to brace ourselves for a new wave of COVID coming this fall…  just in time for the midterm elections. When something proves successful, you’d be a fool not to try it again, right? COVID fears led to mail-in balloting… which in turn allowed Biden to be “elected” president of the United States. Therefore, Democrats and their sycophants believe that reintroducing those fears can keep Congressional Democrats in power -- against all odds. Perhaps lightning can strike twice. (Mules on your marks… get set… go!)

"Without offering up any information to support the claim, a senior Biden administration official recently projected that up to 100 million Americans – nearly 1/3 of the population – could get infected with COVID-19 COVID-20 COVID-21 COVID-22 this fall and early winter if Congress doesn’t provide more funding for vaccines and other treatments. And if they are allowed to vote in person, of course.

"Given the staggeringly high rate of new cases among the fully vaccinated, that might not be too far-fetched. Several so-called “experts” agreed that another major COVID wave could be around the corner due to the waning efficacy of the various COVID vaccines.

"A report in the Washington Post noted the warning by “a senior administration official” during a background briefing. The report stated: “In forecasting 100 million potential infections during a cold-weather wave later this year and early next, the official did not present new data or make a formal projection. Instead, he described the fall and winter wave as a scenario based on a range of outside models of the pandemic. Those projections assume that omicron and its subvariants will continue to dominate community spread, and there will not be a dramatically different strain of the virus, the official said, acknowledging the pandemic’s course could be altered by many factors.”". . .

Violence — The calling card of the Democrat Party


Violence — The calling card of the Democratic Party (  "The Democrat Party has embraced violence as its modus operandi. The party has sent a message to its adherents that anything goes in the pursuit of power—from weaponizing the FBI and IRS against political opponents, to rigging elections, to the use of violence. Democrats will not hesitate to deprive you of your basic rights if it suits their purpose. If that entails violent behavior aimed at you, too bad.

"A classic example of Democratic Party-supported violence is occurring as mobs attempt to intimidate conservative Supreme Court justices by protesting in front of their homes. Although this is expressly prohibited by federal law, you won’t see the Democrat-controlled Justice Department taking action against the protestors. Breaking the law has become acceptable.

"To mask its love of violence, the Democratic Party has used groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter as surrogates. Mark Levin calls Antifa “the paramilitary wing of the Democratic Party.” They show up everywhere with the intention of shutting down free speech. We don’t hear much about it because the mainstream media is the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party. Hitler used similar tactics in the 1930s. Hitler’s thugs targeted communists and Jews; Antifa vilifies conservatives and Trump supporters. Our liberal mobs believe their mission is to physically assault anyone who happens to be conservative. They feel justified in doing all the things that the Nazi Party did in Germany.

"Antifa is the contemporary version of Hitler’s Brownshirts, whose objective, says Dinesh D’Souza, is to “beat people into obeisance.” With the support of Democrat mayors and governors, violent Antifa mobs have trashed our cities, assaulted Trump supporters, and provided justification for more government control over the individual. What has the DOJ done to stop it? Nothing.". . . Full article at BPR

Abortion is death for the unborn but it’s life for the Democrat Party

‘It’s wrong!’: Maher blasts Psaki for being 'down with' protests at justices' homes

‘It’s wrong!’: Maher blasts Psaki for being 'down with' protests at justices' homes (

 Comedian Bill Maher blasted protests outside Supreme Court justices’ homes and chided former White House press secretary Jen Psaki for being “down with” them.

"During a panel discussion about the abortion debate on his Real Time With Bill Maher show, the HBO host said Psaki was indirectly taking a position of support for the protests with her announcement on May 6 that she did not have “an official U.S. government position on where people protest.” He was addressing pro-abortion rights activists gathered outside the homes of conservative Supreme Court justices who reportedly backed a leaked draft majority opinion in Dobbs v. Women’s Health Organization that would overturn Roe v. Wade.

“ 'But we do!” Maher countered. “It’s wrong! It’s intimidation! It’s against the law!” He also showed video of the demonstrations and noted they did not appear "terribly violent," but Maher exclaimed, "Would you want this outside your house?". . .

. . .“I think that’s when Democrats were aligned with most Americans,” Maher said. “I think that’s what most Americans want — safe, legal, and rare."

" 'That’s not where the Democrats are now," Maher continued. "They don’t say that anymore. In fact, their own caucus on this in the House this week said, 'We don’t want to call it ‘choice’ anymore.' Because something, something racism, [it’s] ‘decision’ now. They’re even talking about using ‘pro-abortion.’ No one should be pro-abortion.' ”

While on this subject: 'Call a Doctor or Pediatrician' - Psaki When Asked What Parents Should Do if They Can't Find Baby Formula (VIDEO) (

Psaki-ism pstrategy is to refer the questioner to anyone but her. "I would refer you to....."