Max Boot "America’s role, as the champion of liberty, should be to usher Mubarak out of power as quickly and painlessly as possible in order to avert further bloodshed and to make it harder for malign elements to take advantage of the disorder for their own nefarious purposes. We did not do enough to aid democrats in Russia in 1917 or in Iran in 1979; in both cases, we stuck with a discredited ancien regime until it was too late and reacted too slowly to revolutionary upheavals. Let us not repeat that mistake in Egypt."
Daniel Pipes: Turmoil in Egypt; Why the military, not the Muslim Brotherhood, will come out on top "But revolutions are hard to pull off and I predict that Islamists will not achieve a Middle East-wide breakthrough and Tehran will not emerge as the key power broker. Some thoughts behind this conclusion:"...
Thoughts on Chaos, Revolution, and Radicalism "In short, at some point soon, we are going to have to come out and express our support for a non-Islamist constitutional state, period — without any Carter-esque talk of “moderate” Islamists."
Krauthammer Questions Obama’s Need To Make Ambiguous Public Statements On Egypt "Although Krauthammer did praise the strategy of being ambiguous in public and specific in private, he still thought it was not advisable for Obama to be injecting himself into the story and questioned “why does he pop up on television right after the President of Egypt speaks? He did that on Friday and he does it again today.” Expressing general solidarity with people in the streets is fine, but Krauthammer feared “it looks as if it was our decision, our pressure, and I’m not sure that we want a direct connection between our President and Egypt.”"
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Who Tossed Egypt (to the Wolves)? "Still, it appears that the Obama Administration has been “reaching out” for some time to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt among other places, including here in the United States. Most obviously, as Sean Hannity noted on his program with me and Egyptian expatriate author and former Muslim Nonie Darwish last night, President Obama insisted that Muslim Brotherhood representatives be included in the audience for his speech in Cairo in June 2009."
Thoughts on Chaos, Revolution, and Radicalism "In short, at some point soon, we are going to have to come out and express our support for a non-Islamist constitutional state, period — without any Carter-esque talk of “moderate” Islamists."