..."Asked first to react to the president’s press conference, Cooke said that it might be “the lowest I’ve ever seen him.”
“ 'He looked broken,” he added. “And he flailed. He filibustered when he was given the Iran question in the middle, for example. He talked at length. He just desperately didn’t want to talk about health care.' ”
39 Democrats Break With Obama to Pass Upton 'Fix' "The Upton bill now goes to the Senate. Sen. Mary Landrieu is sponsoring legislation that is similar to Rep. Upton's, except that it would require insurance companies to continue offering the individual plans. Upton's bill would allow them to offer the plans, but not require them to do so."
10 Senate Dems Who Should Apologize for ObamaCare
Obamacare: How Is Incompetence a Defense? "President Barack Obama made several excuses for himself and his party in an attempt to minimize the damage the Obamacare debacle will cause Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections. All of these excuses, however, try to use incompetence to excuse failure."
The Washington Post Pinocchios "Getting another three Pinocchios from the Post for blaming health insurance companies for people losing their health coverage didn’t do it. But finally, hearing an earful from 16 panicked Democratic senators apparently got through to the president, convincing him that he needed to come clean because their constituents are so outraged over ObamaCare’s failings."
Obama channels 'Animal House' at presser "You screwed up...You trusted us."
The President Is Losing His Plan "The callous disregard for the very idea of law inherent in this manner of governing is matched by the overt cynicism of the move itself: After having created the circumstances in which millions of people lose their health coverage, the administration imagines this latest move can allow Democrats to say that the president and his health reform are not at fault but insurers and state insurance commissioners are because, after all, although they have had to prepare to follow the law for three years they now have thirty days to prepare to ignore it."