Friday, September 9, 2011

The "truther" movement (Updated)

We go first to that engineering elite, Rosie O'Donnell to discuss the lie that one can actually melt steel with fire.
I don't know who is scarier: Rosie or the audience that applauds her.

Where's the Wikileaks proof that 9/11 was an inside job?   Posted in the Tunnel Wall on Dec 20, 2010

World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest "If the sprinkler system in WTC 7 had been working, it is likely that "the fires in WTC 7 would have been controlled and the collapse prevented.""

Were Jews warned to stay home on 9-11?   FALSE . Snopes refutes this.

9-11 conspiracy theories  "In a 2008 poll of 17 countries, 15% of those surveyed believed the US government was responsible for the attacks, 7% believed Israel was and another 7% believed some other perpetrator, other than al Qaeda, was responsible. The poll found that respondents in the Middle East were more likely to name a perpetrator other than al Qaeda. The most prominent conspiracy theory is that the collapse of the World Trade Center and 7 World Trade Center were the result of a controlled demolition rather than structural weakening due to fire. Another prominent belief is that the Pentagon was hit by a missile launched by elements from inside the U.S. government or that a commercial airliner was allowed to do so via an effective standdown of the American military. Motives cited by conspiracy theorists include justifying the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and geostrategic interests in the Mideast, including pipeline plans launched in the early 1990s by Unocal and other oil companies.

And then there are people like Rosie O'Donnell.

9-11 Audio and sound

Fighting Islamic Terror: A Personal Duty  "Stop waiting for the government to get this fight right. Do what you can on your own."

The 9/11 Tapes: The Story in the Air  "Select a clip from the menu on the left-hand side. The transcript will automatically scroll as the audio is played. Note: Some audio contains explicit language and disturbing content." 
Related article:  Newly Published Audio Provides Real-Time View of 9/11 Attacks

NY Fire Department's 9/11 Radio Dispatches "The Fire Department of New York's radio dispatches from the morning and early afternoon of 9/11. For over three years, they fought in court to keep these recordings secret but were finally forced to release them in August 2005."

Many more UK Guardian links on 9-11 here.

This is a recording of one of those who was in the towers when it collapsed.  His name was Kevin Cosgrove.   His memorial site here.

Inside the WTC lobby at the moment of collapse

There are many other links as well, but we had to be circumspect in our choices; many sites are "truther sites". More on these in a later post featuring the intellect of Rosie O'Donnell. TD

The 9-11 Threat (Updated)

Federal Authorities Probe Possible Terror Threat Around 9/11 Anniversary  "Details trickled in throughout the evening. The potential threat is said to focus on New York City or Washington, D.C., and involves possible suspects tied to Al Qaeda, sources said. Authorities have received a "general description" of two or three possible suspects but don't necessarily have names, one source said. Authorities are trying to determine if such suspects might already be in the U.S."  Graphic images from 9-11-2001

Al-Qaeda planning 9/11 anniversary attack?  "The general info on the threat was developed from intel we got in Abbottabad after killing Osama. Allah takes that one step further and points to the recent capture of al-Qaeda's international operations chief in Pakistan as a possible source for more specific information:"...

Al Jazeera: Officials say manhunt is under way for suspects as New York and Washington raise security ahead of attacks' anniversary.

Three Al Qaeda Suspects Sought in ‘Credible But Unconfirmed’ 9/11 Terror Threat  "The plot has been linked to three "seasoned" Al Qaeda operatives, whose common names have made their location difficult to determine, the Daily News reports. One of the suspects is an American citizen and two of them are thought to have U.S. documentation. The men are believed to have entered the United States through the Pakistan and the United Kingdom last month, with the Times reporting that they came originally from Afghanistan, selected by Osama Bin Laden's successor Ayman al-Zawahiri to set off vehicular attacks on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday."

How al Qaeda Prepares Attacks against the West: What the July 7-8 Rollup Revealed  "We should not expect al Qaeda-linked attacks against the West to occur independently of one another. Instead, the network of violent Islamist movements led by al Qaeda produces and manages attacks against the West through a three-phase terror attack assembly line: recruiting, pre-deployment and training, and coordination with deployed operatives prior to attacks."

Ten Years Later: New Video Of Flight 93 Aftermath Surfaces

Let's Discuss The Obama speech to Congress

Which word was missing from Obama’s speech last night?  "If Obama was serious about economic expansion, we’d have heard a serious approach to domestic energy production last night.  The fact that we didn’t demonstrates Obama’s lack of depth in economics, perhaps even more than his retread of Porkulus did."
Here is the Text of Obama's speech; look for any trace of an energy discussion.

Fact Sheet: The American Jobs Act   From The Council on Foreign Relations.

Hugh Hewitt: The Speech That Broke The Patience of the Country?   "If the president refuses to engage the country or his political opposition seriously, then the country should revoke the presumption that the president deserves a serious hearing.
"The speech was a joke, and the man who gave it is perilously close to becoming one as well."

 Michael Barone: The unhappy warrior  "When Barack Obama says, “This isn’t political grandstanding,” you have a pretty good clue that that is exactly what it is. Lest anyone doubt that, consider this from the third-to-last paragraph. “You should pass it. And I intend to take that message to every corner of the country.”" NBC First Read calls the speech "The Fiery Obama" and says it was the Obama his base wanted to see. Stephen Hayes and Charles Krauthammer referred to it as the first campaign speech ever given before Congress.

Reaction Roundup: Heritage Responds to Obama’s Jobs Speech One contributor's thought: "The President tonight missed an opportunity to constructively address one of the major problems facing the economy: regulation.
"After acknowledging that “there are some rules and regulations that put an unnecessary burden on businesses, and claiming credit for the small steps taken so far toward reform, he then slipped into a rhetorical — and rather cartoonish — description of the issue.
" “What we can’t do,” he said, “is let this economic crisis be used as an excuse to wipe out the basic protections that Americans have counted on for decades. I reject the idea that we need to ask people to choose between their jobs and their safety.” " 
Another Heritage contributor also noted the absence of the word "energy".

Pajamas Media:  Obama Versus the Strawmen  "During his jobs speech, the president offered as the alternative to his approach a collection of absurd positions suggesting the Republicans want the end of government." ....
"This president can not make any speech on the economy without injecting a class warfare approach. He did it again tonight, calling for millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share, and offering another strawman test"...
One of the Marx brothers.
 Obama can not be taken seriously as anything other than the proverbial bull in a china shop: destructive in the extreme and anything he accomplishes that makes America stronger is caused by sheer dumb luck. TD

Heritage: More ‘Stimulus’ from President Obama  "...President Obama is insisting Congress immediately pass a bill that doesn’t exist. No legislative details have been offered; nothing has been scored by the Congressional Budget Office; there has been no debate or negotiation; and there is no accompanying plan on how to pay for it. "  (Emphasis added)

Lloyd Marcus: Obama's Despicable Jobs Speech  "Obama's jobs speech was reminiscent of a cliché scene in cowboy movies. A loud mouth guy stands on the steps of the jail-house and enrages the crowd to overrule the sheriff, drag out the prisoner and hang him without a trial."

Rick Moran:  The 'hidden meaning' found in Obama's words  "...people have lost confidence in Obama's ability to do anything positive for the economy. Once the feel good rhetoric fades away, the stark reality of a nation in crisis with a president who doesn't know what he's doing will return.
No need for "code words" to figure that one out.

Thomas Lifson:  Using a Joint Session of Congress as a Prop; "Make no mistake: the president cheapened and degraded the majesty of an address to both Houses of Congress. We have every reason to expect that with the precedent now set, Joint Sessions are fair game for appropriation by future presidents seeking a majestic backdrop for political posturing."

Boortz: So … what did we hear in Ruler Obama’s speech? "I worked to try to distil it into [six] basic points."  Also at this source: Class warfareThis is not The American Dream

Dana Milbank: The irrelevancy of the Obama presidency  "Obama spoke quickly, urgently, even angrily. Rep. Jesse Jackson ... stared at the ceiling. Rep. Peter Welch ... scanned the gallery. Rep. Jim Moran ... was seen reading a newspaper. And Republicans, when they weren’t giggling, were mostly silent."
Obama: Paul Ryan Is Right "“Millions of Americans rely on Medicare in their retirement….But with an aging population and rising health care costs, we are spending too fast to sustain the program. And if we don’t gradually reform the system while protecting current beneficiaries, it won’t be there when future retirees need it. We have to reform Medicare to strengthen it.”
"Isn’t that what Paul Ryan and the House Republicans have been saying for months, while Obama has been busy demagoguing their plan?"

Real Hope for a Change

The Patriot Post   "The solution isn't even a return to the status quo as it stood before the current administration began its war on American exceptionalism. We cannot return to a system that alternates between Republican and Democratic Progressives. We must make a break with the post-Reagan past. We must return to the fundamentals that made America the greatest nation the world has ever known: individual liberty and free enterprise safe guarded by a written constitution, and a federal representative republic operating on democratic principles.
"The solution is simple. How we get there is the subject of this article and hopefully a sign pointing in the direction of change."

This article then discusses what the author feels this nation must do:
"First we have to unleash the primary engine of our greatness, our people."....
"Next we have to unleash our corporations."....
"What about foreign Affairs?"....Given the present world situation, I do not see how this Ron Paulish policy can be implemented, as much as we might like to.
The article finishes with this: "Our current leaders work to manage the decline of America. However, those of us who refuse to accept the inevitability of this decline can turn it around. We can stand in the gap and bring forth the re-birth of America. So, if we have the will and the courage we can have some real hope for a change."
This is posted only for your consideration and the Tunnel Wall does not necessarily agree with all this author's points, such as his view of banks. I cannot say that I want a Pelosi-Reid-led congress to have that much control over our money.
Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion for Southside Virginia Community College. He is the author of the History of the Future @ View the trailer for Dr. Owens' latest book @ © 2010 Robert R. Owens