Phyllis Chesler "To the Editor:
"According to "In Spite of the Law, Afghan 'Honor Killings' of Women Continue" (news article, May 4), neither Sharia law nor Western law has any power over tribal law, which drives the honor killing of women. This is partly true since tribal law also drives religion-based and caste-related honor killings of women — and men — in India.
"But tribal tradition is also viewed as "religious" by both Muslims and Hindus, and while the Indian government has condemned and passed increasingly strong legislation against honor killings, the same cannot be said of the Afghan government.
"No Afghan mullahs cry out against this practice of human sacrifice. Such indigenous practices were not caused by the West or by foreign invasions. One wonders what it will take to end these murderous, misogynist customs.
"Conservative pundit George Will delivered a fierce attack on Common Core last night, characterizing the educational standards as a way for progressives to further promote their political views.
“ 'This is a thin end of an enormous wedge of federal power that will be wielded for the constant progressive purpose of concentrating power in Washington so that it can impose continental solutions to problems nationwide,” Will said on Fox News’ “Special Report.”
"He also warned Americans that the federal standards posed a significant threat to local autonomy.
“ 'The advocates of the Common Core say, if you like local control of your schools, you can keep it, period. If you like your local curriculum you can keep it, period, and people don’t believe them for very good reasons,” Will remarked."