Babylon Bee: Pope Announces Any Time Spent Watching 'The View' Counts As Time Served In Purgatory "The pope said the exchange rate for time is about 1 hour of The View for a "good six months" of purification in purgatory."
Part 1 The bottom of the Barrel “The View” is the oldest all-female talk-show program on commercial TV, now celebrating 26 seasons in 25 years. The program premiered in 1997 with four co-hosts: Meredith Vieira as moderator, Star Jones, Debbie Matenopoulo, and Barbara Walters. Since those early days, there have been many changes in the line-up. Courtney Shea’s “Special Report” in the July 17, 2015 Toronto Star listed 15 different women co-hosts, ranking them in reverse order from worst to best.
"Listed as number 15, Debbie Matenopoulo (1997-98) was “only 22 when The View premiered, Matenopoulo… was quickly dubbed ‘Ditzy Debbie’ by the press and portrayed as ‘the uninformed young one,’ in SNL’s amazing parodies. Beyond that, she failed to leave much of a mark before getting fired in the middle of season two. She probably wasn’t the worst, but who really remembers?”
"Listed as number 5, Barbara Walters (1007-2014), “gets points for imagining a talk show format that has since been copied more times than the Eames chair… Note that in her 17 years at the table, she never really raised her voice against anyone. Instead, like the ultimate gossip madam, she kept it classy and let her girls do the dirty work.”
"Listed as number 1, Joy Behar (1997-2014). “Where to begin?” Shea asks. “Whether talking 50 Shades of Grey with Obama, storming offstage after Bill O’Reilly equated Muslims and terrorists or calling her boss Barbara Walters a slut, Behar could always be relied on to keep things spicy. Her rare talent for making pop sound smart, politics sound sizzling and everything sound hilarious made her the glue that held the panel together for seventeen seasons.”
"All this seems pretty tame, however, compared with what “View” co-host Kathy Griffin did in May of 2017 by posting an online photo showing her holding up the severed head of President Donald Trump.
On the other hand....."A much better source of womanly wisdom is this alphabetical list of fifteen genuine journalists:". . .See Part 2: