Thursday, March 12, 2020

Coronavirus and the pernicious effect of the media’s lies about Donald Trump

By the way, I’m putting the big blame on the media, but Joel Pollak is correct to remind us that Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are doing it too. He’s says what they’re doing is disqualifying. I agree. I’d add that this shows that they are evil people (something I’ve been saying about Bernie for years, given his love for the second deadliest political ideology in the world, with Islam being the first). . .  
Bookworm Room*

The media’s lies about Trump and coronavirus are destructive, even as Trump does his best to slow the disease, allowing time for cures to be developed.

"At the beginning of March, President Trump said that, while the experts predict a 4.5% mortality rate, he thinks it will be lower than that. He noted that a lot of people have very mild cases, so they’re not counted when calculating the mortality rate. Some, he said, have infections so mild, they don’t realize they’ve got coronavirus and they go on with their normal lives. In the context of that statement (which has proven to be correct), Trump said this: “We have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around or even going to work, some of them go to work.”
"When I read that, what I understand Trump to have said is that our mortality rates our skewed upwards because, while we know coronavirus is contagious, we have no way of counting the cases that are so mild people go on with their ordinary lives, including going to work. If you’re only guesstimating the number of people who don’t show up at the ER, you’re going to have a seriously inflated mortality rate.
"But that’s not what the media said Trump said (and no links to scum media):
MSN: “Trump Tells People With Coronavirus To Go To Work” “President Trump makes false claims about coronavirus, suggests you can ‘go to work’ if you’re sick”
Common Dreams: “As CDC Says ‘Do Not Go to Work,’ Trump Says Thousands With Coronavirus Could Go to Work and Get Better
‘These are really dangerous lies.'”
Huffington Post, citing that famous medical expert, Chris Hayes: “Donald Trump Triggers Furious Backlash Over ‘Go To Work’ With Coronavirus Claim: “DEFINITELY DO NOT GO TO WORK IF YOU HAVE CORONAVIRUS PLEASE AND THANK YOU,” MSNBC’s Chris Hayes responded to Trump’s suggestion.”
"You have to be seriously stupid to think that Trump instructed people sick with a very contagious disease to “go to work.” Again, in context, it was obvious that he was saying that we’re undercounting coronavirus because some people have cases so mild that they go to work without realizing they’re sick and, therefore, they never get into the system to be counted." . . .
The media’s hysteria about coronavirus is intended to destroy the American economy because media types are focused single-mindedly on defeating Trump.
. . . "It’s late, so I’m not going to bother citing articles. You’ve seen it for yourself and you can easily confirm that the media attacks every single thing Trump has done. He’s racist, he’s paranoid, he’s lazy, he’s trying to hide things, he doesn’t know what he’s doing, he’s making political calculations, he’s firing important people, he’s not listening to the people around him. This is Trump’s Hurricane Katrina. PEOPLE WILL DIE!!  "That is not reporting; it’s propaganda, and it’s done with a single aim: To keep Trump from being reelected."

How can anyone of sound mind trust or respect Democrats?

First, we saw Democrats and their treatment of Judge Kavanaugh, then in the impeachment demagoguery, their childish behavior during States of the Union addresses, nightly angry briefings on TV. So did you expect them to act with classy bipartisanship during this health crisis?
Tony Branco
GOP Chair Explains, In Terrific Thread, What Dems Were Doing While Admin Has Been Working to Address Wuhan Virus  . . . "Democrats including Joe Biden have lied about Trump saying it was a hoax. Lied about saying the CDC was cut. Lied about Trump muzzling scientists. Biden even put out an ad including the lies, trying to stoke more angst." . . .

The Democrat’s Wuhan Coronavirus Bill Is Disgraceful, Partisan Trash

The Democrat's Wuhan Coronavirus Bill Is Disgraceful, Partisan Trash

"They just can’t help themselves.
"In the face of a declared pandemic, you’d hope that Democrats in the House could put together a decent, clean bill that addresses only immediate issues dealing with the response to the Wuhan coronavirus. That seems like a perfectly reasonable expectation for people who are trusted to do what’s best for the country. But nope, instead of looking to pass something with bi-partisan support that doesn’t contain contentious provisions, Nancy Pelosi decided to do what she always does. Namely, load the bill up with unrelated pork and abortion funding.
"How bad is it? Here’s a thread laying out some of the details.
. . . 
"The last thing this country needs is to start destroying small businesses that are already cash strapped in the midst of this crisis. But Democrats want to not only mandate largely unaffordable giveaways during the Wuhan virus outbreak, they want to mandate it forever. Your average business owner with 5-10 employees simply can not afford to give 14 paid sick leave (not mentioned in the above tweet, but that’s one of the provisions) to their employees during a pandemic, plus another 7 days of paid leave in non-emergency situations. That’s insanity. Heck, most businesses with 50-100 employees can’t even afford that. If the Democrats succeeded in their quest, it would absolutely tank the job market.
"It keeps going though." . . .

First, Pelosi Delayed Vote on a Wuhan Virus Funding Bill, Now She’s Allegedly Trying to Slip in Loophole to Help Abortion in Virus Stimulus Package

A new video of Biden emerges, again showing an old, confused man

Andrea Widburg  "On Tuesday, a viral video showed Biden exploding with rage when a union construction worker asked him how he was going to appeal to the average union man, considering his hostility to the Second Amendment.  Rather than engaging with the man in civil terms, Biden instantly told him, "You're full of s---."  The engagement went downhill from there.
"A short time later, another video taken later the same day emerged.  This one showed Biden walking to his car, surrounded by aides.  As he walked, reporters peppered him with questions about his interaction with the construction worker and about the coronavirus.  Biden appeared to ignore all the questions but for one: a reporter asked him if he had any regrets about his interaction with the voter regarding guns.  Biden had a short response:
" 'Well, I'm surprised that Sanders is joining Trump." . . .

. . . "It’s important to note that not only did this “answer” not have anything to do with the question, it appeared that it wasn’t a response to anything asked by the crowd. It’s unclear what point Biden was trying to get across, if any.
"Although this answer was painted as a “pivot,” it’s clear that the head-scratching statement came out of nowhere.
"Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, still fighting a race against Biden that appears bleaker by the day, is far from teaming up with President Donald Trump. By all measurements, the avowed socialist Sanders is the polar opposite of real-estate mogul and fiery conservative Trump.
"While this latest “gaffe” could be the result of the stresses of the campaign trail, it follows numerous calls for Biden’s mental health to be evaluated."

Who'd believe Governor Newsom would speak the classy words about Trump?

Lies & Fear from Crooked Media, Rabid Liberals Are the Real Viruses Threatening America; They’ll Collapse The Country to Gain Power & YOU ARE Simply a Pawn
"Chronic lies and fear from the crooked media and rabid liberals are the real viruses threatening America and these corrupt entities will employ fear to collapse the entire country to gain power — and You are simply a pawn — a pawn that will pay dearly.
"Are you being played? Again? Bank on it, while you still have somethng left in your account(s), as Thomas Paine details on the new Thomas Paine Podcast on Wednesday and on his Moore Paine Patreon show on Tuesday night. (Listen Below) — Warning, Some Explicit Language (Even an F-bomb by President Trump)" . . .

WATCH: California Gov. Newsom refutes media narrative, says Trump has said and done ‘everything I could have hoped for’ on coronavirus "California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom gave President Donald Trump and his administration full credit for an effective and satisfactory response to the growing coronavirus problem in his state, according to Newsweek.
"As the country deals with the spread of the virus and a continued shortage of available tests, the Trump administration has been criticized heavily by Democratic politicians and the media. Newsom, however, is pleased with how Trump has handled the crisis." . . .
Expect the Mayor to "clarify" his statement when the Liberals come with the torches and pitchforks.

Did Bill Maher Say He Hopes for a Recession ‘to Get Rid of Trump’?
. . . "A few Snopes readers wrote to ask if we could confirm that Maher actually said these words. The plethora of clips shared on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook left little doubt that the quote was authentic." . . .

Forget President Trump. Mr Lemon. How's THIS for "xenophobia"?

Xenophobia "Psychiatry An abnormal/morbid fear of strangers or foreigners. See Phobia."

Chelsea Manning hospitalized after suicide attempt

The attempt came just days before scheduled to appear in court over sanctions related to an investigation of Julian Assange.

"The statement came only a few days before Manning was scheduled to appear at a court hearing on whether sanctions imposed on her after she refused to comply with a grand jury investigation into WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should continue. Manning came to national attention after she leaked classified documents to WikiLeaks and was court-martialed for violating the Espionage Act.
"Manning has claimed that the grand jury investigation was potentially open to abuse, writing in 2019 that it was “an effort to frighten journalists and publishers, who serve a crucial public good.” . . .

PBS reported Manning's leaks were more embarrassing than serious  . . . "The main impact of the leaks, he said, has been a “chilling effect” on foreign officials’ willingness to talk as freely with U.S. diplomats as they had before, according to a transcript of the testimony provided by the Press Freedom Foundation.
. . . "It is “impossible to know what someone is not sharing with you, and that is, in itself, I believe, a risk to national security,” he added." . . .

Hollywood Trashes Trump After Coronavirus Oval Office Address: ‘Dumbest Sack of Sh*t,’ ‘Lethally Destructive Narcissist’

Stephen Colbert: 'You're a Monster'
Breitbart  "The Hollywood left wasted no time to attack President Donald Trump after he addressed the nation from the Oval Office, calling for his removal from office after the president announced his plan to contain the Coronavirus and provide relief for Americans.
"Actress Rosanna Arquette was among the many celebrities calling for the end of Trump’s presidency, saying “his Psychosis has become normalized this is more dangerous than ever the evil empire must go blue no matter what.”
. . . 
"But for Hollywood it was an opportunity to trash the president. Check out their unhinged screeds below."
                            Read the comments of our national elite here.

CNN (a Hollywood go-to source) came up with their usual in their stated mission of getting Trump out of office:  ‘Xenophobia’? 

Jim Acosta                                                                                               Don Lemon                                                           


Dear Diary: Trump's coronavirus plan is...xenophobic. Signed, Jim Acosta  . . . "Meanwhile, Trump's swift action to contain the spread of the virus is precisely why the U.S. has been hit by the virus with far less intensely than Europe's nations, which, like Acosta, just didn't want to seem xenophobic by shutting down travel with China." . . .

CNN's Don Lemon beclowns himself again, launching into John Kasich for praising Trump   "John Kasich, a former Republican who's slid so far left he's probably a Democrat, is no fan of Donald Trump.
"But when he tried to say something on CNN, noting almost as an aside, that Trump's speech on coronavirus was "fine," CNN's most clownish talking head, Don Lemon, went into meltdown." . . .
"Look, I watched the address tonight and I thought it was fine. He did fine," Kasich said. "I'm glad he did the address tonight and I think that was important."However, none of that apparently sat well with the CNN anchor. . . .
 Media Discover ‘Wuhan Virus’ And ‘Chinese Coronavirus’ Are Racist Dog Whistles Just In Time To Attack Republicans

How to Talk to Your Children About Elizabeth Warren

. . . Mystified by empirical evidence, liberal women think their personal narratives make fascinating reading. After all, it’s about THEM! How do I know Trump is a monster? I’ve gained 20 pounds since his election! Their op-eds should begin, “Dear Diary” . . .  Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter  "Some people see Elizabeth Warren’s poor showing on Super Tuesday as just another Democratic hopeful losing her bid.
"I see something darker. I see the ugly heart that beats beneath our supposed “democracy.” Frankly, I’m afraid.
"Warren’s exit from the race is Brett Kavanaugh’s sneering grimace as he attempted to rape and murder Christine Blasey Ford [editor’s note: allegedly]; it is the smirks on the faces of those fascist 14-year-old anti-choice fanatics from Covington, Kentucky; it is our president constantly raping every woman in sight.
"To my children, I say, you will be OK. I won’t sugarcoat it — this is truly horrible. But once we have recovered from this devastating blow, life will go on. You will put one foot in front of the other and …
"I know all women across America agree with me. After Warren dropped out, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell ran “Portraits of Grief” on his nightly show, featuring some of the victims of her failed bid. Rachel Maddow raced to Massachusetts for an exclusive interview with the heroine herself.
"And The New York Times published a piece by Sarah Smarsh titled, “I Am Burning With Fury and Grief Over Elizabeth Warren. And I Am Not Alone.”
"Let me remind you, the Times is the “Newspaper of Record.”
"Some say Smarsh’s op-ed reads like a parody of sexist stereotypes — emotional, childlike, devoid of logic. I say she has proved beyond cavil that Warren’s defeat is an American holocaust.
"Her evidence: