Monday, May 21, 2018

Starbucks Is About To Woke Their Way Out Of Business

"There’s a new policy in place at Starbucks and it has nothing to do with the size of your Grand Chunkachino or whether they spell your name correctly on your cup. The coffee giant has been under increasing pressure from the media and social justice advocates after recent incidents resulting in charges of racism, insensitivity and nearly everything else under the sun. After holding a series of training sessions nationally, the company will now instruct its local managers to make the stores open to anyone who wants to use the restroom or simply hang out there whether they make a purchase or not."
. . . 
"Whatever happened when two black men were arrested at a Starbucks in Philadelphia was obviously handled poorly, but that’s just one store. A certain amount of common sense is required at the local management level to handle such things on a case by case basis. If the company felt that better crafted rules and improved training were required to prevent a repeat of that incident that would be understandable. But now they seem to be going overboard in the opposite direction." . . .

The Starbucks Incident Promotes Weaponization of Phony Racism
. . . "Starbucks gets what it deserves for being so stridently politically correct, but I don’t believe the Starbucks incident had anything to do with racism." . . . 

High ranking Democrats and the media seem to agree. MS-13 gang members here illegally are more welcome than upstanding NRA members

"High ranking Democrats and the media seem to agree.  MS-13 gang members here illegally are more welcome than upstanding NRA members, or even veterans."

Rob Rousseau opines liberally thus:

I would rather my daughter dated a member of MS-13 than a member of the Republican Party

Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen Shows That She Truly Understands Border Security  "Testifying before the Senate Appropriations Committee on Tuesday, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen schooled senators with her strong grasp of immigration enforcement and border security issues.
"Before what would become a heated exchange over her opposition to illegal immigration—because, you know, it’s the law—Nielsen in her opening statement explained what should be obvious to all:" . . .

Tony Branco

What Obama and his political Choom Gang did is far worse than Watergate

Washington Times Editorial

. . . "The Obama administration — with or without the knowledge and direction of President Obama himself — perverted one of the most powerful, clandestine spying operations in the world and used it at the very height of a presidential campaign to spy on political opponents, punish them and, ultimately, silence them through extortion.
"If this was orchestrated without the express knowledge of Mr. Obama, then it reveals just how blatantly he instructed by example the weaponizing of the entire federal government to carry out his low, dishonest and unjust ideology. By any means necessary, one might say. Only instead of being driving by visions of justice, these people were driven by visions of undying power.
"If this conspiracy was carried out at the express direction of Mr. Obama or other high officials in his administration, then they belong in jail. From unmasking of political opponents, to leaking their names to the press, to killing legitimate investigations, to launching politically motivated witch hunts, a racket of this scale could not have been carried out without some major juice and cover at the top levels of the Department of Justice, FBI and the White House.
"The rogue henchmen carrying out the dirty work, as always, presented as perfect, decent and most honest little Boy Scouts like former FBI Director James B. Comey.
"Most of the FBI today must be horrified by the degree to which Mr. Comey and his goon squad handed over the entire mission of the FBI to political hacks inside the Obama administration. Still, there were far too many inside the bureau willing to junk their oath in the name of some kind of higher “justice.” Which is just another way of saying “selling their soul for partisan gain.' ” . . . Full article...

Why "dig up dirt on Hillary" when we have always known it and no leftist cares? They STILL want her as president!

Simply stated, the charge that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to obtain dirt about Hillary is ridiculous and falls apart when one honestly examines Hillary’s record.  Hillary had to pay Steele to make up dirt on President Trump. But the dirt on Hillary is there for anyone who cares to know.

Weasel Zippers
From as far back as 2015 it got like this: Megyn Kelly Is Sick and Tired of the Media’s Endless Trump Coverage: Remember Terrorism?!

And 2016: Tired of media's Trump bashing

And on to today, but meanwhile: Dirt on Hillary  . . . "The logical questions are what dirt could the Russians possibly provide that we do not already know about Hillary, and how could it be worse than the truth about Hillary?
" 'Think about it: dirt on Hillary. Why would we need Russians, or anyone else, to inform us about dirt on Hillary?
"All you have to do is honestly examine Hillary and Bill’s shenanigans since their days in Arkansas. This does take some time and attention given the complex, corrupt history of Hillary and Bill. But it is essentially lying, greed, and abuse of power.
"We already know the dirt about Hillary:  Whitewater, missing billing records, selling pardons, selling uranium to the Russians, stealing White House silverware, FBI files on Republicans, covering up Bubba's rape and sexual harassments, the email scandal, destroying emails under subpoena, Travelgate, attacking the women harassed by Bill, and more. I am sure I missed some.
"The problem is not getting dirt on Hillary. We have the dirt on Hillary. There is so much dirt it is mindboggling for anyone who cares, which excludes Democrats and the Media.
"But none of the real dirt about Hillary mattered to the Dems that nominated Hillary and the Media that promoted her campaign. " . . .

Victor Davis Hanson speculates: If Only Hillary Had Won . . .
"Leakers and lawbreakers rewarded with Clinton-administration jobs — and the American public none the wiser about deep-state corruption. 
"There are lots of possible counterfactuals to think about had Hillary Clinton won the presidency as all the experts had predicted.

"The U.S. embassy would have stayed in Tel Aviv. “Strategic patience” would likely still govern the North Korea dilemma. Fracking would be curtailed. The — rather than “our” — miners really would be put out of work. Coal certainly would not have been “beautiful.” The economy probably would be slogging along at below 2 percent GDP growth.

. . . "The coffers of the Clinton Foundation certainly would be expanding exponentially. Robert Mueller might have been brought back in now and then for his sober and judicious work in finding no wrongdoing in the Uranium One deal."