The end of Nazi rule is featured in this most excellent opening theme to "Judgment at Nuremberg", "Wenn Wir Marschieren" (When we March).
Quite interesting is that the final dramatic scene showing the giant swastika being dynamited has been cut out of most videos of this. Not to offend any Nazis out there perhaps? Watch it explode here
Quite interesting is that the final dramatic scene showing the giant swastika being dynamited has been cut out of most videos of this. Not to offend any Nazis out there perhaps? Watch it explode here
(Interesting side note is that Jewish Werner Klemperer, who played Colonel Klink in Hogan's heroes portrays one of the most evil characters in this movie.")
Buzzfeed "The color video captures a slice of life in the German capital just two months after the fall of the Nazis."
Truly amazing how the Germans cleaned up their city in such a short time. Imagine if New Orleans had been a German city after Hurricane Katrina.
"Ahead of the anniversary, German historical film company Chronos Media published on its YouTube channel a compilation of life in Germany just two months after the fall of Adolf Hitler."
. . . "And the destruction just keeps on going, in a somber final tracking shot, a reminder of the cost that the war carried for so many."
. . .
" You can watch the entire seven-minute video here."
Buzzfeed "The color video captures a slice of life in the German capital just two months after the fall of the Nazis."
Truly amazing how the Germans cleaned up their city in such a short time. Imagine if New Orleans had been a German city after Hurricane Katrina.
"Seventy years ago this Friday, the Allies celebrated “V-E Day” — victory in Europe over the Nazis and the rest of the [European] Axis powers."
New Yorkers on V-E Day |
"Ahead of the anniversary, German historical film company Chronos Media published on its YouTube channel a compilation of life in Germany just two months after the fall of Adolf Hitler." 
. . . "And the destruction just keeps on going, in a somber final tracking shot, a reminder of the cost that the war carried for so many.". . .
" You can watch the entire seven-minute video here."