Saturday, May 21, 2022

A courageous archbishop finally takes on Nancy Pelosi

Pelosi can still receive Communion in Washington, D.C., for Cordileone’s edict covers only the San Francisco diocese. Nevertheless, he’s made an important point because he’s right that this isn’t political. It’s moral: The Church must stand for something and it weakens itself if it blithely allows famous people to ignore its core doctrine. 

 A courageous archbishop finally takes on Nancy Pelosi; Andrea Widburg  "There are two things Nancy Pelosi has loudly and proudly boasted about for decades: Her absolute support for abortion and her staunch Catholicism. Of course, those two things are inconsistent because, even under the progressive Pope Francis, abortion remains anathema to the Church. With that in mind, it’s good news that, on Friday, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone had the courage to announce that, until Pelosi repudiates her support for abortion, she should not be admitted to Holy Communion in her home base of San Francisco nor should she present herself to receive the Eucharist.

"Nancy Pelosi is not just a lukewarm abortion supporter. In 2013, Pelosi opposed a bill banning late-term abortions with the jaw-dropping statement, “As a practicing and respectful Catholic, this is sacred ground to me.... This shouldn’t have anything to do with politics.” She’s also claimed that videos showing trafficking in fetal body parts are fake, that unborn babies aren’t human, that pro-lifers are plagued by “this conscience thing,” and that the Church has no idea when life begins.

"All of that makes for an interesting stance for a “practicing and respectful Catholic” to take. Pope Francis, who assumed that office in 2013, the same year Pelosi linked Catholicism and abortion, has been remarkably clear that abortion is an untouchable third rail, one as to which he will not show any flexibility. Over the years, Pope Francis has stated that “Abortion is murder,” likened abortion to “hir[ing] a hitman” in order to solve a problem,” called aborting disabled children a Nazi practice, informed physicians that abortion is “against the Hippocratic oath” and “is an evil in and of itself,” and said that abortion is “incompatible” with our obligation to respect the environment and creation.". . .

Why the brave archbishop made his move on Nancy Pelosi now - Monica Showalter  . . ."Pelosi, after all, isn't any ordinary cafeteria Catholic who likes abortion, but claims to be a devout Catholic.  Pelosi is a powerful change agent for promoting abortion as a powerful elected official who cites her Catholic faith as some kind of justification for it.  It's obvious in her record thus far: Pelosi doesn't just favor abortion on demand up until the moment of birth; she also wants the government to be able sue the Little Sisters of the Poor for their pro-life conscientious objection to financing abortions.  She's shoveled cash for abortion on demand abroad.  She's repeatedly shut down proposed votes in the House for saving infants born alive after abortion.  She fully supports ending conscience exemptions on abortion for medical professionals and forcing them to commit abortions whether they like it or not.  Most of all, she's all about cash, cash, cash for the premier human body parts–trafficker of aborted babies, Planned Parenthood, which is all about abortion.  Now with Roe v. Wade likely to be overturned by the Supreme Court, she's looking to make abortion until the moment of birth the settled law of the land as House speaker. ". . .

San Francisco archbishop bars Pelosi from communion over abortion stance | Nancy Pelosi | The Guardian

In a letter addressed to the US House speaker and posted on his Twitter account, ultra conservative Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone argued that Pelosi’s “position on abortion has become only more extreme over the years, especially in the last few months,” and he had decided to block her from communion after she had ignored his requests to explain her stance to him.



Were There ‘Right-Wing’ Riots When Tucker Carlson Called For A Colorblind Meritocracy?


Biden the Uniter

Were There ‘Right-Wing’ Riots When Tucker Carlson Called For A Colorblind Meritocracy? - American Thinker  . . ."Was there any pushback from the pro-freedom right when Tucker Carlson said we should treat people as human beings created by God no matter what we look like? We must confess that we’ve been busy trying to cut back vines to keep the forest at bay and catching up on some tractor maintenance.  So, we might have missed all the news stories of conservatives, libertarians, and anarchists of the pro-freedom ‘far-right’ threatening to never again watch Tucker Carlson, boycott his sponsors, and riot in the streets because of what he said on his shows on Monday and Thursday this week

"The video is referenced in this article. The strange thing is that it’s been a couple of days, and if what the anti-liberty leftists are saying is true, there must have been riots that dwarfed the burning, looting, and murder of 2020’s ‘peaceful protests.’  Dare we say it, these were probably far more devastating than the worst day of conflict in the history of mankind: January 6, 2021.  

"You see, according to ‘brand expert’ Donny Deutsch and many others of the nation’s socialist, anti-liberty left, we’ve supposedly embraced something that is so ‘mainstream’ it’s never the topic of conversation.  You know, the subject of very important talking points that we never talk about. 

"We don’t know about you, but it certainly was news to us that we are all based on ‘white supremacy’ or something like that.  We’re not really sure what that supposedly is, and neither are most on the pro-freedom side of the political aisle.  This is all predicated on the ‘manifesto’ of self-described former communist, left authoritarian "ethno-nationalist eco-fascist national socialist" who loathes libertarianism and conservatism in particular, and like many of anti-liberty left in that this chumbucket is mentally ill. ". . .

These are not my family's Democrats

 Nancy Pelosi Refuses To Say If She Will Support Bill Protecting Supreme Court Justices’ Families…. | Weasel Zippers

. . ."But what today’s low-T progressives may not realize (or may not care about) is that “white supremacy” was born through the greedy, hateful loins of Democrats several centuries ago and would likely be nothing more than a horrible memory by now if liberals weren’t so dog-gone eager to keep their own racism alive. And the best way to maintain hate is to blame Republicans, the party that ended slavery, for the “white supremacy” that the desperate left needs to be today’s boogeyman.". . .

. . ."Here are some fun facts about white supremacists you can share with your liberal sister-in-law when she and her man-bunned femme-boi try to ruin your Memorial Day BBQ by whining about Orange Man Bad and his “legions” of white supremacists.

  • Most politicians who supported slavery were Democrats.
  • Slavery was the ultimate form of white supremacy and was the “hill” Democrats were willing to die on — or pay someone to fight and die for them.
  • Keeping slavery intact was so important to the Democrats that they went to war against the United States after Lincoln was elected (even though he was left off the ballot in several Southern states). Roughly 2% of the population would die in the Civil War.
  • The Republican Party was formed to put an end to slavery.
  • The Ku Klux Klan was born in Pulaski, Tenn. in 1866. Former Confederate soldiers (Democrats) dressed in sheets, pretending to be ghosts of dead Southern soldiers. It was intended to be a peaceful social group, but some good ole boys saw the potential of dressing in sheets and began terrorizing black people. Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, a former slave owner, known for massacring surrendering black Union soldiers at the Battle of Fort Pillow, ruled the violent extremists for a few years but quit when the group became too bloodthirsty for his tastes.
  • Jim Crow laws were enacted by bitter Southerners (Democrats) to keep liberated black people from enjoying the same freedoms as Southern white people (Democrats).
  • The 15th Amendment gave black men the right to vote. Almost NO Democrats supported it.

Tony Branco

America LAST: US Senate REJECTS $48 Billion Aid Package For Small Businesses and Restaurants Just Hours After Approving ANOTHER $40 Billion for Ukraine – 34 RINOs Voted Yes for Ukraine and No for Americans

“Democrats need to wake up and realize that dumping more money in the economy is simply pouring $5-a-gallon gas on an already out-of-control fire.” Rand Paul

 The Gateway Pundit  "On Thursday – just hours after approving another $40 billion in US taxpayer dollars for Ukraine – the US Senate blocked a bipartisan $48 billion aid package for restaurants, gyms, and other small businesses that have been struggling in Biden’s post-lockdown economy.

"Presumably, they can’t launder that money as easily as shuffling it off to Ukraine, so American business owners get the shaft yet again from its traitorous elected officials.

"In other words, just another day in the DC Swamp…"

"Needing 60 votes to move forward, the Senators killed the package with a 52-43 vote. Five Senators refrained from casting a vote at all, and just five GOP senators voted for the motion to proceed.

"Odd… considering there were a whopping 39 of these so-called ‘Republicans’ who voted for the $40 billion Ukraine aid package.

"Absolutely inexcusable.

"Here are the RINO scumbags who rejected the aid package for Americans, yet sided with Democrats on the additional $40 billion for Ukraine. The list includes the usual crowd of swamp creatures like Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell, but it also reveals some more favorably viewed ‘conservative’ Senators had no problems finding the money when it was for the neocon war machine in Ukraine.". .  .

The uncloaked mask exposes ... Hillary

Maybe someday we’ll learn how Durham pulled this off—getting this Clinton insider to turn on Hillary. It’s a real coup.


Robbie Mook

 Monica Showalter  . . ."So Hillary was behind the Russia-Russia-Russia hoax and she was crazy enough to get her flunkies into the legal trouble she's currently gotten them in by ordering that information to get out.

According to Wauck, that's big, because that's an easily understood-by-the-public scandal, and Hillary continues to have political ambitions as Joe Biden falls apart:". . .

".. and this:

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has released video evidence that left-wing organizer and high-level Democratic Party operative Robert Creamer is, in fact, linked directly to Hillary Clinton, who personally approved at least one of his disruptive tactics.

Last week, O’Keefe produced video showing Creamer, the co-founder of the Democracy Partners consulting group, and his colleague, Scott Foval, discussing their past and present efforts to incite violence at Donald Trump rallies and other events.

The stated goal was to create “anarchy” around Trump, presumably to make him less appealing to American voters. Foval described Democracy Partners as a contractor for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook tried to evade the controversy by denying a direct link between Creamer and the campaign.

 . . ."So Hillary was spreading Russia hoax lies, spying on the Trump campaign, and fomenting violence at Trump rallies. She wasn't about campaigning for herself in this campaign, or campaigning to persuade voters -- she was directly or nearly directly implicated in one dirty trick after another, some illegal, to Get Trump.

"That's quite a Dr. Evil operation she had there with so many different tentacles, yet it may have been so many she had no time left to campaign. This is like the left's stereotype image of Richard Nixon, fuming about his enemies, but with a heavier serving of dirty tricks and sorry bids to take down Trump, none of which worked, but all of which weighed down on his presidency for no legitimate reason.

"With Mook spilling the beans to Durham, quite possibly because he's forgotten he needed to keep it secret, it's obvious she wasn't even good at hiding her tracks. She spent so much her time trying to get Trump and so little of her time trying to persuade voters to vote for her that she somehow never made it to the presidency. And now word is out as to how corrupt and resentful she is. Wait till next time...if Mr. Durham doesn't cut this off right there with this latest indictment and trial.". . .

Robby Mook says Clinton agreed to give Trump-Russia material to reporter (

“Bet most people still don’t know that a Clinton campaign lawyer, using campaign funds, created an elaborate hoax about Trump and Russia. Makes you wonder what else is fake,” he said in another Twitter post. Responding to another user, Musk confirmed “I am indeed out for blood” after ripping into the Clinton campaign and noting the unraveling of the Russia collusion conspiracy.

Report: Three Clinton Donors on Sussmann Jury in D.C. (

Another Clinton supporter, a former bartender who appeared to be in her 20s, said she’d also donated to progressive firebrand Ocasio-Cortez (D-The Bronx, Queens) but was put on the panel after a Sussmann defense lawyer told her that neither Clinton nor former President Donald Trump were on trial and asked if she could be impartial.

 What intelligent person would vote for a teeny-bopper such as AOC?

Christopher Steele, the spy behind the discredited 'pee tape' Trump dossier, says sources tell him Putin is seriously ill

 Putin Seriously Ill, Says Trump-Russia Dossier Author Steele (

Putin has for decades cultivated an image of virile masculinity at peak fitness — but an investigation by independent Russian media outlet Proekt alleged that this was only possible with significant deception.  

"The former British spy who wrote an infamous dossier about Donald Trump's dealings in Russia told Sky News on Sunday that sources had told him that Russian President Vladimir Putin is seriously ill.

"Christopher Steele, who led MI6's Russia desk and worked as a spy in Moscow for years, told Sky News: "Certainly, from what we're hearing from sources in Russia and elsewhere, is that Putin is, in fact, quite seriously ill."

"Claims about the 69-year-old leader's health have circulated for months. On Saturday, Ukraine's head of military intelligence, Maj. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, told Sky that Putin is in a "very bad psychological and physical condition and he is very sick."

"Budanov went on to suggest that the purported illness had incited plans within Russia for a coup.". . .

Elon Musk Says He's Wading Into Politics to Stop 'Woke Mind Virus'

Elon Musk called the woman who accused him of sexually harassing her flight-attendant friend a 'far left' actor 'with a major political axe to grind'* 

 Business Insider  . . ."In response, Musk wrote: "Unless it is stopped, the woke mind virus will destroy civilization and humanity will never reach Mars." 

"Over the last month, Musk has mentioned the "woke mind virus" on several occasions. On Wednesday, he called Yale the "epicenter of the woke mind virus attempting to destroy civilization."

"And in April, Musk used the term in a tweet, stating that it is "making Netflix unwatchable."

"While Musk hasn't outlined what he thinks constitutes the "woke mind virus," the word "woke" has been co-opted and weaponized by right-wing figures to mock progressive causes. 

"Musk also bashed the Democratic party in a tweet on Wednesday, calling it "the party of division and hate." In the same tweet, he doubled down on his resolution to vote Republican this election — several days after he first stated that stance during a tech conference."