Sunday, May 5, 2019

UPDATED, 5/6/2019: In the "greatest deliberative body in the world" we have...The Chicken Man!

Update, 5/8: Stunt Backfire: Dem Rep Steve Cohen Admits That Stuffing His Face With Chicken ‘didn’t picture well’    Brit Hume had but one comment for Cohen:
"How fun to enjoy one’s second childhood in Congress."

UPDATE: "WATCH: Chicken Eating Cohen: I Want AG Barr Physically Dragged In To Testify Before House Judiciary" He said this on - wait for it - CNN

. . . "It's really hard to take someone like Cohen seriously, especially when he shows up to a Committee hearing meeting with a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Maybe he missed the memo: the majority of his Democratic colleagues have law degrees. Most of them have practiced law in some capacity and others have even taught law school classes." . . .

‘Chicken Barr’: Steve Cohen brings fried chicken to Barr’s no-show committee hearing
"Lookit me, guys! Ya gettin' this?"
Did Rep. Cohen’s Fried Chicken Stunt Lay An Egg?  . . . "Because this is 2019 and no silly stunt is off the table for either side, Cohen placed a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken and a chicken figurine in front of Barr’s empty chair implying cowardice … or snack time. Cohen enjoyed eating some chicken (no mention if it was crispy or extra crispy) for the benefit of the cameras. Trust me, no one really wanted to see that." . . .

What reason do we have to hold any respect toward the Democrats and the American left as a whole? 
Dread, yes; respect, no.

Timothy Bishop
Ian Macfarlane
Jerry Nadler will restore congressional dignity to this juvenile farce. Oops, what? Really?

Obama and Clinton’s Coup d’état Enters the 2020 Election Campaign

Canada Free Press

"The coup in which Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton used the FBI to try to overturn the 2016 election of Donald Trump lives on, and has moved full-bore into the 2020 presidential election campaign.
"Making it a big deal that he is “not Obama endorsed”, ex-vice president Joe Biden launched his presidential bid as the front runner who will fight off Trump for the “soul of America”. 
"Behind all the hullabaloo, aside from spreading the Big Lie that Trump’s a “racist”, Biden is really only in the presidential race to keep a seat warm for Obama, who will install whomever he wants as the Democrat nominee, unfortunately perhaps including his overbearing wife, Michelle. 
"Having lost his last shot at a third term in office through the 2016 humiliating defeat of Hillary Clinton, the Big O’s back in the presidential game, and this time he’s playing for keeps. Obama continues to be extremely popular among the Democrats, who see him as their “Resistance Leader”. 
"Don’t believe for a New York nano-second that that big-talking Biden will be nominated by the DNC to run against President Donald Trump. Biden’s a handpicked Obama stand-in, who will promptly stand down whenever his former boss gives the order. 
"It’s now “Trump’s a racist!” times 20. The 20 being contenders in the car full of Democrat crazies that will come before the hapless masses 24-7, courtesy of mainstream and social media. 
"For most everyone else, yesterday was April 25, 2019, the day that Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign by video before posing as a common man, riding the rails back to a 3-day rest to rejuvenate at home. 
"But to Barack Hussein Obama, it was November 9, 2016 when he lost his last shot at a third term in office by the humiliating and unexpected defeat of his former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 
"For Obama, Hillary and the Democrat wolf pack at large, yesterday was a second chance to go back to what should have been their victory on Nov. 9, 2016. 
"In a field rife with Trump Haters For Life, Biden comes into the 2020 race as the ultimate ANTI-TRUMP, while self identifying as an “Obama-Biden Democrat”.
"All 20 Democrat presidential hopefuls and their supporters are playing against a backdrop of “Who’s a socialist democrat?” and “Who’s a moderate progressive?”, and will continue the Act over the next 18 months,.
"All Democrats, are, of course, socialist Democrats. Moderate Progressives have long ago, gone with the wind.
"Front row on centre stage at the moment are two frontrunner septuagenarians Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders, supposedly fiercely duking it out. 
"But how long will it be before Biden, 76, and Sanders, 79, will need to be resuscitated with smelling salts? 
"According to Biden: “I asked Obama not to endorse me”. “I asked President Obama not to endorse,” he told reporters in Delaware. “And he doesn’t want to—whoever wins this nomination should win it on their own merits.”  . . .