Sunday, April 10, 2016

Exclusive: Kathleen Willey Blasts Feminists for Ignoring Bill Clinton’s ‘Rapes, Sexual Assaults,’ Says Hillary ‘Allowed Herself to Be Humiliated’

hard choices

Breitbart  "Kathleen Willey, one of the women who famously accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault, and who has said she faced attempts to intimidate and silence her, used a radio interview on Sunday to blast established feminists for not speaking out about Bill Clinton’s alleged sex crimes.
"Willey said she found it “very frustrating” that feminists haven’t called out Hillary Clinton for ignoring the controversies over her husband’s alleged assaults against women.
"Stated Willey:
I don’t understand why these [feminist] women will not address this. It’s a problem. It’s Hillary Clinton’s problem. It’s Bill Clinton’s problem. It’s Chelsea Clinton’s problem.  Hillary Clinton chose to look the other way, to allow herself to be humiliated in front of the world and she enabled him to continue on with his behavior.  And it has not stopped.You know, if he has a consensual relationship with somebody and she doesn’t care and he doesn’t care, then I guess that’s none of our business. But when it crosses the line into rape and sexual harassment and sexual assault, well then that ought to be the business of the feminists.

If You Don't Rent to Criminals, Are You a Racist?


"You're a private landlord, renting apartments in a building you bought with your savings from years of hard work and modest living. You take pride in maintaining your property, keeping it clean, comfortable, and attractive. You charge a fair rent and treat your tenants with courtesy and respect. Your tenants, in turn, appreciate the care you put into the building. And they trust you to screen prospective tenants wisely, accepting only residents who won't jeopardize the building's safe and neighborly character. That's why you only consider applications from individuals who are employed or in school, whose credit scores are strong, and who have no criminal record." 

"Most Americans would look at you and likely see a prudent, levelheaded property owner. Not the Obama administration. The Department of Housing and Urban Development warned last week that landlords who refuse to rent to anyone with a criminal record are in violation of the Fair Housing Act and can be prosecuted and fined for racial discrimination." . . .

Krauthammer: Obama Used ‘Deception’ To Sell Iran Deal, ‘You Want to Weep’ When You See His Reaction To Iran’s Behavior

Breitbart (NOT the evil Disney character.)

. . . "Krauthammer said, “You hear the administration reaction to what Iran is doing, and you want to weep. The president says it’s not living up to the spirit of the agreement. As if anybody sentient would believe that the Iranians believe in the kind of spirit Obama does. The reaction, the behavior since the signing of the agreement has shown that it has shown no concern whatsoever, the ballistic missiles, the shipping of weapons to rebels, the using of Hezbollah to fight on behalf of Assad in Syria, the threatening of the neighbors. I mean, this was so obvious from the beginning. Then you get Earnest today saying that what the Iranians are doing with the weapons shipment is not consistent with UN Security Council. No, it’s a violation. And the worst part of this is not just the naïveté, it’s the deception that the administration used in selling the agreement on two fronts. Number one, you show the clip of the administration spokesman saying that UN Security Council resolutions would prohibit ballistic missile launches. No, the administration, at the last minute, caved, changed the resolution, so it is not a violation. And we have now admitted it at the UN, and secondly, we had promised the Congress that we would not allow the Iranians to dollarize their transactions, and we are doing that now.' ” . . .

American silliness

Caitlyn Jenner Plays “Trans Bride” While Wearing Wedding Dress In ‘I Am Cait’ Clip (VIDEO)  
. . .  "The sneak peek from the upcoming episode of the E! docuseries opens with Jenner and her friends in a bridal shop trying on gowns. Cayne says in a confessional that putting on a wedding dress is “a bit of an affirmation of what could possibly happen for me,” noting that marriage “wasn’t even an option for trans women” in the past." . . .Caitlyn pictured, right.

All wrong -- in California, girls can use urinals in the boys' restroom
"As of January 1, students in California public schools have been able to choose whether to use the boys’ rest room or girls’ rest room, as well as the girls’ locker room or boys’ locker room, based on whether they feel female or male, not whether they are anatomically female or male." . . .

The War On Women Moves to Restrooms

It is a new liberal cause to ensure that "the transgendered have more rights than women and girls who want to be free of assault, rape, and child molestation when at their most vulnerable. . . 

Clarice Feldman  "To accommodate the perceived wishes of a very small number of people, the federal government and many states are placing women and girls at risk of rape and assault in restrooms.
There are about a mere 700,000 transgender individuals in the U.S., or 0.3% of the adult population. As John Hinderaker correctly notes -- that makes them almost as rare as unicorns
It doesn’t take a genius to realize that allowing men who decide they really want to be women to use women’s restrooms is a dangerous idea: not to the wise men of Charlotte, North Carolina who passed an ordinance allowing men to use women’s’ restrooms if they believed they were mistakenly inhabiting men’s’ bodies. Wiser heads in the North Carolina legislature prevailed and passed a law “barring cities from adopting anti-discrimination laws that are inconsistent with, or in addition to, the laws in effect at the state level, which already cover race, religion, national origin, color, age, biological sex and handicaps.”
Mark Dayton, Andrew Cuomo, Apple, Pay Pal and Bruce Springsteen Gird for the Restroom Battle. . . 
Shame on my favorite musician with his and Steve Van Zandt's self-righteous liberalism. Here are the people you want to enable by bankrupting businesses and states:
Man dresses up as woman to peep inside female toilet at ITE College West  Can't liberals see where all this is going?

All wrong -- in California, girls can use urinals in the boys' restroom
"As of January 1, students in California public schools have been able to choose whether to use the boys’ rest room or girls’ rest room, as well as the girls’ locker room or boys’ locker room, based on whether they feel female or male, not whether they are anatomically female or male."

Tommy Robinson Legal Defense Fund: An Appeal

Gates of Vienna   "A few details on his case…
"The last time Tommy was in prison, he was locked up with hardened Muslim criminals who wanted to kill him. He was repeatedly attacked and beaten up, and ended up in the prison hospital more than once.
"On one occasion he was locked in a cell with several Muslim prisoners, one of whom (a Somali, if I remember correctly) was about throw boiling water in his face. Tommy acted pre-emptively, knocked the boiling water away, and beat up the man who tried to throw it on him.
"It is this incident for which he is being charged.
"The real issue behind all these arrests is that Tommy speaks the truth about the danger to the British people posed by Islam. But he is no longer being prosecuted for “hate speech” offenses — the state does not want the substance of what he says to aired in an open courtroom and discussed in the national media. Thus other types of infractions must be found and other charges brought. The current case against him is simply the latest example of the repressive tactics being employed by the totalitarian British state.

"The Powers That Be were successful in “decapitating” the English Defence League — with the help of the Quilliam Foundation — and are now attempting to do the same thing to the recently established UK 

chapter of PEGIDA.
"So here’s the plan: Lock up the most charismatic leader the British Counterjihad has. Put him in with his most dangerous enemies — Muslim criminals who have promised to kill him. Make sure that the guards are absent or looking the other way when the trouble starts. Then, as far as the shariah-compliant British state is concerned, the problem has been solved.
"The UK, like all the other enlightened governments of Western Europe, has abolished the death penalty. But there’s more than one way to kill a political nuisance — you don’t have to march him up the steps to the gibbet, put the noose around his neck, and open the trapdoor under him.
"What is happening to Tommy Robinson is capital punishment by alternative means.
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From Ronbo at The Freedom Fighters Journal. Ronbo added this: "This guy has went thru hell standing up for what is right."