Tuesday, August 18, 2015


John Proteus at  Mark Levin's Fan Club of Intelligent, Thinking Women (and Men)

For Every New Job, Two New Immigrants
Since 2000: 9.3 million new jobs, 18 million new immigrants.

. . . "Of course, the argument is often made that immigrants create more jobs than they take. The last 14 years are a good test of that argument. Since 2000, 18 million immigrants have arrived, yet job growth has been very weak despite record immigration. In fact, the number of immigrants that arrived was about twice the number of new jobs. While employment rises and falls with the economy and temporary changes in the business cycle matter little when considering a big policy question like immigration, when we examine long-term trends we find that the level of immigration (mostly legal) and natural population increase have completely swamped job growth. As a result, there has been a long-term decline in the labor force participation rate of working-age (16 to 65) natives. This is certainly not the long-term pattern we would expect if immigration is the boon to native employment that so many immigration advocates argue."
Obama 1984
Obama 1984 type policies becoming more evident with instituting his Racial Database. Cartoon by A.F.Branco ©2015.
More A.F.Branco Cartoons at Net Right Daily.

"TEL AVIV – Progressive groups that participated in a conference call with President Obama to coordinate support for the Iran nuclear deal are now leading campaigns against U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer’s Democratic leadership bid in the Senate."
. . . 
"In response, major progressive groups have mobilized to oppose Schumer.
MoveOn.org announced a “donor strike in response to Schumer’s Iran position.”
The George Soros-funded radical group threatened it will “organize grassroots progressives across the country to withhold campaign contributions from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and from any Democratic candidate who succeeds in undermining the president’s diplomacy with Iran.”
“Instead, they are sending a rather pointed message to the pro-Israel community that no one, not even a good Democratic soldier and future leader like Schumer, can get away with crossing the president when it comes to his plans for détente with Iran.”

Here Are Three of the Criminal Aliens Being Released Into Our Neighborhoods

Independent Sentinel   "According to a Texas Department of Safety report, in five-and-a-half years, there were more than 600,000 criminal charges against illegal aliens. That’s only Texas. It’s playing out in states all over the nation.
"So, while ICE celebrated the apprehension of its 300th criminal illegal alien in fiscal year 2015 yesterday (out of millions that should be deported), they were simultaneously releasing animals like the following into our community.
"Is our immigration system broken? You bet! But it has nothing to do with the law, only its enforcement.
"Sheriff Paul Babeu held a press conference today to announce an ICE release of 3 violent criminal illegals into Arizona. The three criminal illegals have been charged, convicted and sentenced to crimes including kidnapping, aggravated assault and murder. Instead of being deported back to their country of origin, ICE is releasing these violent criminal illegals into Arizona." . . .

"A Russian national set a police informant on fire. An Iraqi killed his two-year old daughter. An illegal from Sudan has committed multiple assaults in two states.
"These are the kind of people the administration and the Democrats want in our neighborhoods."


George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, and Hillary......

"Hillary may have had over 300 classified documents on her secret server in a bathroom closet in Denver. She turned a server over to the FBI that had been wiped clean. Bob Woodward compared her email issues to Richard Nixon’s tapes. His tapes only contained an 18 minute gap." Chip Bok

Clinton pulls plug on testy presser over server questions . . . "A visibly aggravated Clinton repeatedly insisted that she had done nothing wrong and seemed frustrated by questions about the issue.
"What I did was legally permitted, number one, first and foremost," the Democratic presidential candidate said in response to a question from Fox News reporter Ed Henry. "We turned over everything that was work-related, every single thing."
She added that in "retrospect," it had not turned out to be convenient to have the private server during her years as secretary of State.
"I regret that this has become a cause celebre. But that does not change the facts, and no matter what anybody tries to say, the facts are stubborn," she said.
"I know there is a certain level of anxiety or interest in this, but the facts are the facts." . . .

Who wiped clean Hillary's server, when, where, how and why? 

"Hillary Clinton took some questions at an event in Las Vegas today, and a reporter asked her whether she had wiped her home server clean before turning it over to the FBI, as news reports indicate. Hillary responded in her usual condescending style, failing to answer the question. When the reporter repeated it, she played dumb– “Like with a cloth or something?”–and disclaimed any knowledge of how digital devices work. You almost have to see it to believe it:"
NJ Woman’s Dying Wish: “In lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Hillary Clinton”
A special request in the obituary for Elaine Fydrych - See more at: http://legalinsurrection.com/2015/08/nj-womans-dying-wish-in-lieu-of-flowers-please-do-not-vote-for-hillary-clinton/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+LegalInsurrection+%28Le%C2%B7gal+In%C2%B7sur%C2%B7rec%C2%B7tion%29#sthash.U35JQyFW.dpuf
A special request in the obituary for Elaine Fydrych