Friday, December 20, 2013

Walmart Selling Out of Duck Dynasty Merchandise After A&E Suspends Phil Robertson. Buy Duck Commander instead! (UPDATE)

Weasel Zippers
However, others pointed out that this support merely puts more money into A&E’s pockets as well, with one tweeting: ‘Loving that Tea People are rushing to Walmart to Duck Dynasty swag in protest of A&E who OWNS the merchandising.’Another added: ‘I better rush off to Walmart and buy up all the Phil Robertson merchandise ‘cuz it’s gonna be a collectors item one day.’ -
Be aware of this, however;
"BTW, another way to show your support is to purchase Duck Commander products and NOT the Duck Dynasty products. The Robertson family owns the rights to Duck Commander. A&E owns Duck Dynasty.   (Emphasis added)
 UPDATE: Oh, no! Say it ain't so! Cracker Barrel Bails On Phil's Products

2013, A Year MSNBC Would Like to Forget

Newsbusters  "During the past 12 months, NewsBusters has chronicled the downward fall of the liberal cable television network known as MSNBC. Not only has the channel dropped by double digits in prime-time and daily ratings, but the network also lost two of its most prominent hosts in very public, very embarrassing ways.

As a result, L. A. Ross of noted in an article that the people in the “Lean Forward” channel "might rather forget 2013," which he noted is when MSNBC will end the year in third place among the cable news networks in total day viewers, due to a loss of 20 percent from 2012

The forces of “tolerance” are intolerant of anything less than full-blown celebratory approval.

Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty
Mark Steyn: The Age of Intolerance   "Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, in his career-detonating interview with GQ, gave a rather thoughtful vernacular exegesis of the Bible’s line on sin, while carefully insisting that he and other Christians are obligated to love all sinners and leave it to the Almighty to adjudicate the competing charms of drunkards, fornicators, and homosexuals. Nevertheless, GLAAD — “the gatekeepers of politically correct gayness” as the (gay) novelist Bret Easton Ellis sneered — saw their opportunity and seized it. By taking out TV’s leading cable star, they would teach an important lesson pour encourager les autres — that espousing conventional Christian morality, even off-air, is incompatible with American celebrity."

Story of the year

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Charles Krauthammer  "The lie of the year, according to Politifact, is “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” But the story of the year is a nation waking up to just how radical Obamacare is — which is why it required such outright deception to get it passed in the first place.
"Obamacare was sold as simply a refinement of the current system, retaining competition among independent insurers but making things more efficient, fair and generous. Free contraceptives for Sandra Fluke. Free mammograms and checkups for you and me. Free (or subsidized) insurance for some 30 million uninsured. And, mirabile dictu, not costing the government a dime." ...
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
This administration promised us: " Don’t worry. You’ll be left unmolested. For you, everything goes on as before.
"That was a fraud from the very beginning." ...
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
And we must ask Harry Reid and his Senate majority, who are the watchdogs of the Constitution:
On what authority does a Cabinet secretary tell private companies to pay for services not in their plans and cover people not on their rolls? Where in Obamacare’s 2,500 pages are such high-handed dictates authorized? Does anyone even ask? The bill itself is simply taken as a kind of blanket warrant for HHS to run, regulate and control the whole insurance system.
Full article here. 

There seems to be a theme in these 'toons:
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Support for Phil Robertson tops Obamacare

Petition launched to reinstate 'Duck Dynasty' star  
... "The petition -- which also calls on A+E to formally apologize to Robertson, his family, and the show's millions of viewers -- says the reality star's comments "are simply reflective of a Biblical 
view of sexuality, marriage, and family – a view that has stood the test of time for thousands of years and continues to be held by the majority of Americans and today's world as a whole."
"The letter reads: "While the LGBT community may be offended by his opposing viewpoint, your rash, discriminatory, and unfair treatment toward Mr. Robertson -- a recognized symbol of the faith community -- is a slap in the face to Faith Driven Consumers and everyday Americans alike.' "
113K Sign Petition Demanding ‘Duck Dynasty’ Patriarch Return, Rabid Fans Threaten A+E, Robertson Clan Stands United
The petition:

Dear A&E Network,
I am writing to you regarding your network’s intolerant, discriminatory, and punitive treatment of Mr. Phil Robertson, star of A+E’s #1 hit show, Duck Dynasty.
Mr. Robertson’s comments in GQ Magazine are simply reflective of a Biblical view of sexuality, marriage, and family – a view that has stood the test of time for thousands of years and continues to be held by the majority of Americans and today’s world as a whole.
Many members of the LGBT community may not agree with this view, but the notion that a free-thinking American should be discriminated against simply for expressing a perspective that is in conflict with another is patently un-American and flies in the face of true tolerance and civility. A+E’s position, which in your own words is “championing” the gay and lesbian community — which I believe you have the freedom to do — excludes the views of Faith Driven Consumers and effectively censors a legitimate viewpoint held by the majority of Americans.
As a Faith Driven Consumer, I am signing this petition to demand that my views be treated with equality and respect in America’s rich rainbow of diversity.
I am asking your network to immediately reinstate Mr. Robertson to Duck Dynasty, and to formally apologize to him, his family, and the millions of viewers who tune in every week, stand by him, and share his worldview. While the LGBT community may be offended by his opposing viewpoint, your rash, discriminatory, and unfair treatment toward Mr. Robertson — a recognized symbol of the faith community — is a slap in the face to Faith Driven Consumers and everyday Americans alike.
There are 46 million Faith Driven Consumers in America today who spend 1.75 trillion dollars annually. Should you refuse to equally respect and welcome our legitimately held views, we will gladly stop watching this and all other A+E programming and turn to any reformulation of Duck Dynasty on another network – while simultaneously supporting brands that stand with the show and the Robertson family.

Facebook Likes for Robertson Support Page Top Total Obamacare Enrollments  The Facebook page: Boycott A+E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty

Forget Obamacare! Look over there!

10 problems with Obama’s income inequality speech    "The president who was going to keep the focus on Obamacare yesterday digressed to give a base-pleasing, shopworn liberal ode to fighting income inequality. Don’t worry if you missed it. There was nothing new. Raise minimum wage! Extend unemployment benefits! More government spending! My goodness — it’s as if he has slept through the last 40 years of public policy research and economic experience." ... Jennifer Rubin

Obama, Income Inequality, and The Constitution  ... "Think about this: of all of the problems in our world, the President of the United States and his ideological ilk view the fact that some people earn more than others as the problem, the one next to which all others pale in comparison, “the defining challenge of our time.' ” 

The GovFather requests...

Obama Administration Asks North Dakota Insurance Company To Stop Reporting Enrollment Numbers   ... "Now BCBS of North Dakota – whose PR department, I think it bears repeating, is now being run by former Democrat candidate for US Congress Pam Gulleson* – is claiming the feds asked them not to release any more embarrassing enrollment numbers."
* "Update: BCBS is now walking back their comments, claiming that they weren’t told to hide the numbers."
Any connection of that to the new PR head mentioned above?

Obama dictates private insurance companies must provide “free” contraception instead of religious institution  ... "This is the tip of the iceberg, foreshadowing what the country can expect from Obamacare. Healthcare will be used to control behavior, the way tax code dictates the direction of our spending by allowing or disallowing deductions and giving tax credits for specified behaviors."

CNN: Obama Admin Intimidating and Threatening Insurance Companies To Keep Quiet  ... "It seems that the Obama administration is putting major league pressure on the executives of the largest insurers and trade groups to not speak out regarding the variety of problems with his health insurance rollover roll-out." ...

New Obamacare Rule Dictates Mental Illness Treated Equally as Physical Illness


Reading list; Duck hunters think they have bagged one

'Duck Dynasty' Family: 'We Cannot Imagine the Show' Without Phil Robertson  ... "We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right. We have had a successful working relationship with A+E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm." ...
Duck Dynasty
A company called Skyjacker -- which builds truck suspensions -- tells us it stands solidly behind Phil and the show  Misquote: "Robertson opened up a can of worms when he said homosexuality and bestiality were the same sin ... his church seems to back Phil up on that."
He did NOT say that, but said it would be a natural progression of the trend which would include bigamy, child marriage- already practiced in many cultures.
Hunting Duck Dynasty ... "The PC crowd, including most media progressives and liberals, have hated Duck Dynasty from the start. In the same way they hated Sarah Palin when she arrived on the scene, unapologetically espousing her conservative Christian views all over the airwaves." ... Read more:
"Supporters of the Duck Dynasty clan can rest assured that Phil Robertson isn't surprised or worried about what's happening to him and his family for openly espousing their Christian faith - because he truly believes the words of Christ Himself when He said:

"You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved."
Mark 13:13
 By Keith Edwards in American Thinker.

Odd Duck at Gay Wedding
131219 -odd-duck-dynasty-cartoon
Chip Bok writes:  "Sometimes tolerance isn’t enough. Sometimes you have to bake a cake.
"That’s what a Denver judge told the owner of a bakery who declined to make a cake for a gay wedding. The baker’s argument that same sex marriage violates his religious beliefs wasn’t good enough for the judge.

"Odd Duck

"A+E didn’t order Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson to bake a cake when he professed similar religious beliefs. The network suspended him indefinitely." ...
"Camille Paglia calls “this is level of punitive PC, utterly fascist, utterly
"Which brings me back to Jonah Goldberg and his excellent book “Liberal Fascism“. "

Huge backlash mounts over suspension of ‘Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson   "As of Thursday night, more than 1.1 million people “liked” the “Stand With Phil Robertson” Facebook page, while about the same number had clicked their support for another Facebook page called “Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty.” There was even flak on the Web page of the gay advocacy group that demanded his firing."

Phil Robertson, Diversity + Offensensitivity   ... "The problem is that those in cultural power love to talk loud and long about diversity, but what they really want is everyone to march in lock-step agreement, or else." ...

UPDATE: 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson once a college quarterback
"Robertson didn't play his senior season, instead deciding to spend his time hunting and fishing. You may have heard of the guy who replaced him as the Bulldogs' starting quarterback: Pro Football Hall of Famer Terry Bradshaw."