Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wynn Slams Obama On Business: "Responsible For Fear In America"

RealClearPolitics  "Everybody's afraid of the government and there's no need soft peddling it, it's the truth. It is the truth. And that's true of Democratic businessman and Republican businessman, and I am a Democratic businessman and I support Harry Reid. I support Democrats and Republicans. And I'm telling you that the business community in this company is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the President of the United States. And until he's gone, everybody's going to be sitting on their thumbs."
Via Neal Boortz.

Taxpayer-funded exhibit slurs GOP govs as Nazis

American Thinker  ""Artist" Sean Michael Stimac has released his piece, "The Faces of Fascism," for display at the Marquette (Michigan) Arts and Cultural Center.  In it, Republican governors Walker, Kasich, Scott, and Snyder appear on a Nazi-style propaganda poster with the visage of the Third Reich's eagle, and in its talons is not the swastika, but the Republican Party's token elephant."
From the comments section:
Republican governors who are working to keep their promises to clean up Democrat messes made in their states are Nazis, huh?  In the meantime, another Democrat executive takes over two out of three players in a major American industry (as in GM and Chrysler), takes over the country's financial sector and takes over the health-care system and he is clean-and-pure as the wind-driven snow!  Who is looking more like Nazis, Republicans or Democrats?  Bear in mind, the word "Nazi" is a contraction for the German translation of "National Socialist" and socialism runs through Democrat veins.
Glad to see the writer used the word "Democrat" instead of the official name of the party. It's less of a misnomer.

New rule for WH press corps: stop asking questions when you see the President

Hot Air  "Say, didn’t Jay Carney once work in journalism — you know, that profession that Speaks Truth to Power, holds government accountable, afflicts-the-comfortable-while-comforting-the-afflicted?  It seems that either he has forgotten that Speaking Truth to Power requires at the very least Asking Questions to Power first, although Carney didn’t forget to play his Moral Authority Card yesterday when telling the White House press corps that they wouldn’t be allowed into the debt-ceiling meeting.  They had rudely transgressed by “shouting” questions at Barack Obama:"...

Mother told to feed her child in a toilet - so Muslims will not be offended

UpPompeii  "Can you imagine what would have happened if this had happened to a Muslim female and child, this overt pandering to the Muslim community in the UK is now an epidemic, that a mother should be told to feed her child in a toilet is completely disgusting - as the mother concerned said - "would you eat your meal in a toilet", I am only surprised that the officials did not make it clear to her that she must not use Muslim toilets - this was not the case I hasten to add, she was just told to use the toilets."
"Does this mean that if you are not a Muslim, and you are in a restaurant or cafe having a meal, and a Muslim in your proximity objects to what you are eating - you may be asked to finish your meal in the toilet - highly improbable I agree but where does this kind of thing end???

Things That Offend Muslims

Upset Muslims Hold Protest Against Security Screenings at US Border

“Muslims are terrified,” he says. “They don’t want to be targeted. They don’t want to be identified, they don’t want to be listed as trouble makers for future treatment, and they’re just terrified even though they’re citizens.”

"In the last 24 months 126 people were indicted on terrorist-related charges in the United States. All of them were Muslim."

Obama's Tibet Two-step (updated)

Thomas Lifson  ..."On the other hand, the Dalai Lama has a large following in America, especially among the sort of people who generally like Barack Obama.
"Fortunately for him, Barack Obama is a master of the double message, sending contradictory communications to different groups, often deploying visual elements to carry a message in conflict with his words. The most notorious such incident was when he gave the finger to Hillary Clinton during a speech."....

"Yesterday, Obama pulled a similar, if less obvious stunt with the Dalai Lama. Reader Bill Schanefelt spotted the following photograph and commented:"...

Once again we have an egregious example of the arrogant contempt THE ONE has for traditionally respected figures.
Now, His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, may not be my or your cup of tea, but he is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and is generally well-regarded no matter how much of an admitted socialist he is.
But this pose shows it all--rumpled socks (matching what?), exposed leg, no tie, a look of disdain, hardback chairs, and an informal setting away from the usual fireplace before which presidents normally sit when meeting such worthies.

The Obama Green Economy

Venus fly trap

Obama weath envy at all-time high

Neal Boortz  "I know that I am repeating myself when I tell you this … but would somebody PLEASE tell me what is considered to be a “fair share”? The top 1% of taxpayers in this country earn about 20% of the income, and yet they pay close to 40% of the income taxes. If that is not considered “fair” then would someone please give me an hint of what “fair share” really means? " ....
"...the only budget proposal Barack Obama has come up with in 2011 would INCREASE our federal deficit by $2.7 trillion over the next decade."  Emphasis added.
