Thursday, July 10, 2014

VD Hanson: Are Obama’s Advisers Unhinged?

President Barack Obama illegal immigrants illegal aliens Mexicans Mexico Hispanics Texas immigration fund raising
Full article by Victor Davis Hanson   "Surely reports that President Obama is going down to Texas at the height of the Katrina-like border debacle to raise money at the home of the popular but often polarizing filmmaker and Quentin Tarantino–collaborator Robert Rodriguez are the stuff of right-wing mythology?
"No one could be so politically dense as to head south in the direction of this catastrophe only to pull up short to huckster campaign funds — while under a lingering cloud that such special-interest money solicitation in the past typically has taken precedence over national security (cf. the need to retire early on the night of Benghazi in order to prep for an important fundraiser the next day in Las Vegas, where the selfish go to blow their kids’ tuition money).

"That the Obama money-raiser is purportedly being hosted by filmmaker Robert Rodriguez also cannot be true. The latter is famous for ultra-violent exploitation films of just the sort that gun-control liberals have insisted glorify (true) assault-weapon violence for profit and influence the deranged to translate such violent fiction into murderous fact.
Political Cartoons by Dana Summers
"More disturbing at this volatile time of national tensions on the border is the fact that Rodriguez directed the Machete andMachete Kills movies, which offered cheap exploitation about the immigration debate, caricaturing any who disagreed with the present policy of non-enforcement as more or less evil, Neanderthal-like racists and demented militiamen worthy of death (cf. the pseudo/spoof racist trailer for one of the films that envisioned killing border-enforcement politicians).
"What would the media have thought if George W. Bush went to Louisiana during Katrina only to avoid New Orleans and the devastation, instead raising campaign cash (at $32,000 a head) at the home of a right-wing filmmaker of violent films that tended to glorify gunplay and to reduce controversies over disaster relief into caricatures of culpable dependents?
"In short, it would be impossible to dream up a worse mercenary presidential trip — in terms of morally indifferent omission and self-interested commission — at this critical time than what Obama supposedly now intends.
"Surely, the junket will be canceled out of embarrassment or quietly recalibrated — or perhaps the entire story about the trip is simply an urban legend."
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Alan Caruba asks: How Intelligent are Americans?

Warning Signs

"The segments when Jay Leno would take to the street to ask Americans questions about things that one would expect them to know and those when Jesse Watters of the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News does the same thing invariably suggest that those interviewed are appallingly stupid. But how representative are they of the population?
"The voters who reelected President Obama despite a first term that included all his policies that put the nation at jeopardy apparently made no connection between those facts and his competence. Voters who stayed home demonstrated indifference.
After much insightful commentary, Mr. Caruba concludes with this:
"To that extent, I wait impatiently for the results of the forthcoming November midterm elections. Stupid Americans will vote for more of the same. Intelligent ones will vote for change."


Obama’s ‘Man-Caused’ Disaster


Rick Perry and Barack Obama are shown. | AP Photo
... "The first rule in a crisis for any executive is put on your windbreaker and your boots and get out on the ground. President George W. Bush didn’t do it soon enough after Hurricane Katrina and, politically, could never make up for it, no matter how many times he visited New Orleans subsequently. Obama’s bizarre resistance to visiting the border on his fundraising swing out West fueled talk of the influx as Obama’s “Katrina moment.”

"The Katrina analogy is both over the top and too generous. It is over the top because the border influx isn’t a deadly catastrophe swallowing an American city. It is too generous because Bush didn’t do anything to bring on Hurricane Katrina, whereas Obama’s policies are responsible for the influx of immigrants from the border. It is, in the argot of his administration, a “man-caused disaster.' ”... Read more:
Rich Lowry.

Tea Party: Learn From Al Gore

Ann Coulter   "Chris McDaniel, candidate for the U.S. Senate from Mississippi, lost the Republican runoff to incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran last month, and now he is being led down a primrose path to political oblivion. McDaniel's passionate supporters think that a moment of crisis for the country is a good time to treat control of the Senate as if it's a prom queen election.
"Hoping for yet a third primary vote, McDaniel's crew is going to prevent him from having any political career, ever again."Observe that no one is asking Al Gore to run again, except maybe his cardiologist. Even in cases of actual vote fraud, history shows that the contesting politicians get branded as sore losers and destroy their political careers. Better to be magnanimous and live to fight another day.Here are a few examples:"   Full article...


Anita Kutniki
Which makes me wonder; Whose brilliant idea was
it to make the Democrats blue instead of giving them
the red? Red has been the color of socialism  for 
 a century.
... "YET, the handwriting has been on the wall, for heavens sake, too many times to count. Never mind…

"DO readers recall the recent plight of a concerned parent, a former prosecutor no less, who was arrested at a school board meeting in New Hampshire, all for the “crime” of questioning the (mis)educators of his 14 yr old daughter? Well, when the fish stinks from the head up, those in positions of authority, whether local school boards or what not, feel freer to bring down the hammer, to silence, if disagreed with! Can you imagine? Is this America, or a third world tyranny?
RECOUNT TWO:"   ..... Keep reading...