Saturday, September 16, 2017

California Legislature Passes Bill To Punish Elder-Care Workers Who Don’t Use Trans Pronouns

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The Federalist
The bill aims to promote the rights of transgender individuals by forcing health care employees to use patients' 'preferred name or pronouns.'
"There was a time when I thought no rule of grammar could possibly inspire more ardent debate than the Oxford comma. But California once again proves me wrong.
"State representatives elected by the special, especially tan snowflakes of the Golden State have just passed the nation’s first state laws governing pronoun usage
"SB 219, which passed the State Assembly on September 12 and has already passed the Senate, proposes to fine or jail employees of long-term or intermediate care facilities who repeatedly and willfully refuse to use a preferred gender pronoun:
This bill would enact the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Long-Term-Care Facility Resident’s Bill of Rights. Among other things, the bill would make it unlawful, except as specified, for any long-term care facility to take specified actions wholly or partially on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) status, including, among others,willfully and repeatedly failing to use a resident’s preferred name or pronouns after being clearly informed of the preferred name or pronouns. [Emphasis added.]

"There Are No Religious Exemptions In SB 219

"Although this technically wouldn’t criminalize using the wrong pronoun, violating this item in the patient’s “bill of rights” for Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly would carry a fine of up to $1000 or a year in jail." . . .

Would Democrats embrace JFK now?

Boston Globe

President John. F. Kennedy looks into the sky as planes from the Carrier Enterprise maneuver in a demonstration off the east coast on April 14, 1962.

. . . "The 35th president was an ardent tax-cutter who championed across-the-board, top-to-bottom reductions in personal and corporate tax rates, slashed tariffs to promote free trade, and even spoke out against the “confiscatory” property taxes being levied in too many cities.
"He was anything but a big-spending, welfare-state liberal. “I do not believe that Washington should do for the people what they can do for themselves through local and private effort,” Kennedy bluntly avowed during the 1960 campaign. One of his first acts as president was to institute a pay cut for top White House staffers, and that was only the start of his budgetary austerity. “To the surprise of many of his appointees,” longtime aide Ted Sorensen would later write, he “personally scrutinized every agency request with a cold eye and encouraged his budget director to say ‘no.’ ” 
. . . 
“When young, wealthy, and conservative John Fitzgerald Kennedy announced for Congress, many people wondered why,” it began. “Hardly a liberal even by his own standards, Kennedy is mainly concerned by what appears to him as the coming struggle between collectivism and capitalism. In speech after speech he charges his audience ‘to battle for the old ideas with the same enthusiasm that people have for new ideas.’ ” . . .

Maxine Waters can be 'humiliated'?

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Monica Showalter
 It's as if she has a race-o-meter somewhere in her back office in one of her million-dollar homes there to place the most unrelated of news items into the hopper and see it emerge in new form as a racialist stick to beat her adversaries with.
"Making a fool of herself again, Maxine Waters has seized on a news story reporting that President Trump 'humiliated' Attorney General Jeff Sessions over his decision to recuse himself from the Russian meddling into the U.S. election and then tried to reap racial political hay from it. According to Fox News:
"To Jeff Sessions, how does it feel to be dragged & humiliated? Now you know how the African Americans you disrespected feel," she tweeted.
"First question: Maxine Waters, capable feeling humiliated? Since when has this woman ever felt shame or humiliation? She's spent a career making one stupid claim after another without the least scintilla of shame, and given that she hasn't ever stopped doing it, she probably won't.
"To say she's ever felt shame is to say the moon is made of bleu cheese. Whoops, she'd use that analogy to bring up racism, too." . . .

North Korea Experiencing One Of The Worst Famines In Country’s History…

Weasel Zippers

"Maybe if Kim Jong Un would eat less maybe there would be more food to go around."

"Via NBC:
North Koreans are likely to face serious food shortages despite recent relief from an intense dry spell, officials from the UN Food and Agricultural Organization told CNBC.
Rainfall this year was “considerably lower” than a corresponding period in 2001, when cereal production in the communist dictatorship plunged to record lows, the UN said in a July report. An estimated 20 percent of herd animals have also reportedly been severely affected this year in the worst-hit regions.
The worst dry conditions, which ran from April to June, could threaten this year’s overall agricultural yield and exacerbate food shortages in the country. According to the report, cereals, potato and soybeans comprise the main source of nutrition for North Korea’s population — many of whom are already underfed.
Count the overweight fat people in this photo

Chuck and Nancy and Donald and Heidi; plus: California Democrats Are Getting Tired Of Pelosi

Chuck and Nancy and Donald and Heidi  . . . "The normal way to muster the requisite Democratic support in the Senate is to pick off the least leftist Dems in the chamber, not to win over the leftist Minority Leader. In Trump’s case, this approach might seem particularly doable given the large number of Senate Democrats running for reelection next year in states Trump carried.

"However, Trump may have concluded that picking off the Joe Manchins, Joe Donnellys, and Heidi Heitkamps won’t work. If so, he may be right. First, there may not be enough of them. Second, the combination of party discipline and the prospect of being “primaried” may be enough for Schumer to keep even these Democrats in line.
Townhall   . . . "Democrats need to flip at least 24 seats next year to retake the House, which won’t be easy. They also have to defend close to a dozen Democratic districts that went heavily for Trump. Also, there’s the party’s own geographic wall they have to deal with; you can’t win national elections by holding urban areas, especially congressional ones. Moreover, studies show that if every Hillary voter who backed a Republican representative in 2016 turned out flipped for a Democrat in 2018, the party would still fall short of retaking the majority.
"Now, a new survey of Democrats statewide in California shows that things are turning sour for Nancy. While she and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) are hard core liberals, they may not be liberal enough for the emerging progressive base that’s becoming ever more active and vocal within Democratic politics (via Sacramento Bee):" . . .
I cannot forget this image of Pelosi and her Dems taunting TEA Party protestors after the passing of Obamacare: 

What is Justice for a Rape Victim?

Phyllis Chesler 
There she was, on the front page of the American newspapers, a 20-year-old Bosnian Moslem girl, hanging from a tree, a suicide, dead by her own hand, her death a cry for help. Our silence, deafening.
Photo added
"We cannot say: "We didn't know, no one told us." We know. We've seen it on TV, read the detailed reports, seen the photos. I knew, feminists knew what was going on in Bosnia. True, we had trouble sleeping over it, and some of us sent money, gathered evidence, drafted lawsuits, petitioned the U.N., counseled and consoled the victims, quietly helped rape-refugees to leave the country, but, as a movement, we failed to mount even one Israeli-style Entebbe-raid, even one mass "pacifist" action on Bosnian soil. We wrung our hands and waited for the patriarchal governments to "do something": convene a war crimes tribunal in The Hague, bomb Sarajevo, lift the arms embargo, fight it out, man-to-man.  

"We are the Good Feminist Germans. We—and our respective governments—did even less in the matters of Rwanda, El Salvador, Guatemala, Peru, Liberia, New Guinea, East Timor, Jammu, and Kashmir, Haiti.

"In 1971, when I first heard that retreating Pakistani soldiers had begun to gang-rape Bengali women in what would become Bangladesh, I called for the rescue of "our own." I had once lived in the Moslem world, I knew what would (and did) happen to those raped and raped-and-impregnated women. "Many will kill themselves," I said, "if their brothers and fathers don't kill them first." I called for immediate feminist airlifts of the raped women." . . .

Frank Giaccio Mows White House Lawn – Doesn’t Stop to Say Hi to President Trump

The Political Insider  "This morning’s terrorist attacks in Paris, London, and Lyon have Americans feeling anxious and dour. Thankfully, a feel-good story out of the White House is just what we need to lift our spirits.
"This morning, eleven-year-old Frank Giaccio had his wish come true: He got to mow the White House lawn.
"The tenacious yard worker wrote a letter to the White House last August, offering to mow the grounds for free.
"President Trump must have sensed a good deal, because Frank was granted permission to mow." . . .

"There was something funny about that video. Did you notice it?
"When President Trump came out to greet Frank, he barely batted an eye at the president. Frank stuck to his work, and remained dedicated to getting the job done.
"Now that’s what I call dedication. Frank certainly enjoyed the experience of mowing the White House lawn, but he didn’t let the fame get in the way of completing the job" . . .

"Classic Gene Autry Clip from 1942 Shows Exactly Why President Trump Won"

The Political Insider   "Hollywood is a liberal place run by haters of President Donald Trump. But it wasn’t always that way.
"President Trump, as a common sense businessman who speaks directly to the American people, isn’t afraid to stand up for American greatness. What a refreshing change, after eight years of Obama!
"Looking back, this video from 1942 with the legendary singing cowboy Gene Autry seems eerily prophetic to Trump’s victory and what’s happening in America today.
"With Hollywood hating Trump, and NFL football players kneeling during the National Anthem, left-wing disrespect for America and our country’s flag is at an all-time high.
"In a message that Colin Kaepernick needs to hear, Autry sings, “If you don’t like the Red, White and Blue. Then don’t act like the cur in the story. Don’t bite the hand that’s feeding you!”
"And what about DREAMers, who protest Trump and America while taking advantage of public services? Autry says of them: “If you don’t like your Uncle Sammy, Then go back to your home o’er the sea, to the land from where you came.”
"Watch (below) this classic clip:"

"The song, “Don’t Bite the Hand That’s Feeding You” is from 1915 (lyrics by Thomas Hoier and music by Jimmie Morgan), and was performed by other legendary Hollywood actors and actresses, such a[s] Judy Garland.  . . ."