Tuesday, July 9, 2013

But believe us, it's gonna come

Obama Tells 'His Press Corps' To 'Behave' / The liberal media are realizing the price of Obama adulation

"It’s good to be king. Even when you’re visiting a foreign country. In South Africa, Saturday, Barack  Obama admonished “my press” to “behave” – after they had the audacity to ask too many questions.

" “Americans, behave yourselves,” he said, during a joint press conference with South African President Jacob Zuma, as reported by breitbart.com. Obama complained – as he has in the past – that “my press” tries to squeeze “three or four or five questions in there,” while complimenting Zuma on his more obedient media.

"The Associated Press noted that “both U.S. and South African reporters asked multi-part questions,” while confirming Obama’s description of U.S. journalists as “his press corps.” "  Hat tip to Rich Cutter Avalone

HANSON: The press and its Faustian deal   "In the old Dr. Faustus story, a young scholar bargains away his soul to the devil for promises of obtaining almost anything he wants.
"The American media has done much the same thing with the Obama administration. In return for empowering a fellow liberal, the press gave up its traditional adversarial relationship with the president."   Read more.  

Nancy Pelosi demonstrates why she has earned the moniker, most vapid woman on earth.

We the People
"As she rambles on incoherently about the values of Obama Care, it seems obvious that it was a good idea she advised people not to read it before passing it."

FYI: vapid

"No peace, no honor": US may pull all troops out of Afghanistan next year

No more French surrender jokes, OK?

American Thinker  "Afghan President Hamid Karzai is acting more and more like the last president of South Vietnam, Nguyen Van Thieu. This, from Thieu's obit in the New York Times in 2001:
But a recently published book by Larry Berman, ''No Peace, No Honor: Nixon, Kissinger and Betrayal in Vietnam,'' (The Free Press), draws on previously secret archives to show that President Richard M. Nixon and Henry S. Kissinger, then the national security adviser, ignored Mr. Thieu's objections to their peace negotiations with Hanoi and agreed to withdraw American troops from Vietnam without any guarantees that North Vietnam would respect the Paris peace accords of 1973.
 Read more.
George Orwell said that the easiest way to end a war is to lose it. One more connection Obama has to 1984.

Obama's foreign policy as revealed in his Berlin speech

Obama hits a wall in Berlin
George Will  (From June 20) "The question of whether Barack Obama’s second term will be a failure was answered in the affirmative before his Berlin debacle, which has recast the question, which now is: Will this term be silly, even scary in its detachment from reality?
"Before Berlin, Obama set his steep downward trajectory by squandering the most precious post-election months on gun-control futilities and by a subsequent storm of scandals that have made his unvarying project — ever bigger, more expansive, more intrusive and more coercive government — more repulsive. Then came Wednesday’s pratfall in Berlin."....

Obamacare enforcer, the IRS released thousands of social security numbers

ConservativeDailyNews.com   "On Monday evening, the Internal Revenue Service confirmed that tens of thousands to possibl[y] 100,000 social security numbers were mistakenly released to the public through an IRS web page.

" PublicResource.org discovered the listing of Social Security Numbers and notified the IRS of the privacy issue. The IRS immediately cut-off internet access to the page.

"Although American’s Social Security cards prominently display the fact that the number should not be used for identification, it is. Credit card companies, mortgage lenders, banks and others use the number to identify a unique person. Access to this number can lead to identity theft, fraud and with the IRS taking on the role of Obamacare enforcer – crimes we haven’t even imagined.

"Ham-handed information management policies and procedures, like those used to unfairly scrutinize Conservative groups, are likely responsible for the leak of private information.

"Imagine how great it will be once the IRS has direct access to American’s healthcare information…  (Emphasis added)

Obamacare so confusing, government computers can’t handle it   "Imagine how much fun this will all be when beef consumption, sodas, alcohol and other things become 50% premium risks? Premiums may “necessarily skyrocket” as we speed on our way to a single-payer, fully government-run healthcare system."