Saturday, June 4, 2016

Shock Report on Jobs Signals Obama Economy Is on Brink of Recession

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Larry Kudlow   "THE MAY JOBS REPORT IS A SHOCKER, WITH NONFARM PAYROLLS UP ONLY 38,000 AND PRIVATE JOBS UP A MERE 25,000. Investors and economists are making the case that this was a weird, one off, statistical glitch and that stronger employment is on the way. They might well be wrong.

"If you smooth out the numbers with a three month moving average, job increases have been slowing for five months. The three month pace in December was 281,000 jobs. In the May report, the pace nosedived to 107,000. The unemployment rate fell to 4.7%, largely because 458,000 people left the labor force. 

"This spells trouble for the economy. And if you step back and look at the whole business sector, a case can be made that the United States has been in a mild business recession for as much as a year, if not longer. 
"Take business fixed investment in equipment, software, plants, buildings, and so forth. This has been slowing for six straight quarters. It even went negative in the first quarter on a year on year basis." . . . 

Another book coming about the Clintons

Another anti-Clinton tell-all bookFor all of us who wondered what the Clintons were like in their private lives. However what passes itself off as a news article is nothing but a cheap commercial. Something like the Little Orphan Annie secret message urging little Ralphie: "Be sure to drink your ovaltine."

Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne claims to expose the truth behind Hillary, Bill, and their public facade.
. . . "Posted directly outside President Clinton's Oval Office, Former Secret Service uniformed officer Gary Byrne reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton's character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family." . . . 

How Bernie Sanders's Socialism Funds Massive Income Inequality

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

American Thinker   "The next time Bernie Sanders does a sit-down interview with a major news anchor, he should be asked one simple question: why don’t you ever mention the huge one-percenter salaries and pensions given to government bureaucrats who administer socialist programs?

"After all, Bernie Sanders loves to rant against big corporations and Wall Street billionaires.  His solution is to grow government, create more bureaucracy, hire more bureaucrats, and secretly give more bonuses to socialist bureaucrats.  Today there are huge bonuses given to those who administer the hard-earned dollars of America’s middle class and poor workers.  While many are familiar with the $90,000 bonus given to the former TSA security chief, even after his TSA agents failed to detect 95% of the weapons and bombs brought through airports to test detection procedures last year, there are many people, mostly in education, who receive salaries so large they are difficult to believe." . . .