Friday, July 8, 2011

Controversial board games

From eldest son, Jeff Hayden, of Plano, TX:
Yahoo! News posted  this story on Five controversial board games.  However, they failed to mention several other controversial board games. I have listed them here for your convenience.
Baby Seal Trap
Connect 40
Baldy Dash
Microsoft Monopoly
Empty Cranium (AKA Celebrity Cranium)
Scrabble: Q’s and X’s Only Edition
Abstract Pictionary
Offensive Outburst and Sensitivity Training
LIFE Sentence
Breast Implant Operation
Trivial Pursuit: Hypothetical Questions Edition
Clue: OJ Simpson Edition
SORRY: It’s not your baby
Chutes and Ladders and OSHA

Some reasons Obama should not have been elected


Obama's Plan for $10 Gas  "In fact, Obama's energy policies have created the worst of all possible worlds for American consumers: higher prices and continued dependency on imported oil."

The ‘Regretful Obama Voter’ Speaks   "My transition didn’t happen because I realized conservatives were honest, it happened because I realized liberals were not. It was not an easy transition, it was emotionally painful and I fought on some deep level. I fought it because I could not believe that people I trusted (liberal media) could possibly be dishonest."

"It started as I began to hear Obama push the first stimulus with, what appeared to be, pork spending, yet he had campaigned against it. I began to distrust him."

GOP Congressman on Obama: ‘The Man’s Got No Shame’  "Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) responded to President Obama's charge that Republicans are "holding a gun to the heads of the American people.""

Red Tape Rising: Obama’s Torrent of New Regulation  "These costs will affect Americans in many ways, raising the price of the cars they buy and the food they eat, while destroying an untold number of jobs. With the enactment of new health care laws, financial regulations, and plans for rulemaking in other areas, the regulatory burden on Americans is set to increase even further in the coming year." Heritage.

Victor Davis Hanson : The Evidence of a Bankrupt Populism   "That is the real legacy of the Obama administration: In a way the most extreme right-wing nut could not, Obama has humiliated, embarrassed, and rendered bankrupt seven years of prior dissent, showing it up for what it was all along."

Fear: GOP Will Cave on Sunday, Agree to Hike Taxes with Fake Cuts

Rush Limbaugh "Bill Kristol last night on Special Report on Fox predicted that the Republicans are gonna cave in a very big way on the debt ceiling negotiation. Now, that immediately caught my attention because all through the week I have been pretty steadfast in my confidence that they weren't gonna cave, that they could make Obama cave. If you've been listening all week you know what I've been saying, that Obama is at the weakest a president has been politically in a long time in this country. Why our guys don't realize it, we were talking yesterday, why is it that we continually fear that they fall for decade-old traps that the Democrats set. It's because they do. It's because they sometimes do fall for these traps."....     
"Regardless, apparently the Republicans are feeling pressure from someplace but from the wrong place. They're reacting to the wrong pressure and they're reacting to the wrong people. Obama does the same thing every time, the same thing every time. I've figured out it out. This is what happens. In order to keep the public in the dark about what he's doing and to bypass the usual legislative process, Obama waits until the last minute for everything. He doesn't get involved in talks until the final moments, then when he does get involved, the meetings are in secret. He comes out of the meetings framing the issues and some deal gets cut, and the public really has no idea what the details are until there is a vote."
More here:  The Establishment, Not the Base, is Pressuring Republicans and Lying to Us With Threats of a Dire Default  "The Republicans own this opportunity. All they've gotta do is stop talking about tax increases and revenue. "It is the establishment that is resorting to extortion, saying, in effect, to the House GOP: Give us the new taxes we demand, or Obama will veto the debt ceiling and we will all blame you for the default." Pat Buchanan says, "They're bluffing. The GOP should stand its ground -- and fix bayonets." Lock and load, in other words."

This is what establishment pressure looks like:   "This exercise in history-mangling concluded with the declaration that the Republican cause is barely better than chattel slavery was:"...Read more:

Gift for the Infidels

Mr. Terrell's art can relate to this Tunnel Wall Post from a few days back:

Taqiyya and Kitman: The role of Deception in Islamic Terrorism

Herman Cain bumper sticker

This masterpiece is from the Neal Boortz site. Thursday I met two men at a McDonalds in Santa Paula, Ca. whose car sported a Herman Cain bumper sticker. After visiting a bit with them, I promised to post this little jewel in the TW today, just for them. TD

Honkies For Herman photo
This was one of the comments on the sticker in Nealz Nuze:
Noooooo. Come on. Even though this is supposed to be humorous, it's still too race-cardy for me. Let's leave the race card for Obama and his sycophants in the media.

More analysis of the Casey Anthony trial

Neal Boortz  "Juror No. 3 has now started talking.  She is saying that the prosecution didn’t prove how Casey died.  Guess what?  The prosecution doesn’t need to prove how the victim died to prove murder.  The jury had all the information it needed to determine that Casey didn’t die of natural causes and that Casey’s mother was the cause."....
"As for Casey Anthony? She will self-destruct. The only question is when."

More from Boortz: The jury didn’t say Casey was innocent. They said guilt wasn’t proven … and that’s the way our system works.  "We’re all angry. This skank probably got away with murder. .... Consider the fact that the state wanted to take Casey Anthony’s miserable life -- and the state
was stopped from doing so by a dozen common, ordinary and usually powerless private citizens. We had a nursing student, a salesman, a high school dropout (like Casey), a care giver for the elderly who does odd jobs on the side ... everyday people who stood between Casey Anthony and the power of the state. These people were able to stand against this immense power and tell the state “Back off. You didn’t do your job. You haven’t proved guilt. So turn this woman loose and leave her alone!” "

Nancy Grace and HLN enjoy best all-time ratings thanks to Casey Anthony

ABC’s Payment to Casey Anthony Raises Questions about Ethics, Checkbook Journalism From Mar. 18, 2010;  "ABC News has admitted that it paid accused murderer Casey Anthony $200,000 in exchange for exclusive rights to video and photos. The network denies that the payments also included agreements for interviews. "

Casey Anthony: Could a TV show called 'Perry Baez' be in our future?Anthony normally wore her long hair in a bun, but she let her hair down for court Thursday. "I feel she got away with murder, and it really irritates me," said Donna Marini, an Altamonte Springs woman who attended most of the trial proceedings.
"Nearby, though, Casey Anthony supporters chanted for her release. One man stood with a sign asking: "Casey will you marry me?"
""I would date her," said the sign's holder, Tim Allen. "Everyone deserves a second chance." " Orlando Sentinel

Via Fox News: Casey Anthony Doesn't Deserve a Dime  "When my own son was five years old, he wandered over to the neighbor’s house without asking, and I had 911 on the line within minutes. I still get weak knees thinking about it.
"Any mother who has lost a child — even for a minute — knows what terror feels like, and Casey Anthony did the exact opposite of what most other mothers would have done."....
"The woman is a criminal, and it is sickening to even think of her and her family, or her agents, wading through offer after offer for paid interviews, books deals, or deciding which Hollywood starlet should play her in a movie.
"Shame on any news outlet, corporation, gossip website, or Hollywood movie producer who gives this woman a dime. By paying Casey Anthony for her sordid story, they are profiting from a child’s death."
Penny Young Nance is CEO of  Concerned Women for America

Congress May Repeal Its Disastrous Light Bulb Ban

Judicial Watch  "This would require a massive light bulb overhaul and a national ban on the highly popular and widely used incandescent bulb, which has been around for well over a century. They’ll be replaced with fluorescent bulbs which supposedly consume a lot less energy but contain mercury that could be quite hazardous if the bulb breaks. They are also more expensive.
"Realizing that this is not a good thing, a Texas congressman introduced legislation (Better Use of Light Bulbs Act or BULB) to repeal the federal incandescent light bulb ban and the House is expected to vote on it early next week. The measure seeks to protect Americans’ access to the light bulb of their choice and guard against mandates that force them to use bulbs containing mercury."Cartoon by Jay Lamm - Light Bulb

Obama, the Poor Loser, Poor Liar

John Ransom "And he’s given no one reason to trust him more next time around. That’s the biggest single mistake Obama made.
"As president he has lied an awful lot.
"He started lying first as a candidate, and then continued on as president. Americans are generally willing to put up with that when politicians can deliver the goods.
"Obama’s administration, however, has been a compendium of incompetence and lying.
"Whether is was GITMO, withdrawing from Iraq, Obamacare’s effectiveness in bringing down healthcare costs, the wars of choice in Libya (and Afghanistan), the debt ceiling he voted against before he was for, the stonewalling of the oil industry- Obama has a lot of broken promises to answer for.
"It’s so bad, that no matter what the president does on the budget, he’ll still be lying to someone.
'"And that’s why on the budget, he’ll be a poor loser."

Photo from Weasel Zippers, but looks strangely like the work of Rich Terrell

Obama's space program

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler


Tony Branco's "Comically Incorrect"
