Sunday, February 26, 2017

General Mattis Puts Kim Jong Un On Notice

Mattis V N Korea

"Secretary of Defense General James Mattis has put the Communist nation of North Korea on notice that the United States will no longer tolerate the country’s “glorious leader,’ Kim Jong Un, threatening the world with a nuclear holocaust.
“ 'America’s commitments to defending our allies and to upholding our extended deterrence guarantees remain ironclad: Any attack on the United States, or our allies, will be defeated, and any use of nuclear weapons would be met with a response that would be effective and overwhelming.” 
"This according to Newsmax, who reported on Mattis’ recent trip to the region.
North Korea has been an increasingly unstable threat to the world as the country spent a large portion of the Obama administration testing and perfecting their ballistic missiles and hydrogen bombs.

"While visiting South Korea, Mattis discussed a timeline for the construction and implementation of an anti-missile defense program called Theater High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD).

"THAAD will provide a protective missile defense system that will be able to shoot down missiles aimed at South Korea or Japan.
"This attitude of deterrence through strength is a far cry from the Obama administration’s efforts to severely dismantle the American military, and attempts to get rid of the nation’s nuclear arsenal.

"Though the media did not seem to have a problem with an American president colluding with Russia then, just prior to the 2012 election, Barack Obama was caught on a hot mic telling Dmitry Medvedev that he would have more flexibility to dismantle the US’ nuclear arsenal after his election because he would no longer have to worry about reelection." . . .

Transgender wrestler wins girls gold medal

Fort Worth Star-Telegram  "Mack Beggs came here to wrestle. And wrestle he did, manhandling four opponents over two days as he captured a Class 6A girls state championship Saturday.

"The 110-pound gold medalist also captured something else: The attention of a nation increasingly polarized by transgender issues.

"Beggs, a 17-year-old transgender boy from Euless Trinity High School, didn’t come to the state tournament seeking to carry the transgender torch, or to become a lightning rod, or to be the target of a lawsuit that could end his high school wrestling career." . . .
. . .
"Beggs was born a girl, yet from as early as 3 years old, his parents remember, he has considered himself a boy. Now more than a year after starting testosterone treatment that is transforming his physical appearance and increasing muscle mass to that of or near a boy of similar age, Beggs is required by the University Interscholastic League to compete as a girl and against girls." . . .

Does it seem a bit like this?

Read more here:

mBeggs was born a girl, yet from as early as 3 years old, his parents remember, he has considered himself a boy. Now more than a year after starting testosterone treatment that is transforming his physical appearance and increasing muscle mass to that of or near a boy of similar age, Beggs is required by the University Interscholastic League to compete as a girl and against girls.
He would prefer to wrestle boys, but lacking that option, he follows the rules set by the UIL, the state’s governing body for public school sports.

Read more here:
Beggs was born a girl, yet from as early as 3 years old, his parents remember, he has considered himself a boy. Now more than a year after starting testosterone treatment that is transforming his physical appearance and increasing muscle mass to that of or near a boy of similar age, Beggs is required by the University Interscholastic League to compete as a girl and against girls.
He would prefer to wrestle boys, but lacking that option, he follows the rules set by the UIL, the state’s governing body for public school sports.

Read more here:

President Trump opts out of attending White House Correspondents Dinner

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Rick Moran  "Reporters and media types refer to the White House Correspondents Dinner as "The Nerd Prom." The dinner has always served as a platform for big name media members to rub elbows with the rich and famous - especially Hollywood celebrities.

"It has also served as a venue where there has been continuous and unrelenting criticism and mockery of conservative personalities. And if there's a Republican president in office, the invective gets personal.

President Trump doesn't fell like it would be a good use of his time to sit at the head table and be forced to listen to empty headed Hollywood types trying to outdo one another in showing their hatred for him. So he's decided not to attend." . . .

Slime and the Slimers

Clarice Feldman  . . . "One ongoing slime is that Trump is anti-Semitic. Something I heard repeated at Georgetown University, home of a professor of Islamic studies who condoned rape and slavery in the Moslem world just this week. The charge against Trump is not only false, but is a favorite of the sort of people who never expressed interest in the Barack Obama-Rashid Khalidi tape being held under lock and key by the Los Angeles Times. The very people who never concern themselves with the substantial evidence of the anti-Semitism of Keith Ellison, runner up in the race for DNC chair and now appointed as "Deputy Chair" by winner Tom Perez.   Jeff Dunetz details the anti-Semitic acts on the record of Obama, none of which seem to bother the Democratic shills like the ADL and the media. Here are some of them:" . . .