To fight his own prosecutors, not the violent crime now surging across Los Angeles.
Tony Branco |
"Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón has retained Neal K. Katyal, the former acting U.S. solicitor general who represented Al Gore in the 2000 election dispute, but not to assist in the prosecution of violent crime now surging across the city. The Soros-backed D.A. has retained Katyal, reportedly one of the most expensive lawyers in the nation, to fight his own prosecutors.
"They want Gascón to uphold California’s “three-strikes law” and other measures that punish repeat offenders. Gascón refuses, and he recently stepped up his efforts against victims of violent crime.
"Gascón is “disbanding a group of victim advocates and prosecutors in the D.A.’s office who notify victims and their family members about their assailant’s parole hearings.” Embattled colleagues quickly pushed back.
“ 'What Gascón wants to do,” says deputy D.A. John Lewin, “is make it so not only the next of kin are unaware of these parole hearings, but he wants to make sure that prosecutors and district attorney’s offices don’t hear about them either.” This was not the D.A.’s first offense against victims. Shortly after taking office in 2020, Gascón banned prosecutors from attending parole hearings.". . .