The FBI statement is consistent with the Atlanta Police initial statement, yet claims that the incident is an anti-Asian hate crime are being pushed by the media and Democrats for political gain
Legal Insurrection "Earlier this week, Mary reported on the Atlanta spa shootings. Atlanta police reported at that time that the shootings were not race-related, but the media unleashed an avalanche of articles claiming, without facts or evidence, that the shootings were indeed race-related (and also misogynist. And stuff.)
"The FBI has now officially backed the initial Atlanta PD assessment and stated that the Atlanta spa shootings do “not appear to be racially motivated.”
FBI Director Christopher Wray told NPR Tuesday’s Atlanta-area shootings that killed eight people — six of whom were Asian-American — do not seem to be linked to race, backing up local police who say the alleged shooter was probably motivated by a sex addiction rather than racial animus, a theory that’s drawn skepticism and pushback from some corners.
"Of course this FBI finding has “drawn skepticism and pushback from some corners.” It has done so in leftist media corners in which today’s anti-white elements dwell. In their myopic, narrow little world, there is only one reason anything ever happens: race hate. We can toss in all the other sects in the leftist intersectional buffet of resentment and victimhood, but at rock bottom, race is the “new” class in their cultural Marxist revolution. It’s the reason for everything since the dawn of time and will always be the driving force for everything . . . if they have anything to say about it." More...