Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Republican Jewish Coalition Presidential Candidates Forum Winner Is….

PJ Media  "The high point of Romney’s speech was when he said as president he would make Israel his first foreign trip. This is in contrast to President Obama who has not visited Israel as president.
"Organizationally, just for the record, a minute before Romney had finished his speech I received an email of the speech as a press release. His is a campaign organization that is ready to roll and face the “Campaigner in Chief.”   (However...)
"Not wanting to rely just on my own instincts, I asked several other attendees who they thought had been the “winner” and all agreed it was Romney because he looked and acted the most presidential.
"The Republican Jewish Presidential Candidates Forum ended with the battle cry, “Remember in November! — and the Jewish community will play a historic role.”
"Let’s hope great change will occur within the American Jewish community at large in 2012 to nip away at that 78% of the vote that Obama won from them in 2008."

Christie to Obama: 'Get Out of Your Chair'  "Governor Chris Christie gave a compelling critique of President Obama yesterday at the Republican Jewish Coalition meeting:"
“This is a quote from the President of the United States. ‘But we need to meet the moment. We need to up our game’.”
“Mr. President. We need a leader who will lead us to the moment…who will help define what the challenges of meeting the moment means… and then not to be cautious and safe and sit back and wait for someone else to do the hard work, but to get out of your chair and start doing the hard work yourself to make America a greater place.” Video
Alan Caruba: "What Were They Thinking?"  "The question—the fear—on the minds of most Republicans these days is whether the Party intends to commit political suicide by choosing the wrong candidate to run against Obama and to add to their present agony, it has a litter of candidates who run the gamut from charisma-challenged to scarily brilliant.
"Let’s review the choices."...

Obama Foreign Policy in A Brief: The President as (a) Turkey

Yid With Lid   "On October 5, 1938, Winston Churchill said in the House of Commons, regarding the Munich agreement in which Britain and France forced Czechoslovakia to cede the strategic Sudetenland to Germany, leading a few months later to that country’s extinction and a year later to World War Two:

“I will begin by saying what everybody would like to ignore or forget but which must nevertheless be stated, namely, that we have sustained a total and unmitigated defeat….”
Viscountess Astor ( perhaps the equivalent of Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich) shouted, “Nonsense!”

"People ask me: How can U.S. government officials believe such silly and wrong things about the Middle East? Let’s go behind the scenes for a case study of how this works." ....
"Yes, that’s it. Turkey’s Islamist regime, not the United States, is taking leadership and setting the example. It’s leading in an anti-American direction and setting a bad example. American interests are being trashed; American allies are in despair.
"Now multiply this example by a few hundred times and you have Obama foreign policy."  Barry Rubin.
Emphasis added.

Obama Administration calls Fort Hood terrorism "Workplace Violence"!

Fox News  "Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday blasted the Defense Department for classifying the Fort Hood massacre as workplace violence and suggested political correctness is being placed above the security of the nation's Armed Forces at home."
"My faith in government is diminished. It invents euphemisms ... Little Rock is a drive by and Fort Hood is just workplace violence. The truth is denied," [Darius Long, whose son, Army Pvt. William Andrew Long
was shot and killed at an Arkansas military recruitment center in 2009] testified.
[Rep. Peter] King said the web is the driver of the new digital jihad.
"It enables people -- rather than having to travel to Afghanistan to learn about jihad or to be trained, they can do it right over the Internet," he said. "And this is a growing role."

Neal Boortz: Are you freaking kidding me?  "The Obama Gang has now informed us that this was not a terrorist attack, it was simply workplace violence. Yup, you got it .. .Nidal Hasan committed a simple “workplace violation.”
"We’ll say it again …. The Obama administration’s Department of Defense has, according to Sen. Susan Collins, classified the worst shooting on a military base by a Muslim in co-hoots with al Qaeda to be nothing more than a workplace violation.
"Forget the word “terrorism.” Forget the phrase Islamic terrorist. We are talking about the Obama administration here! This is the same administration that …
•Pulled any reference to Islam out of terrorism training manuals.
•Refuses to use the word terrorism because they are afraid it will offffffend(sic) someone. Instead they prefer the term "man-caused disaster."
•Said we needed to reach out to the Muslim world through … NASA?
Rep. Allen West sums it up in a Tweet, “America has no Commander in Chief.”

Leftists are so oblivious to threats to our nation it is hard to see how they could have the support of any factions other than celebrities, Communists, academics and people who defecate in the public square. Where do they get all those smiling sycophants who stand behind Obama at his campaign speeches?

The Covert Intelligence War Against Iran/ What would Ron Paul do?

STRATFOR   "There has been a lot of talk in the press lately about a “cold war” being waged by the United States, Israel and other U.S. allies against Iran. Such a struggle is certainly taking place, but in order to place recent developments in perspective, it is important to recognize that the covert intelligence war against Iran (and the Iranian response to this war) is clearly not a new phenomenon."
"The United States is currently in the process of completing the withdrawal of its combat forces from Iraq. With the destruction of the Iraqi military in 2003, the U.S. military became the only force able to counter Iranian conventional military strength in the Persian Gulf region. Because of this, the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq will create a power vacuum that the Iranians are eager to exploit. The potential for Iran to control a sphere of influence from western Afghanistan to the Mediterranean is a prospect that not only frightens regional players such as Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey but also raises serious concerns in the United States."
The Covert Intelligence War Against Iran is republished with permission of STRATFOR.
RQ-170 Sentinel drone

U.S. Considered Sending Commandos to Get Drone Downed in Iran   "American officials considered conducting a covert mission inside Iran to retrieve or destroy a stealth drone that crashed late last week -- but ultimately concluded such a secret operation was not worth the risk of provoking a more explosive clash with Tehran, a U.S. official said." ....
"No one warmed up to the option of recovering it or destroying it because of the potential it could become a larger incident," the U.S. official said. If an assault team entered the country to recover or destroy the drone, the official said, the U.S. "could be accused of an act of war" by the Iranian government.

We wouldn't want to harm our relationship with Iran or cause them to want to kill Americans.
Sounds like the Ron Paul foreign policy, which is amazingly similar to that of the Amateur Hour currently in the White House:
Ron Paul: Befriend Iran
Ron Paul Ignores Iran's Treachery;  "So Paul not only has shown that he has no understanding of the murderous radicals who rule Iran but has a dangerous lapse of memory. President Obama at first tried to do exactly what Paul argues now should be done -- and failed miserably."....
"Obama not only legitimized the brutal regime in Iran but he also then turned his back on the Iranian people, who had taken to the streets by the millions after the fraudulent elections of 2009, demanding an end to the thugocracy."  But I digress...

Back to that lost drone: US's military restraint on missing spy drone bolsters Israel's Iran hawks
"The Obama administration's decision after internal debate not to send US commando or air units into Iran to retrieve or destroy the secret RQ-170 stealth drone which fell into Iranian hands has strengthened the hands of the Israeli faction which argues the case for striking Iran's nuclear installations without waiting for the Americans to make their move."  from DEBKAfile as are the posts immediately following: 

Iran's Guards on war footing – London. Spy drone capture is US, Israel setback  "Our sources add that possession of the drone is more than just a major intelligence coup for Tehran; it has acquired an important military edge before any overt military operation has been launched. Western and Israeli war planners now have cause to fear that Iran has penetrated the heart of their most secret intelligence and electronic technological hardware for striking its nuclear infrastructure. If Tehran is capable of reaching out and guiding an American stealth drone into landing from a distance, it may also be able to control the systems of other aircraft, manned or unmanned."  Oh boy; now we really, really better be nice to the Iranians.

How Iran's Nuclear Power Play Can Change Global Politics | World | AlterNet
From...from..Iranians for Ron Paul?  Bear in mind that this article was posted in July 2009 and it is the most recent one in this blog. Why they have stopped publishing for Ron Paul and do they have an opinion on Paul's recently stated Kumbaya Iran policy?

Newt Presents a Fresh New Virtual Face

Ann Coulter  "Soon, Gingrich was writing a foreword to a Toffler book -- the same one on the Republicans' reading list –- and spending Christmas with the pro-choice, anti-school prayer, Christian Coalition-hating Tofflers. Yes, there's nothing like having an old-fashioned Christmas with a doddering couple who hate prayer and Christians, love abortion and are afraid of their microwave.
"(Incidentally, this was around the same time the purportedly pro-abortion Mitt Romney, as a Mormon elder, was pressuring a woman who wanted to abort her child to continue the pregnancy and give up the baby for adoption -- something he was attacked for in Teddy Kennedy campaign ads a few years later.) "