Thursday, November 27, 2014

Univision's Ramos To Journalists: 'Stop Pretending We're Neutral'

" 'We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.' " 

Well, who do you call "victims"? Those who are oppressed by the strong-arm robbers like Michael Brown, or do you consider Brown to be the victim of that shopkeeper?

Who demonstrates in support of the owners and employees of the destroyed businesses? Are those calling for the deaths of white people victims? When black youths punch unsuspecting passers-by, then dance over their prostrate form, just who do you call "oppressed"?
Are those who cry to "burn this b---h down!" to be considered oppressed? Apparently Mr. Ramos would say so.

Truth Revolt

... "During his speech before the group of journalists and media executives, Ramos made the case for journalists to drop the facade of impartiality and to use their voices and influence not just to inform but as activists to change policy:

" 'The best of journalism happens when we take a stand: when we question those who are in power, when we confront the politicians who abuse their authority, when we denounce an injustice," Ramos said. "The best of journalism happens when we side with the victims, with the most vulnerable, with those who have no rights. The best of journalism happens when we, purposely, stop pretending that we are neutral and recognize that we have a moral obligation to tell truth to power."

Maybe nonsense to power?

Brand Unawareness

Kevin D. Williamson 
... "Russell Brand is — let’s get this out of the way up front — a dope, a witless Hollywood poseur who having made himself a splendid fortune and having been cured of his various addictions now seeks new avenues of satisfaction. The progression is a common one among celebrities: To be paid handsomely is not enough, the sexual rewards are not enough, to be famous is not enough, to be celebrated is not enough — the hungry ego demands to be admired and respected, and the clown wants the world to know that underneath his makeup is the face of a Serious Man." ... 

Our Weasel Of The Week!!

Nice Deb  "Once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all slime-worthy,but in the end the winner by a nose was..the envelope please…

The P5+1 And U.S. Secretary Of State John Kerry!!

JoshuaPundit: "For allowing Iran to play them for even more time in ‘negotiations’ while Iran gets closer to having a nuclear weapon. The latest deadline (giggle) ended November 24th, with the Iranians still refusing even basic concessions like reducing the number of centrifuges, changing their heavy water reactor at Arak to a light water one incapable of increasing plutonium, ceasing all ballistic missile activity or even disclosing info on  their  program, or even a reliable verification program. "

"Kerry’s reaction? After a year of sheer horse manure that has accomplished nothing except to dismantle the sanctions regime and give badly needed billions to this fascist regime,Kerry and the P5+1 are begging Iran to continue the talks for another 7 months, until July 2015. They’ve caved on everything. The weakness this projects to the Iranians can only be imagined and it’s weaselness that threatens both our country and the peace of the world..."

"Ah, and the Iranians know it too! Let’s listen to what a couple of them had to say just a few days ago…like ‘moderate Iranian prez Hassan Rouhani:" ...  Read more.

Volokh Conspiracy: Private property and the Pilgrims

Washington Post  "There is much to be thankful for on Thanksgiving. One lesson of the holiday that we should try not to forget is how the Pilgrims were saved from starvation and misery by private property rights. Economist Benjamin Powell summarizes the story here:" ..
...Faced with potential starvation in the spring of 1623, the colony decided to implement a new economic system. Every family was assigned a private parcel of land. They could then keep all they grew for themselves….
 Ilya Somin is Professor of Law at George Mason University. His research focuses on constitutional law, property law, and popular political participation. He is the author of "The Grasping Hand: Kelo v. City of New London and the Limits of Eminent Domain" (forthcoming) and "Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter."

A Black to Giuliani: 'Right on brother. Way to go Rudy!'

Lloyd Marcus  "All heck broke loose in the media when white former Mayor Rudy Giuliani smacked down black race pimp Michael Eric Dyson with the truth about black-on-black crime during a TV panel discussion.  As an American who happens to be black, I say, “Right on, brother.  Way to go, Rudy!”  It is about time someone got into the face of these despicable human beings like Dyson, whose evil intention is to divide our great nation along racial lines for political and personal gain.  Dyson and his ilk are disgusting.  We must not submit to their arrogance, bullying, and assumed superiority."  Read more:



Artist’s ‘normal’ Barbie doll is modestly dressed, and can have cellulite too

Times of Israel
featured image
..."She’s not the waif-like fashion-plate doll girls are used to. Based on the proportions of an average North American 19-year-old girl, the Lammily doll is sporty, strong, and, well, pretty normal looking.
"For feminist thinkers and regular mothers around the globe, it is the Lammily doll’s normalcy that is its selling point." ...
The Lammily doll attempts to be relatable to most ethnicities. (
The Lammily Marks, a $6 packet of reusable stickers, give the doll anything from grass stains, to boo boos, to cellulite and stretch marks. (
"The Lammily Marks, a $6 packet of reusable stickers, give the doll anything from grass stains, to boo boos, to cellulite and stretch marks. (