Monday, April 29, 2019

Teen girls stage school walkout to protest boys in their bathroom who claim to be ‘girls’

Lifesite News

"The backlash against the relentless assault on nearly every civilizational institution by transgender activists seems to be slowly increasing as ordinary men and women realize the implications of the transgender agenda and the abolition of gender. Muslim parents in the UK pulled hundreds of children out of school, forcing a shutdown of recently-implemented LGBT programming. And as I reported back in February, students are pushing back, signing petitions demanding the return of their gender-segregated bathrooms and even suing their high schools in order to retrieve their right to privacy.
"Last week, the debate erupted again in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Two groups of students staged a walkout at Abraham Lincoln High School over bathroom privacy, with the protest being sparked by a girl who stated that her privacy was violated by a biological male who “recently began to identify as a girl” using the female bathroom. She was joined by about twenty other high school girls who left the school at 10:30 AM and began “chanting for privacy in restrooms, saying they don’t want boys transitioning into being girls to be in the restroom with them.”
"It is worth noting that much of the transgender ideology is so new that if someone had predicted high school girls would be fighting to keep biological males out of their bathrooms ten years ago, LGBT activists would have accused those making these predictions of fearmongering, bigotry, and deceit. Now, of course, if you defend the right of young girls to be uncomfortable with penises in their bathrooms and change rooms, you are guilty of transphobia. Some trans activists have gone so far as to say that girls uncomfortable changing in the presence of biological boys need to get over their internalized transphobia." . . .


Bernie Sanders' Felon Voter Rights Flop .

RealClearPolitics  "Just when you thought the Democrat Party couldn't get any more radical, 2020 presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders declared at a CNN town hall on Monday he wants to give voting rights to murderers, terrorists, rapists and other incarcerated felons.
"This includes voting rights reinstated for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, an anti-American convicted terrorist who committed an act of war against the United States and the city of Boston in 2013, placing pressure cooker bombs at the finish line -- next to innocent children -- killing an 8-year-old boy and two innocent civilians, and injuring 280.
"The marathon bombers also maimed 16 innocents who were exercising their right to be in Boston that fateful day.
"Nevertheless, Sen. Sanders wants evildoers like the marathon bomber, who was also complicit in the killing of an MIT police officer in the aftermath of the attack, to get the power vote because, according to his ultra-liberal ideology, that's living up to ideals inherent in a democracy. "If somebody commits a serious crime -- sexual assault, murder -- they are going to be punished," the democratic socialist said at the town hall this week. "They may be in jail for 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, their whole lives. That is what happens when you commit a serious crime. But I think the right to vote is inherent to our democracy. Yes, even for terrible people.
"Of course, what Sanders leaves out of the equation is that the right to vote was ripped away from all the victims violently murdered by these heinous criminals -- not to mention the loss of their precious lives and all of their rights as a result. Hard to fathom why any American -- a U.S. presidential candidate, no less -- would want to empower and reward hundreds of thousands of murderers and rapists currently doing time in American prisons with rights they stole from others.
"That's real injustice: when victims who've been brutally murdered can't vote but their assailants can." . . .

No, Democrats, the Obama-Biden Administration Was Not Scandal-Free

Rich Terrell
Legal Insurrection  "Joe Biden started his official 2020 presidential campaign launch  with a bang this week by declaring two glaring whoppers in two days.
"First was his announcement video which focused on the oft-debunked media-driven lie about President Trump’s response to the August 2017 Charlottesville riots. The second was his declaration that the Obama-Biden administration was scandal-free.
"Biden made the absurd claim on a Friday segment of ABC‘s “The View” program. Newsbusters has the transcript of the former veep talking fondly about his former boss:
BIDEN: The thing I’m proudest of is we coincidentally were each in a different part of the country and we were each talking to groups of people that were being televised, the same day, purely coincidentally we were asked what are you proudest of from your administration? You know what I said –it turns out he said the same thing and probably a little more clearly than I did. Is that, not one single whisper of scandal.
BEHAR: Not one!
BIDEN: Not one single whisper! [applause] That’s Barack Obama! That’s because of Barack!
BEHAR: I know! He’s amazing!
"Watch video of Biden’s remarks here: . . .

Joe Biden On Anita Hill In 1998: ‘She Was Lying’

Mollie Hemingway at the Federalist
It's true that Joe Biden did his best to help Anita Hill, including concealing witnesses who would have been a disaster under examination. But even he admitted to his colleague that Hill was lying.
"Former vice president Joe Biden repeatedly said on The View on Friday that he believed Anita Hill from the moment he heard her tale of sexual harassment by Clarence Thomas. But he previously told Sen. Arlen Specter that it was clear her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee included lies.
“ 'Not only didn’t I vote for Clarence Thomas, I believed her from the beginning. I was against Clarence Thomas, I did everything in my power to defeat Clarence Thomas and he won by the smallest margin anyone ever won going on the Supreme Court,” Biden told “The View’s” Joy Behar.
"But in 1998, Biden admitted to Specter that “It was clear to me from the way she was answering the questions, [Hill] was lying” about a key part of her testimony. The exchange was published in Specter’s 2000 memoir, “Passion for Truth: From Finding JFK’s Single Bullet to Questioning Anita Hill to Impeaching Clinton.”
" 'The issue is important, as the media and other partisans rewrite the historical record about Hill and her accusations. The widely watched hearings revealed inaccuracies in Hill’s various versions of events and ended with 58 percent of Americans believing Thomas and only 24 percent believing Hill. There was no gap between the sexes in the results. In the intervening years, activists have relentlessly attempted to change the narrative, writing fan fiction about Hill, bestowing honors on her, and asserting that her disputed allegations were credible.
"On “The View,” Biden claimed, “If you go back and look at what I said and didn’t say, I don’t think I treated her badly. I took on her opposition. What I couldn’t figure out how to do — and we still haven’t figured it out – how do you stop people from asking inflammatory questions?”
"Prominent media partisans attacked Specter for asking tough questions of Hill. Or really, just for asking simple questions she struggled to answer. He began by noting that many people had reported Hill had praised Thomas and his nomination to the Supreme Court. These included a former colleague at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, where both Hill and Thomas had worked years prior. Another person corroborated the colleague’s claim." . . .

Biden’s Attack On ‘White Man’s Culture’ Is A Mix Of Historical Illiteracy And Dishonesty
       The former vice president still owes Clarence Thomas an apology.

Ted Kennedy remained silent through the hearings, 22 years after, well...
. . . "Unlike the accusation against Kavanaugh, Hill’s allegations of sexual harassment were potentially a criminal matter. And in that regard, Hill wasn’t a credible accuser. Not a single person—and Thomas had scores of subordinates working for him during his years in government—came forward to substantiate that the judge had ever acted in the ways described by Hill towards anyone else. Twelve former female colleagues of Thomas and Hill signed an affidavit supporting him. Not one person who worked with both came forward to vouch for Hill." . . .



Kamala Harris can’t afford to be cagey about where she stands on the issues

. . . Harris: “I think we should have that conversation.”. . . Harris: “I think we should have that conversation.”. . . Harris: “I think we should have that conversation.”. . . 

LA Times

"Clarity, courage and candor. That’s what voters want from political candidates. Not circular claptrap.
"That’s especially true of candidates running in a crowded field of 20 for the Democratic nomination to take on President Trump next year. Voters are looking for differences. Everyone’s pounding on Trump. That’s no distinction.
"California Sen. Kamala Harris, who’s considered among the top tier of contenders, isn’t always performing up to speed. It’s not enough just to feed the voter base with red meat and focus group-certified talking points.
"Harris has long been afflicted with too much caution, as I’ve previously written.
"Prime examples were when she was state attorney general and a longtime opponent of the death penalty, but refused to take stands on ballot propositions in 2012 and 2016 that would have abolished capital punishment. They both failed narrowly. She also didn’t take positions on ballot measures to expedite the death penalty and loosen prison sentencing. They passed.
"Her lame excuse: It was the attorney general’s ministerial duty to write the official title and summary for ballot propositions. She didn’t want to appear biased. "Nonsense." . . .

Riveting Twitter Thread on the Infamous ‘Roof Koreans’ of the LA Riots Highlights Importance of the Second Amendment

“Over 5 days, more than 1000 buildings in the LA area were destroyed, and over a billion dollars worth of damage done. But guess which communities endured the storm with minimal damage and injury? That’s right. The store David and Richard fought from still stands today,” he continued.

The elected representative of these people was and still is, I believe Maxine Waters
"During the 1992 Rodney King riots in Los Angeles, armed Korean store owners stationed themselves on top of their shops to protect their property from looters and became known as the “Roof Koreans.”

"A riveting Twitter thread celebrated these brave heroes as the anniversary of the riots approaches.
"From April 29 to May 4 in 1992, rioters burned and looted everything in sight to protest the acquittal of four Los Angeles Police Department officers for excessive force in the beating of King. The riots left over $1 million in property damage. Reginald Denny, a white truck driver who stopped at a traffic light in the middle of the riots, was also pulled from his truck and beat nearly to death by a mob of rioters. His skull was fractured in 91 places.
"By the end of the rioting, 53 people were killed, including 35 from gunfire.
"While the riots were horrific, the “Roof Koreans” emerged as a testament to the bravery of their community and the importance of the Second Amendment." . . .   Video

Maxine Waters "fondly" remembers those days  . . . "Waters' history of calling the riots an "insurrection" dates back to the riots themselves.
" 'What I tried to do was take it out of the discussion of ‘these are just no good, crazy rioting people' and to talk about what I call an insurrection, which made a lot of white people mad," she recalled.
"In one famous incident of "insurrection" broadcast across the county, four men dragged truck driver Reginald Denny out of his cab and beat him within an inch of his life." . . .
"Another victim of the "insurrection" was 45-year-old Howard Epstein. As the Los Angeles Times reported, "Onlookers broke into applause when someone yelled that the dead driver was white."
"L.A.'s Korean-American community faced the brunt of the "insurrection" as a favorite target of the "rebels." 
"Over 2,200 Korean businesses were targeted for looting and violence, causing $400 million in damages." . . .

Shepard Smith hangs up on French politician during Notre-Dame fire; he considered terrorism.

Socio-Political Journal 

"When the Fox News Channel’s Shepard Smith hung up on French politician and media analyst Philippe Karsenty during live coverage of the Notre Dame Cathedral blaze, authorities already were speculating the catastrophe that gripped the world was caused by an accident."
. . . 
"Karsenty told WND he was “shocked” when Smith abruptly ended the interview.
“ 'I just wanted to put it in context,” he said, referring to the surge of attacks on churches. “And then I said, nevertheless, the media are lecturing us an hour after it started, saying it can only be unintentional.
“ 'I didn’t say it was a terrorist attack. I didn’t say it was criminal,” Karsenty recalled to WND.
"The French media analyst said he couldn’t have imagined such censorship “would happen in the United States.”
“ 'I thought I was with the free-media outlet in the land of freedom. And then I was cut off.”
"Karsenty, 52, is the founder of the French media watchdog Media-Ratings and a councilor of the city of Neuilly-sur-Seine, a suburb of Paris." . . .