Friday, October 8, 2010

The Colbert Democrats

Charles Krauthammer
Charles Krauthammer "It’s not just income taxes. It’s capital gains and dividends too. And the estate tax, which will careen insanely from 0 to 55 percent when the ball drops on Times Square on New Year’s Eve.
"Nor is this harmless incompetence. To do this at a time when $2 trillion of capital is sitting on the sidelines because of rising uncertainty — and there is no greater uncertainty than next year’s tax rates — is staggeringly irresponsible."

Obama’s war with the generals

National Post (Canada)  "And yet two generals feel the need to criticize the Commander in Chief in public in a short time frame? Yes, it could be coincidence, but the smart betting man has to wonder — what the hell is going on inside the administration? Just how hot are temperatures running? Who’s getting pushed and who’s pushing back?
"And perhaps the key question: How many generals and admirals will give up their careers rather than follow the President’s agenda?"

James Jones Out, Anti-Military Guy In  "...Obama's selection of Gen. Jones as national security adviser, along with a handful of similar appointments, caused us and other observers who are even more knowledgeable to hail what seemed to be a reassuringly moderate trend in Obama's nascent foreign policy. Those days are long gone now, and it seems that Jones never had much influence. Reuters reports that Jones was "often portrayed as an outsider who struggled to make his voice heard over Obama's close-knit group of advisers who were with him on his 2008 election campaign." "

Dontcha Love These Non-Ideological Pragmatists?   "Jones echoed criticisms that Donilon lacked critical national security experience and existed in a lawyer’s bunker, his power stemming from his status as a Democratic fixer who has the president’s ear — an ear Donilon routinely fills with “snap judgments” and “absolute declarations” about places he’s never been to, foreign officials he’s never met, and a military with which he has no credibility.
"Sounds like he’ll be perfect." Andy McCarthy in National Review

Mudville Gazette on Gen. Jones and Tom Donilan  "...Worse for Jones, he often felt sidelined by Emanuel, who would regularly come to the national security adviser's suite and see his deputy, Donilon. So Jones told Emanuel, "I'm the national security adviser. When you come down there, come see me." It got better for a short time..."

The Forgotten Evil behind the Iron Curtain

American Thinker  "Sadly, younger Americans know almost nothing of the world described in these books or understand the significance of the West's victory in the Cold War. Some just do not understand why "we couldn't all just get along." It is almost incredible, in retrospect, that some Americans were advocates for the political and economic system that took hold in the USSR and East Germany." Via Bruce Kelly

Che Guevara: Assassin and Bumbler  "Che Guevara was monumentally vain and epically stupid. He was shallow, boorish, cruel and cowardly. He was full of himself, a consummate fraud and an intellectual vacuum. He was intoxicated with a few vapid slogans, spoke in clichés and was a glutton for publicity.
"But ah! He did come out nice in a couple of publicity photos, high cheekbones and all! And we wonder why he's a hit in Hollywood."

All that time fighting capitalism...   "...only to end up making capitalists rich selling t-shirts of his face to ignorant, white, middle class, wannabes who wear his image with their name brand sneakers, designer jeans, and Axe body spray while sipping Starbuck's Coffee. "

Times of India photo

Celebrities Lend Their Names to a Bad Cause  "“Judicial evidence in an archaic bourgeois detail,” proclaimed the Castro’s regime’s chief hangman, Che Guevara. “We execute from Revolutionary conviction..And we will continue executing!” Whereupon the regime co-founded by Che Guevara proceeded to jail political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin’s and murder them at a higher rate than pre-war Hitler’s. Needless to add, Che Guevara ranks as top T-shirt icon for protestors against U.S. judicial procedures, especially capital punishment, who include most of the above-mentioned celebrities. "

Anatomy of the Obama Meltdown

Victor Davis Hanson  "In the meantime, an entire generation of Democratic House members and senators are going to pay a heavy price for falling for a clearly inexperienced, untried, and often petulant candidate amid the exuberance of the 2008 hope and change wave."
Chuck Asay, Townhall

MSNBC Bleeps Out the Word ‘Whore’ From Jerry Brown Story

Big Journalism  "The clear intent here by MSNBC is to try to lessen the impact of the Liberal-Democrat Brown and his aides referring to a female as a “whore.”  By bleeping out the word “whore” and merely writing the slur off as “salty language” they are attempting to make the story appear as merely an embarrassment for Brown rather than an example of his crude views toward both women and his political opponents."

WHEN PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS AREN'T PRIVATE  "The Jerry Brown/Meg Whitman race in California continues to be entertaining."  Neal Boortz

The Obamacare Disaster: An Appraisal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Insider Online  "All of the cost and heavy-handed government control of health care that will occur under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – the 159new government bureaucracies, agencies, boards, and commissions ruling health care, the trillions of dollars in Medicare cuts, the tax increases and massive deficits – all of this is completely unnecessary."
Lisa Benson Townhall

At the Mercy of the Obama Tax Hikes

Heritage  "There still is time for Congress to act to prevent the Obama tax hikes. Tax hikes that include higher rates on individual income, capital gains and dividends. No Americans will escape the damage from the Obama tax hikes including: 1) Destroying an average of 693,000 jobs every year through 2020; 2) Draining $726 billion from disposable income, $38 billion from personal savings and $33 billion from business investments; 3) costing the average non-farm small-business owner $3,500 more in taxes, and much, much more."