Sunday, March 18, 2018

Hillary stands with Indian-Americans India

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Steve Hilton  . . . "Whoever.” “You name it.” Clinton’s catalog of insults to the people she once hoped to represent typically ends with the rhetorical equivalent of an exasperated monarchical hand sweeping people away as if they were serfs who had dared to show their dirty faces to the queen.

"But Hillary really outdid herself recently in Mumbai in India.

"After dismissing American women who dared to vote against her as brainless robots when it comes to politics – this from the self-styled champion of women! – she went on to describe Trump supporters (roughly half the country, let’s remember) as people who “didn’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women getting jobs, you don’t want to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are.”

"Let’s not waste too much time on how unintelligent, offensive and bigoted that remark really is. The best response might just be to point to one prominent Trump supporter who now serves in  the president’s Cabinet: U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, an Indian-American professional woman who as governor of South Carolina not only took down the Confederate flag but said that it “should never have been there.' ” . . .

Hillary Clinton tries to explain her comments on Trump voters after backlash  
Clinton summed up Trump's message as "you know, you didn't like black people getting rights, you don't like women, you know, getting jobs. You don't want, you know, to see that Indian American succeeding more than you are."

The Media, the NRA, and Islam

It's too bad the American left doesn't treat the NRA even half as fairly as it treats Islam.  "That would refer to American Muslims, 13 percent of whom, according to the Pew Research Center, say they support suicide bombings and other violence against civilians in defense of Islam.  (According to Pew, the percentage is considerably higher among foreign Muslims.)
Yet every time a jihadist goes on a killing spree, the American left, through its propaganda arm – otherwise known as the mainstream media – is quick to remind us that Islamic terrorism is an aberration and in no way reflective of the "religion of peace."
"In fact, jihadist terror is so aberrant that countless talking heads, including the one who used to occupy the White House, have declared it un-Islamic, going so far as to claim that a vast terrorist army known by various names, but most conventionally as the Islamic State, has nothing to do with Islam.
"That would actually be laughable – sort of like claiming that the National Rifle Association had nothing to do with guns – if thousands of people weren't being slaughtered.
"Yet countless Islamic scholars, learned men (they're all men) who have done little other than study the Koran their entire lives, boldly contradict the leftist cadre of pundits and professional apologists, most of whom are not Muslim and have no expertise in the field of Quranic study (sort of like Dianne Feinstein defining an "assault rifle"), by saying that in their learned opinion, what terror networks like al-Qaeda and the Islamic State are doing – visiting violent jihad upon the infidel – is exactly the duty of every true Muslim and that anyone who says differently is either an infidel or a heretic and should be killed.  (How's that for the religion of peace and tolerance?)
"So whom are you going to believe, Anderson Cooper, who knows as much about Islam as he knows about picking up girls in singles bars, or ten thousand imams who have literally memorized every verse in the Quran?" . . .By Chuck Hustmyre

McCabe's firing demonstrates that the swamp is deep

Jack Hellner  . . . "The investigation by Mueller is and has always been a witch hunt targeting Trump and it is destroying a lot of people, but the media and Democrats only have cared so far about McCabe and other FBI agents who clearly violated their duty by protecting Hillary, targeting Trump, and not telling the truth about it. 

"The swamp is deep and Trump is obviously not the problem. The main problem is that the majority of the media is protecting the swamp instead of the American people. I would think they would be ashamed but they are not. They continue to double down."

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during National Walkout Day

Fox News

Ohio school suspension shoemaker

"An Ohio high school student said he tried to stay apolitical during the National Walkout Day over gun violence but was suspended for his choice to remain in a classroom instead of joining protests or the alternative, going to study hall.
"Jacob Shoemaker, a senior at Hilliard Davidson High School, said he didn’t want to take sides in the gun-control debate consuming the country. If he went outside for the walkout, he said, he would be supporting gun control. If he stayed in the common area of the school, he said, he would be seen as supporting gun violence and disrespecting the 17 lives lost in the Parkland, Fla. High school shooting the month before.
"Jacob had met with the school’s principal on Tuesday, a day before the rally, for about an hour to find out what exactly the walkout was supporting. But he said the principal reportedly told him it was for the “students to express themselves.”
"This left Jacob wondering if it was a memorial for the lives lost or a show of support for gun control." . . .