Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Red and blue states need a color change

Who indeed was the wizard of smart that assigned these colors to the parties? When attached briefly to the State Department Marine detachment the socialist color red in our possession was anathema. 
During an inspection, one Marine was found with a red tie in his locker and he was forced to walk around and around the squad bay with it tied around his head, shouting that he was going to the Kasbah. 
Red was the symbol of socialism and communism; the Red Army, the Soviet flag, Communist China flag, Red Guards, etc. And who can forget the red Soviet flag being carried outside the White House the day of Obama's inauguration?
I find it hard to stomach saying that to have my party win a state is to "turn the state red". The Tunnel Dweller

Mark A. Hewitt  "Since the 2000 United States presidential election, "red states" and "blue states" have referred to states whose voters predominantly choose either the Republican Party (red) or Democratic Party (blue) presidential candidates. 
"Wikipedia provides the following:
The current terminology of "red states" and "blue states" came into use in the United States presidential election of 2000 on an episode of the Today show on October 30, 2000, wanting to avoid any implied connection between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party.  According to The Washington Post, the terms were coined by journalist Tim Russert, during his televised coverage of the 2000 presidential election.  That was not the first election during which the news media used colored maps to depict voter preferences in the various states, but it was the first time a standard color scheme took hold; the colors were often reversed or different colors used before the 2000 election.
"Reversing the U.S. political colors would flip the longstanding convention of the political colors of the past, whereby red symbols (such as the Red Flag or Red Star) were associated with left-wing politics, and right-wing movements often chose blue as a contrasting color.  Up until 2000, Democrats were represented by red and Republicans by blue.  For 2018, Democrats should return to their past socialist glories and be represented by red.  Republicans by blue.  MAGA hats will have to become blue, like the background color of the field of stars on the American Flag.
"The political parties would not be immune to the color change.  Lefty companies will be required to get with the program.  Tesla has already embraced the color scheme.  Facebook and Twitter will have to get new background colors.  No longer will pale or dark blue work.  The two social media giants are shutting down Republican and conservative thought – activities of the liberal and the left – with their red pens.  They should change the background color of their logos to communist red, which is right between fire engine red and blood red on the color charts. 
"The communists and socialists have emerged from their hole and are back in American politics with a vengeance.  It's time to flip the left, turn the Democrats' blue states back to something with which they can readily identify, somewhere on the color spectrum between mayhem and murder: communist red.
"The Democratic Party is on the cusp of going full socialist with Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as its newest leaders.  It's time to use the appropriate terms and political colors to accurately differentiate between states being perceived as socialist and liberal and those perceived as American and conservative."

Is Gov. Kasich Trying to Torpedo Ohio Congressional Candidate on the Eve of a Critical Special Election?

Shame on the man for appearing on Hillary hack George Stephanopoulos' show.

PJ Media  "Ohio Governor John Kasich appeared on ABC's "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos on Sunday and ignited a firestorm over the role President Trump is playing in a critical race in Ohio between Republican state Sen. Troy Balderson and Franklin County Recorder Danny O’Connor, a Democrat. The candidates will face off for Rep. Pat Tiberi's abandoned U.S. House seat in what is expected to be a tight contest on Tuesday." . . .

"You know, I don't know, on his website or whatever—I asked him the other day, 'Why are you  bringing Trump in?''" Kasich said.

"Balderson replied, "I don't have anything to do with it," according to Kasich."

A new column published by the Atlantic this week attempts to explain why condemning white people has become popular in American culture.

Big Journalism  "Atlantic contributor Reiham Salam thoughtfully explained the rise of “white-bashing” in a column that was published this week. Salam explains that “white-bashing” has become increasingly popular with elite whites who want to signal their enlightened views on racial issues.
To state the obvious, Jeong is hardly alone in colorfully expressing anti-white sentiment, and it is this broader phenomenon I find most interesting. Honestly, I’ve been around this sort of talk, most of it at least half-joking, for most of my life. (Years ago, I even affectionately parodied it.) The people I’ve heard archly denounce whites have for the most part been upwardly-mobile people who’ve proven pretty adept at navigating elite, predominantly white spaces. A lot of them have been whites who pride themselves on their diverse social circles and their enlightened views, and who indulge in their own half-ironic white-bashing to underscore that it is their achieved identity as intelligent, worldly people that counts most, not their ascribed identity as being of recognizably European descent.
"Salam is writing in the aftermath of the Sarah Jeong controversy, which erupted last week after the New York Times announced her hiring. Users on Twitter discovered that Jeong had a history of bizarre anti-white bigoted tweets." . . .
Certainly Farrakhan wouldn't like a white son-in-law

Racism against whites "Unless you've been asleep for the past couple of years, you've been aware of a tsunami of racism directed against white people, said racism being stoked principally by whites who are leftists, if not outright communists.  True, there have been some blacks and some Mexicans who have expressed this racism, but it is principally by leftist whites.  Some of these statements by liberals are so bizarre, so disgusting, that one could be excused in thinking they came from certifiable psychotics." . . .

On Tuesday's primary elections

Ocasio-Cortez Backed Candidate Fails in Democrat MI Gov Primary . . . "Abdul El-Sayed’s campaign to prove Democratic Socialism can win in the Midwest

"El-Sayed’s platform mirrors Sanders’ and Ocasio-Cortez’s. He supports raising the minimum wage to $15/hour, implementing single-payer health care in the state, free college for families earning less than $150,000 a year, universal pre-K, legalizing marijuana, and ending Right to Work. " . . .

Looks like a narrow (yet big) victory for GOP in Ohio’s 12th District race 
. . . The 1,754 vote margin is 0.9% of the vote, and not subject to an automatic recount under Ohio law. Just over 3,000 provisional ballots remain to be counted, but are not expected to change the outcome. The two candidates will face off again in November." . . .

Trump-endorsed John James wins GOP nod for Senate in Michigan  "Political newcomer John James, a local businessman, prevailed handily over Sandy Pensler, a Grosse Pointe financier, in the Michigan Republican primary Tuesday night, setting up a fall U.S. Senate race that may become the sleeper race of the 2018 midterm elections.James will face Sen. Debbie Stabenow in the fall, one of 10 Democrats running to hold their seats in states President Trump won in the 2016 presidential elections that include Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, Florida Sen. Bill Nelson, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, Indiana Sen. Joe Donnelly, Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, Montana Sen. Jon Tester, North Dakota  . . ."

PJ Media live blogged on the primaries

Trump, Balderson Declare Victory In Ohio, But Democrat Not Ready To Concede
. . . "Along with an extremely tight Republican primary in Kansas, where a Trump-backed Republican congressional candidate holds a narrow edge over his opponent, the Trump-supported Balderson ended the night ahead by 0.9%, which amounts to just 1,754 votes, CNN reports.
"But with a total of 8,483 outstanding absentee and provisional ballots still to be counted, Balderson's Democratic opponent, Danny O'Connor, isn't willing to concede just yet. (UPDATE: As of 9:15 a.m. EST Wednesday, only 3,300 uncounted ballots remain; Balderson's lead remains 0.9%.)" . . .

Celebrities Trash Ohio Voters After Democrat Loss: ‘This Is an Embarrassment’
. . . "The night wasn’t a total loss for Democrats, as their socialist star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saw a couple of candidates she endorsed when their primary races.
President Donald Trump appeared to be the night’s biggest winner. Five candidates President Trump endorsed won their respective races." . . .

The massive failure of democratic socialists in yesterday's primaries

American Thinker
Rick Moran  "If democratic socialists are "the future" of the Democratic party they better get used to losing - a lot.

"Every single candidate endorsed by by celebrity democratic socialist politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was beaten by establishment Democrats in yesterday's primaries. And not just beaten - they were, in most cases, slaughtered.

"The blood on the floor in Democratic precincts across the Midwest is democratic socialist blood. 

Cortez held a whirl-wind tour of the U.S., stumping for Abdul El-Sayed for governor of Michigan, Fayrouz Saad in Michigan’s 11th Congressional District, Cori Bush in Missouri’s 1st District, and is backing Congressional candidate Kaniela Ing in Hawaii.
El-Sayed lost his bid for the Democrat nomination for governor to 51.8 percent to 30.5 percent, according to numbers published by the New York Times.
Saad came in fourth in the five-way race, capturing only 18 percent of the vote. . . .  Read more
 Ocasio-Cortez vs. the Trump Economy  ". . . "Many pundits predicted economic collapse when the business tycoon turned presidential candidate won the 2016 election.  Even the so-called "experts" got it wrong.  Economist and NYT columnist Paul Krugman made the bold prediction that markets would "never" recover from Donald Trump being elected president.

"Yet here we are with no sign of an economic collapse.  Quite the contrary, in fact.  The great GDP numbers and record low unemployment rates are just the latest positive example of what has been an objectively successful economy under President Trump." . . ."

Facebook unblocks California GOP congressional candidate’s campaign ad

Legal Insurrection
"If she wins CA-16, and she could, Elizabeth Heng should send Facebook a big “Thank You” note."
. . . "The social media giant’s video team blocked one of her ads, but changed their mind once they received backlash.
"Elizabeth Heng, who is running against Democratic incumbent Jim Acosta, posted an inspiring campaign ad that began with chilling images from the Cambodian genocide in the 1970s while telling about her parents’ survival. The theme of her campaign: “Great things can come from great adversity.”
"It seems that the message may have been too powerful for Team Facebook.
Heng’s campaign said Facebook “revoked approval to advertise” the video last week. According to a screenshot posted to Twitter, Facebook said it was not approved because it does not adhere to its advertising policies.
“We don’t allow ads that contain shocking, disrespectful or sensational content, including ads that depict violence or threats of violence,” the message from Facebook read.
"The ad is compelling, which might explain a bit of the motivation behind Facebook’s decision:"