Thursday, May 19, 2022

Putin ‘facing a coup after his closest allies accept they’ve lost the war’

Putin ‘facing a coup after his closest allies accept they’ve lost the war’ ( 

 "Vladimir Putin’s top security officials think the war in Ukraine is ‘lost’, making the chances of a coup more likely, an analyst in Moscow says.

The chances of the Russian tyrant launching a nuclear strike are receding as it is likely people would refuse to carry out his order.

That’s according to expert and investigative journalist Christo Grozev, who suggests Putin is losing his grip on power.

He says leading officials are unlikely to obey Putin’s commands to launch nukes as they don’t trust he will still be in power in three months time.

‘I think that it is the informed elite within the security forces who understand that the war is lost,’ Grozev told Radio Liberty.

He said Putin’s inner circle understand the president would need a full mass mobilisation to win the war, but this would cause a ‘social explosion’ in Russia.

Some hardliners may pressure for use of nuclear or chemical weapons, Grozev warned.

But others will say ‘enough is enough’ and ‘it is better not to waste another 10,000 lives of our soldiers and officers’. . . .

The Disinformation Governance Board Is Dead. Here’s The Right Way To Fight Disinformation.

"Reid erroneously stated by overturning Roe v. Wade would make abortion illegal, rather it would mean states will be once again allowed to make their own abortion."  Julio Rosas discussing MSNBC's Joy Reid 


Forbes   "The Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board has been paused, only three weeks after it was announced. Reports have variously announced that partisan fights and right-wing attacks on the Board’s leader, Nina Jankowicz, led to its demise. However, the Board was doomed from the moment it was named. The name itself suggests illegal government activity that the American people would never tolerate, regardless of their partisan affiliation. Legally, it is rarely permissible for the U.S. government to be the arbiter of truth. The name suggested that it would do just that—despite DHS officials’ protests that it was designed to protect free speech.
"Meanwhile, the Internet burns while partisans fiddle. The interagency must act to combat adversary disinformation. The Board must be replaced with an interagency body with a clear and transparent mission to fight information warfare by U.S. adversaries, while protecting the First Amendment freedoms that Americans hold dear.". . .

. . ."The U.S.’s robust freedom of speech is at the core of what makes America great, and at the essence of what it means to be American. It also makes information warfare by U.S. adversaries hard to combat. U.S. adversaries have no similar restrictions on accessing the data of U.S. citizens and weaponizing it. U.S. adversaries can root out those who are susceptible to disinformation and use their data to target them with disinformation. And Congress has had a hard time stopping them. Since Russia’s attacks on the 2016 elections, Congress has done little to combat information warfare by U.S. adversaries, especially as related to elections. Bills to enhance U.S. government efforts to combat disinformation have stalled in Congress, in part due to their lack of adequate procedural and constitutional safeguards.". . .

Are we free from the burden of those who misinform?


Naturally, the news of the "pause" and of Jankowicz's departure were leaked to none other than Taylor Lorenz of the Washington Post, another left-winger crybully with no self-awareness, a classic mean girl who outs the identity of anonymous internet posters but who self-righteously denounces any inquiry into her own transgressions.  Lorenz's Washington Post article is behind a paywall, but the Ace of Spades and Robby Soave of Reason have delightful takedowns of its utter fatuousness.  It is as ludicrous as Jankowicz, which is saying a lot.

Executive Director of Biden's Ministry of Truth Resigns ( . . ."Now that the American people are aware of and against a government-ordained ministry of truth, the Biden administration is scrambling to deal with another internal crisis of their own creation. But all Biden's men, it seems, were unable to turn the tide."

. . ."In what I would describe as one of the more disturbing things I’ve heard a supposed reporter utter, Cameron suggested that the Biden administration should get a list of names together of those who spread supposed “misinformation” and start throwing them in jail.". . .
The spirit of MSNBC has entered the mind of the former "Campaign Carl"!

Would Biden's disinfo czar prosecute this?   

Abortion Advocate Left SPEECHLESS When Asked if She Would Abort 2-Year-Old

 Abortion Advocate Left SPEECHLESS When Asked if She Would Abort 2-Year-Old - Choice Clips (

Yes...full stop.

Rep. @jdanbishop: "Do you believe men can become pregnant and have abortions?"

How Dare He Pick on Communism? Ron DeSantis proves he has all the right enemies.

 How Dare He Pick on Communism? › American Greatness

Let’s recap. On April 22, the Florida governor signed the “Stop WOKE Act,” which, in the words of USA Today“prohibits any teaching that could make students feel they bear personal responsibility for historic wrongs because of their race, color, sex or national origin.”

"The law was necessary because, as you can see in any number of YouTube videos of school-board meetings around the country, young children have indeed been taught, in accordance with critical race theory and other poisonous postmodern pap, that if they’re white or male they’re oppressors, bearing guilt for the actions of long-dead people who looked like them, and if they’re black or female, by the same logic, they’re victims. 

"Six days later, DeSantis signed the “Parental Rights in Education Act,” which forbids kindergarten teachers in Florida from talking to their pupils about such topics as masturbation, ejaculation, and oral sex—an act his enemies dishonestly dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

"This law was necessary too, because, as you can see in other videos (many of which have been curated on the “Libs of TikTok” Twitter account) young schoolchildren are indeed being taught all kinds of things about sex that nobody, until the day before yesterday, would have considered remotely appropriate. 

"Then, on May 9, DeSantis signed a third bill. It designates November 7 of each year as “Victims of Communism Day” and mandates that schoolchildren in Florida be taught about Communism for at least 45 minutes a year.

"Like the two laws before it, this one, too, was necessary. All American schools teach about Nazism, and make it clear to students that Hitler was evil.

"But Communism? Stalin? Not so much.". . .

DeSantis Torches Administration And Dems, Suggests Biden Has Violated Oath Of Office [Video]  "The more we listen to and watch Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speak, the more impressive he is. His skill set, which was partially developed at both Harvard and Yale, is beyond anything we’ve seen from a Democrat in years.

"DeSantis’ manner of speaking is commanding but calm. He’s assertive without being overly abrasive. He almost always cites facts and data when making his points, something Democrats almost never do, and as a result, he’s persuasive. DeSantis has a gift. But one of the most impressive aspects of DeSantis’ public speaking skills is his ability to move to and from various topics without coming across as scatterbrained.". . .

Sure, but he doesn't check any of the preferred demographic boxes.

Candace Owens RELEASES The Proof! BLM Co-Founder Looks Like HUGE LIAR After This..

 Choice Clips from Whatfinger News

. . ."Owens covers all her bases, exploring Floyd’s most intimate relationships, discussing the case with legal and medical experts (as opposed to paid hacks), sitting down with Chauvin’s kin, and looking at the grossly corrupt organization of Black Lives Matter. Along with 2000 Mules, this might be the other most noteworthy documentary produced this year.". . .

Project Veritas Catches Vicious Twitter Executive Dismissing Free Speech and Mocking People with Asperger’s, Elon Musk Reacts

 Martinez mispronounces "Veritas". How serendipitous, since the word is Latin for truth.

Project Veritas Catches Vicious Twitter Executive Dismissing Free Speech and Mocking People with Asperger's, Elon Musk Reacts - The Last Refuge (

It did not take Elon Musk long to react to the second explosive undercover video of Twitter executives disparaging free speech and even mocking Musk for Asperger’s.   This will not end well for Mr. Alex Martinez, Lead Client Partner for Twitter advertising.

[NEW YORK – May 17, 2022] Project Veritas has published the second part of their series on Twitter. This story features undercover footage of Lead Client Partner, Alex Martinez, an employee for the tech giant, who sometimes speaks on behalf of the company at events. This footage shows a very candid Martinez speaking about how the company’s “ideology” led them to be less “profitable,” among other incendiary comments.

 Twitter Executive Mocks Elon Musk for Believing Public can ‘Make Their Own Decision’ on Platform … ‘The Rest of Us Who Have Been Here Believe in Something that’s Good for the Planet, and Not Just to Give People Free Speech’ | Project Veritas

  • . . .Martinez on Musk: “Elon Musk as a person is whatever. I don’t- like, he’s a loony toon. He has- he has Asperger’s.”

  • Martinez on Musk: “He has Asperger’s… So he's special. We all know that. And That's fine. So here, no wonder he’s going to say some f***ing crazy sh*t because he's special.”

  • Project Veritas published a new story on Tuesday night featuring footage of Twitter Lead Client Partner, Alex Martinez, discussing the company’s ideology, criticizing the acquisition of the company by Elon Musk and, at times, denigrating Musk for his expressed views on free speech. . .