Sunday, July 17, 2016

Answering racial conflict with love and truth

American Thinker  "I thought I would share my perspective as a conservative Christian father who recently adopted a black teenage son during this time of media and activist inspired racial conflict.

"No doubt, some number of Americans refused to vote for President Obama on the basis of his race.  But whatever the number, it is dwarfed by the number of Americans who voted FOR him on the basis of his race.  At no point in our history and in few places on earth is racism less of a problem.

""Yet 80% of young blacks and more than 50% of young whites say that racism is a "major problem."  How can that be?  Quite simply, because they've been taught that.  We now know (shouldn't we have examined the evidence first?) that police don't shoot black suspects resisting arrest any more than they do whites, according to the research of Dr. Roland Fryer, a Harvard professor who had the courage to bring some veritas into this national discussion.  Better, as a black man, he'll even get to keep his job.

"But why would the news media deliberately perpetrate a hoax on America that has led to the execution murders of multiple police officers and many more innocent black citizens killed in the ensuing lawlessness created by a neutered police force?  In a word, politics." . . .

On the Baton Rouge police executions

Cleveland Police Association President Steve Loomis: Obama "Has Blood On His Hands"   "The president of the Untied States validated a false narrative and the nonsense that Black Lives Matter and the Media are pressing out there to the public — He validated with his very divisive statements And now we see an escalation. 
"This has got to end. 
"We need some leadership in this country to come forward and put an end to this. " . . .

Baton Rouge shooter identified as Gavin Long, 29 . . . "Long served in the U.S. Marines and received an honorable discharge in 2010, CBS News reports, quoting an unnamed military source. CBS also describes Long as a black male." . . .Sounds very tentative to me.

Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ On YouTube Channel [VIDEO]

Baton Rouge shooter Gavin Eugene Long. (Youtube screen grab)

Weasel Zippers  "One of officers killed, identified by his cousin. This is Officer Montrell Jackson and his son.  Baton Rouge police have an appreciable number of officers who are black, so if you're trying to set up an ambush to kill officers, you may very well get black officers. Apparently black lives(if they were cops) didn't matter to these killers."
Officer Jackson and his son.

Pence: "We Cannot Have Four More Years Of Apologizing To Our Enemies And Abandoning Our Friends"

RealClear Politics   . . . "History teaches us that weakness arouses evil. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's foreign policy of leading from behind, moving red lines, failing resets is a testament to this truth of history, and we must bring a change to America's standing in the world.

"We cannot have four more years of apologizing to our enemies and abandoning our friends. America needs to be strong for the world to be safe. On the world stage, Donald Trump will lead from strength. He will rebuild the arsenal of democracy, stand with our allies and hunt down and destroy our enemies of freedom." . .  .

Watch Governor Pence's entire speech here:
Even Chris Matthews loved it., But then even Obama gave him a thrill up his leg.

The liberal media is trashing Pence now.

An Armed Citizenry Can Frustrate and Deter Vehicle Attacks

"France for all its centralized police forces, massive internal military deployments, and draconian gun control law is now beset by a violent Islamist onslaught against a mostly cowed and defenseless population, with jihadist attackers causing heavy civilian losses at every turn.  And this, along with open immigration and a stagnated state dominated economy is the model that Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrat party would have the United State emulate.  That seems to be a pretty good model for Republicans to run against."
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen

Jonathan F. Keiler  . . . "France is one of the world’s most restrictive nations when it comes to ownership of firearms, yet saw its people helplessly victimized by an armed (the driver also apparently carried a pistol though seemingly without effect) and brutal attacker without effective recourse, despite enhanced security efforts in the country. " . . .
. . . 
"Specifically, in the case of the bulldozer (or front-end loader) attacks on Israelis a few years ago, at least two were ended by armed civilians or off duty soldiers, while most other attacks have been thwarted or shortened by police or on-duty soldiers.  The U.S. doesn’t have anything like the number of armed police, paramilitary border police, and armed soldiery in and around its cities as Israel does.  But we do have millions of armed civilians who could foil or mitigate such attacks in such a situation.  And for those that will say that a civilian with a typical concealed carry handgun (of say modest size and caliber) could not stop a terrorist in a truck, take a look at the video showing the conclusion of the attack in Nice, where police engage the attacker with handguns, likely little different from what many citizens carry in America today. At the very least they could put out a tire, distract or injure the driver, or otherwise reduce the likely deadliness of such an attack." 

Sharia-compliant NYC Mayor deBlasio names a day in honor of a new Brooklyn Jihad Center virulently opposed since 2010 by the Jewish-Christian neighborhood in which it now sits, posing a threat to residents

BareNakedIslam   "In recognition of the massive neighborhood opposition to the construction of this terror mosque, Mayor Bill de Blasio named a day in honor of Thursday’s opening ceremony for the Muslim American Society’s new house of worship in Sheepshead Bay."


Globalist Obama: Terrorists, Racist Cops Are ‘Chronic Impulses’ to Be Defeated by Global Elites

This must be about what it would be like to have Jerry Brown as president.
Obama did not say anything complimentary about Christianity or the United States, even though he is the commander-in-chief of the U.S. military and is the chief of law enforcement in the United States, whose members have been fighting for the nation against the nation’s enemies who describe themselves as Islamic armies.

"After mentioning the Nice attack and hinting at the police engagements, Obama sketched out his demand for globalist fix for the “chronic violence” that he says is caused by competing racial, national and religious solidarities;
I think have to step back [from the Nice attack] and reflect on what we are doing to eliminate this kind of chronic violence. It’s been a difficult several weeks in the United States.  But the divide … is between people who recognize the common humanity of all people and are willing to build [international] institutions that promote that common humanity, and those who do not — those who would suggest that somebody is less than them because of their tribe, or their ethnicity, or their faith, or their color.  And those impulses [for solidarity] exist in all our countries.  And those impulses, when we do not speak out against them and build strong institutions to protect people from those impulses, they can take over, they can be unleashed — so that all of us [international leaders] have responsibilities.
"For Obama, everyone –jihadis and cops, Catholics and capitalists, atheists and Australians — must subordinate their political, religious and legal affiliations to the greater authority of a single globalist power." . . .

Not one mention of going after the head of the terrorist organization.

Same old platitudes  "Bring them to justice".

Blah, Blah, Blah…Hillary Speaks. . . . "This woman must never again get close to the White House.  She is a short-sighted politician, the opposite of what we need.  She will get many of us, if not all of us, killed." She is cut from the same cloth as Mr. Obama.

‘Radical Islam’: Obama Won’t Say the Words, and Has No Answer
. . . " What do we believe? And for what values, if any, are we willing to die? Obama does not say. And so we continue to lose." . . .
. . . What the west needs is a bigger cause around which to rally, in order to resist and eventually crush radical Islam. The roots of that cause are in our classical liberties, which are closely entwined with the Judeo-Christian values that are our cultural inheritance (even for those who rail against those values).
That we have no values is evident in Democrat Party causes, conventions, and in what we see coming to schools and other institutions from today's "progressives". Morally, America is becoming a softer target for terrorists and bankrupt revolutionary causes. TD

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy