Thursday, October 8, 2015

Weasel of the Week!

Nice Deb  
"Yes, once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

"Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were particularly slimy and despicable, but the votes are in and we have our winner…the envelope please…"

"Puma By Design : My nominee for Weasel of the Week goes to Barack Hussein Obama who began politicizing the death of nine people killed at Umpqua Community College in Oregon last week before rigor mortis set in (no disrespected intended, just trying to make a point).

"I suspect that Obama‘s speech last week was actually written months ago, locked away in a desk in the Oval Office along with a batch of executive orders on gun control that the White House claims is being prepared for Obama’s signature.
From Breitbart:
“It’s a high priority and will continue to be until we start to see more progress on this issue in this town,’ White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters today at the press briefing…
‘I can tell you that they’re not stumped, they’re continuing to review the law that’s on the books and continuing to consult with legal authorities but also others who may have ideas about what steps that can be taken to keep guns out of the hands of criminals,’ Earnest said…”

Obama and the Middle East; how would he not know he is collapsing decades of US foreign policy?

What Really Drives Obama's Destructive Mideast Policy? This author posits that Obama hates the West.

. . . "Obama isn’t religiously Muslim.
"But there’s every indication he’s culturally Muslim."

"It’s not a stretch to say that what ex-president Jimmy Carter did for Iran, Barack Obama is doing for the whole Middle East and beyond. Islamic State is on the move; jihadism in general is raging and all the rage; and with the Iran deal, the man who helped enable the “Arab Spring” may give us a nuclear winter. " . . .Why did he support the Iranian clerics over the people in their revolt?

BDS, Trade, and Congress  . . . "Making it clear to President Obama that Congress will hold up any and all trade agreements if he obstructs the anti-boycott provisions of the law would be a powerful, effective, and ongoing check on any executive branch attempts to legitimize anti-Israel boycotts. "

Putin's Holy War vs. Obama's Jihad in Syria 

Michael Ramirez Cartoon. . . "Compare and contrast this with U.S. President Obama, who denies the connection between Islamic teachings and violence; whose policies habitually empower Christian-persecuting Islamists; who prevents Christian representatives from testifying against their tormentors; and who even throws escaped Christian refugees back to the lions
, while accepting tens of thousands of Muslim migrants. " Raymond Ibrahim

Don’t Trust Putin in the Mideast   "Contrary to the principles of American foreign policy of the last 70 years, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry tacitly invited Russia to “help” monitor things in the Middle East. Now they are learning that there are lots of Middle East scenarios far worse than the relatively quiet Iraq that the Obama administration inherited in January 2009 — and soon abandoned." . . .

Should you mistake the "Holy War" article above for Putin-love, consider this:  From The Federalist:  No, Obama Critics Don’t Admire Vladimir Putin . . . "To make things clear, just because we think Obama is an abject failure doesn’t mean we think Putin is a model of success. And saying that he looks strong and decisive by comparison to the man currently in the Oval Office—well, let’s just say that Obama has set a pretty low bar." . . .

AP Reporter Exposes Obama Admin Hypocrisy Regarding Israel in Wake of Afghan Bombing   "With the recent U.S. bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital in mind, AP reporter Matt Lee confronted and confounded State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner over the Obama administration’s reaction to Israel’s accidental bombing of a school in the city of Rafah in the south of Gaza in August of 2014.
"After the Israeli missile strike hit a school, killing ten people, the State Department put out a scathing statement condemning Israel for its “disgraceful shelling,” and demanded an investigation:
. . .
"As Dunetz notes, the State Department spokesman was at a loss for words.
He obviously couldn’t say that the condemnation of Israel wasn’t official policy — it was simply the Obama administration taking advantage of an opportunity to criticize Israel. (Never let a crisis go to waste.)"

Trey Gowdy rips into Kevin McCarthy over his Benghazi statements

The conservative House Freedom Caucus on Wednesday endorsed little-known Rep. Daniel Webster

Trey Gowdy RIPS INTO Kevin McCarthy for misrepresenting the Benghazi investigation
Benghazi committee chairperson Trey Gowdy tried to hold back his anger about Kevin McCarthy undermining the credibility of their investigation with his admission on the Hannity show that are now being used in Hillary campaign commercials.

"Clearly this is going to hurt McCarthy’s run for the Speaker of the House, as critics have pounced on him from all sides, and even his friends admit that what he said was stupid. What a great replacement for Boehner, huh?"