Saturday, August 6, 2016

L.A. Times Op-ed bares media bias in Clinton coverage

Joe Newby

Clinton nearly calls Donald Trump her husband...

. . . "For his part, Raimondo observed, “This transparent bias is a national phenomenon, infecting both print and television media to such an extent that it has become almost impossible to separate coverage of the Trump campaign from attempts to tear it down.”
"Had Raimondo substituted the term “national disgrace” for “national phenomenon,” his analysis could easily pass the smell test." . . .

After US president said Israeli officials consider accord a ‘game changer,’ Liberman’s ministry likens it to 1938 capitulation to Nazis


Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman at a meeting of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on July 18, 2016. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)
Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman at a meeting of the
 Foreign  Affairs and Defense Committee on July 18, 2016.
"Israel on Friday bitterly rejected US President Barack Obama’s claim that its officials now support last year’s nuclear deal with Iran. Far from accepting Obama’s assertion, the Israeli Defense Ministry compared the year-old accord to the Munich Agreement signed by the European powers with Nazi Germany in 1938.
. . . 
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" 'A top minister close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, furthermore, directly contradicted Obama’s assertion that Israel now backs the accord. “I don’t know to which Israelis he (Obama) spoke recently. But I can promise you that the position of the prime minister, the defense minister and of most senior officials in the defense establishment has not changed,” Tzachi Hanegbi told The Times of Israel.
“ 'The opposite is the case. The time that has elapsed since the deal was signed proved all our worries that, regrettably, we were justified before the deal was made,” said Hanegbi, a minister who works in the Prime Minister’s Office and who until recently chaired the Knesset’s powerful Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee." . . .

Obama To Play 300th Round Of Golf While In Martha’s Vineyard…

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What in Heaven's name can make this man as popular as he is? Do those who say they like Obama do so because they are afraid to criticize him? Who'd have ever said they didn't like the Beatles? You are expected to or else.  TD

Weasel Zippers


"Reminder: George W. Bush (also an avid golfer) played only 24 rounds of golf during his presidency. Bush stopped playing in 2003, saying that he “felt it was not appropriate to be seen golfing while American troops fought in Afghanistan and Iraq.' ”
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Ransom or what?

Obama Hostage Ransom
Jonah Goldberg: When Is a Ransom Not a Ransom? When It’s Inconvenient to Call It That  
. . . "Now, because of this pas-de-deux of asininity, not only have we given the Iranians untraceable walking-around money to give to its terrorist proxies, we’ve also given them every incentive to kidnap more Americans — which is exactly what they’ve been doing. But at least the folks at the State Department can sleep soundly knowing that they didn’t really pay a ransom — it just looks that way."

Rich Lowry: The Ransom that Dare Not Speak Its Name . . . "At the most basic level, if the U.S. government were paying ransom to Iran, this is what it would look like: A cargo plane stuffed with wooden pallets of $400 million in foreign currency, obtained by the U.S. government from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland, landing in an airport in Tehran reportedly the same day the hostages were released. The director Michael Bay couldn’t ask for better material." . . .

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Weekly Standard: Kerry Says $400 Million Iran Story Is Not New  " 'This story is not a new story," Kerry told reporters in Argentina. "It doesn't represent anything the American people weren't told by the president and by the administration. What it does represent is a policy of common sense.' "
Well, yes, it was. If your enemy holds hostages you desperately want back and asks money for them, you could say it is "common sense" to pay the money, just as it is "common sense" to give the schoolyard bully your lunch money. How will that all work out for you?

Political Cartoons by Mike Lester

Salon: Congress was right: The Iran deal is a travesty — and Obama is to blame
Congress was right: The Iran deal is a travesty — and Obama is to blame

. . . "These latest developments undoubtedly confirm what conservatives and other pro-Israel activists have been arguing throughout this entire episode. They’re yet another reason why people who don’t like flawed GOP nominee Donald Trump will still have a hard time voting for Hillary Clinton, given her prominent role in helping usher in this flawed deal. They also tarnish President Obama’s legacy, despite his brag last week at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia that he’d “shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program' ” . . .

Black Lives Matter Keeps Getting More Radical — Will the Media Care?

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David French at National Review

"Their decision to elevate the most extreme voices has dire consequences for racial justice."
. . . "But you’d never know this from coverage by mainstream media. The networks consistently elevate Black Lives Matter spokespeople without even hinting at their radical views — allowing them to draw adherents by the millions and granting them one of our culture’s largest megaphones. This directly contradicts the typical media approach to conservatives. Mainstream media not only work overtime to identify and root out conservative “extremism,” but they will blame conservative rhetoric for violence even in the total absence of evidence. (See, for example, commentary about the jihadist massacre in Orlando or the Gabby Giffords shooting in Tucson). When it comes to leftist extremists, however, the media will work overtime to distance Black Lives Matter from violence even though its supporters routinely call for it, sometimes attacking police directly." . . .

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 This isn’t a serious political movement. It’s the grown-up equivalent of a student temper tantrum, where the demands for leaving the dean’s office include everything from better stir-fry in the cafeteria to peace in the Middle East. It self-identifies as radical, and implementing its agenda would require nothing more and nothing less than the overthrow of the American political and constitutional order.
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Brave man who stood up to Munich shooter now facing prosecution for 'INSULTING killer'

UK Express

"Thomas Salbey, 57, saw the shooting happening from his balcony in the Bavarian capital on July 22. 
"In an attempt to stop 18 year old Ali Sonboly from further slaughtering people, he swore at the shooter as he was standing in a car park below.
"Sonboly shouted at him: "I am a German."
"Footage of the feisty exchange went viral as thousands praised Mr Salbey for standing up to the deluded teenager.
. . . 
"Loner Sonboly had just shot dead nine people, mainly young teenagers he had lured to McDonald’s on the premise of free food. 
"The German-Iranian also injured 16 others during the rampage before he killed himself a kilometre away from the Munich Olympiad shopping centre he carried the shooting out at.
"Now, in a twist of German justice, Mr Salbey is now facing charges for standing up to the killer who shot himself in the head."

Olympics viewers revolt over constant commercials during NBC broadcast

Via Drudge  " 'Mediaite notes the first 40 minutes of the Opening Ceremonies included 14 minutes of commercials during six different breaks.' "

Thanks NBC for showing the Olympic Opening Ceremony in the short breaks between commercials. 

NBC breaks into parade of commercials with Bermuda.

Note to GOPers shying away from Trump: Hillary Clinton a clear and present danger to U.S

Joe Newby

Clinton - a clear and present danger to America

"On Friday, the Atlantic posted a list of “major” Republican figures and listed where they stand on Donald Trump, the current GOP nominee.  Other alleged Republicans say they’ll vote for Hillary Clinton, perhaps the most evil person ever nominated by a major party for the highest office in the land.  Perhaps they don’t understand that Hillary Clinton presents a clear and present danger to the United States.
"Let me explain why.
"For starters, Clinton has spent more than 40 years lying and scheming her way to the top.  There’s simply not enough space here to list all the lies, but there is a video showing her lying for some 13 minutes.
"Despite what some may think, Clinton is every bit the Marxist that Obama is.  As we noted last April, she once called for Marxist redistribution for “the common good.”  This is hardly something any true Republican can support.
"She’s hardly a supporter of the First Amendment, and she absolutely loathes the Second.
"Then there’s her history regarding the single greatest threat not just to America, but the West as a whole — radical Islamic terrorism." . . .
You may recall that her husband "loathes" the military. In addition, you may all know the stories of Hillary's treatment of our military.

Leftists, as a general rule have little respect for our military. Example:  Every Marine an Umbrellaman


People who cheer for and adore Hillary and Obama are indeed worthy of contempt in my view.