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Tuesday, November 22, 2022
The Case For Booting Adam Schiff From The House Intel Committee
In fact, leaking on the Intelligence Committee became a favorite practice of the congressman, whose habitual leaks made their way uncritically into the pages of The New York Times.
"On Sunday, GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy made clear a trio of liberal lawmakers were on the chopping block for their assignments after the chamber took the unprecedented step of dictating minority committee appointments under Democrat rule. Georgia Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene was kicked off of her committees just a month after her congressional inauguration.
“Should you become speaker of the House in January, what are you going to do in terms of these Democrats that you have on such important committees?” asked Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo on Sunday. “You’ve talked in the past about removing Ilhan Omar, you’ve talked about removing Adam Schiff, about Eric Swalwell. Will you deliver?”
"In January, McCarthy told Breitbart News each would be removed from their respective positions on the Intelligence Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee if he were elected speaker with a Republican majority.". . .
Adam Schiff has brought shame on our Congress, our nation and his own family. A plague on Democrats for not choosing to remove Schiff themselves. TD
An attempt to counter US dominance: Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping meet to ramp up their ‘no limits’ friendship
"The meeting was largely regarded as an attempt to ramp up their ‘no limits’ friendship and deepen economic ties, especially in the realm of energy by announcing new gas pipelines.
"It was also an opportunity for the two to discuss prevalent security issues and counter the U.S. dominance in the world, as President Putin said 'U.S. attempts to create a unipolar world would fail.'
"Seven months into the Ukraine war, Russia’s economy is battered by the multitude of sanctions imposed by the West. Reports suggest that Russia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has fallen by 4% in the second quarter. Conversely, the growth of the Chinese economy has slowed down over this period, most markedly because of its ‘zero COVID’ policy that is continuing to impose strict lockdown mandates and border controls.
"However, analysts suggest that this is not a meeting of two equals. The latter is a superpower with the world’s fastest-growing economy, while the former is a dwindling superpower that is fighting a draining war in Ukraine and trying to build new export markets away from the West.". . .
Obama’s Doctor Exposes Joe Biden’s Mental Problems
The Beltway Report "Do you remember when the Democrats insisted President Trump was not right in the head and he took a cognitive test to prove them wrong? Now, Obama’s former doctor and current member of the House of Representatives, Ronny Jackson says that Biden needs to take the same test. He sent a letter that was co-signed by over a dozen members of congress, demands that he take the test.
"I wonder how the Democrats will react to that demand. Will they shrug it off or will they bribe a doctor to fake the test? One thing we do know for sure, his handlers will never allow him to be honestly tested. They currently run the country because they control Biden and they won’t want to give that up. They are the leaders of the free world.
"The letter states:
"The American people should have absolute confidence in their President. They deserve to know that he or she can perform the duties of Head of State and Commander in Chief. They deserve full transparency on the mental capabilities of their highest elected leader. “
“To achieve this, we urge you to submit to a cognitive test immediately. We implore you to then publish the test results, so the American people know the full mental and intellectual health of their President, and to set an example for all Presidents to follow going forward.”
"The letter documents the reason he needs to take the test:
Previously, while on the campaign trail, you agreed to a similar assessment. At first, you “grew testy” and questioned “why the hell would I take a test,” according to an AP report. Later, you relented and said you were “very willing to let the American public judge my physical, mental – my physical, as well as my mental fitness and to, you know, to make a judgment about who I am.”. . .
After Nancy Pelosi: Now What?
Christopher Chantrill "I don't know about you, but I just feel relieved that Nancy Pelosi has stepped down from leadership of the House Democrats.
But is it true that "Nancy Pelosi Lacked the Most Basic Skill of Great Legislators"? Or that "Nancy Pelosi will rightfully go down as one of the greatest speakers in the history of the U.S. House"?
"The answer to both questions is, of course: Yes.
"Who cares if Nancy Pelosi was not a great legislator? She did not become House Speaker to craft great legislation. She was there to ram through big government spending bills that distributed loot and plunder to Democrat voters and powerful interests and approved activists.
"Her crowning achievement, if you will, was to ram through ObamaCare, forcing moderate Democrats to vote for it, even though many of them lost their seats in the 2010 midterms. And Republicans don't dare repeal it.
"My only question is whether Nancy Pelosi understands this. Does she know that all she ever did was 1) insult Republicans as gun nuts wanting to rob senior citizens of their Social Security and Medicare benefits, and 2) ram through spending bills to distribute loot and plunder to her supporters?
"But then, I doubt whether Michael Corleone ever worried that being a mafia crime boss was not really the highest and best thing an American could be.". . .
Have the Democrats Destroyed Our Election System?
D. Parker "Is there any point in voting if we can’t trust the system -- or whether the liberty-denier Democrats will abide by the rule of law or basic decency?
"Do you get the feeling that you’ve been had?
"That terrible sick-in-your-stomach sensation when scam artists laugh and you realize they’ve done it again? When all of our hopes for the conservation of liberty have been destroyed by the same type of schemes that we all should have seen coming a mile away?
"How does a party trying to destroy our constitutional republic for two years with poll after poll screaming that we are on the wrong track avoid a humiliating defeat at the ballot box?
"How does a party steeped in the worst aspects of fascism and socialism in a collectivist witch’s brew even have a chance after everyone has seen what they are at their core?
"What did they offer? More of the same only worse, and we were supposed to believe Gen Z and everyone else couldn’t wait to get all their ballots in?
"You get the feeling that the illegitimate Left is verging between trying to hide their malicious merriment at ‘winning’ again and coming out with a ‘what are you going to do about it’ moment.
"The liberty deniers of ‘the nation’ seems to be on the verge of the latter with a screed titled: “Democrats, Time to Go Big.” Starting out with the fact that even they can’t believe they did so well:". . .
Democrats have made America a role model for silliness.
Demonization and confiscation of the assets of regime opponents are hallmarks of totalitarian regimes, even when given a patina of legality through executive orders and the like.
In the United States, hundreds of political prisoners languish in DC jails, with 20 months of pretrial confinement (many in solitary), an outrageous abuse of the judicial system that has drawn almost no protest from the powers that be in the Republican Party, fearful, evidently, of being tarred with the brush of an “insurrection” that was the first in history to be unarmed and ushered into the seat of Congress by guards holding open the doors.