Thursday, June 23, 2022

KKK Disbands As Progressive Left Accomplishing All Their Goals

 Babylon Bee

"HARRISON, AR—It was a somber day for white-hooded members of the Ku Klux Klan as they received news that their organization was disbanding, since the progressive Left was accomplishing all of their goals with unparalleled effectiveness.

“Welp, I guess it’s both good news and bad news,” said current CEO of the KKK, Bob U. Genics while overseeing Klan members turning in their robes and pointed hats. “Them Lefties cornered the racism market for sure, and look at how they undermined minority communities through low school standards, drug legalization, and rampant decriminalization. Impressive.”

The head of the now-dissolved KKK reassured the gloomy crowd, reminding them that it was an honor to pass the baton of hate and division to people with their tentacles deeply woven into American politics, education, business, and entertainment.

“Racism is in good hands,” he said, misty-eyed.

Following the disbandment meeting, the former members excitedly showed their support for the new face of racism and hate by donating to Ilhan Omar's campaign..

Biden: This is beyond embarrassing. Why is he still in office? (Photos)

General Dispatch

"Next time someone tries to tell you Joe Biden isn’t a geriatric nursing home patient trapped in the White House, show them this. He needs a notecard with step by step directions telling him what to do, including “YOU take YOUR seat”. This is beyond embarrassing.  TWO photos below, closeup is second – Benny Johnson"

American journalism is just about done

MORE Bad News for CNN 😂 Leftist news station now near death…

  Mark C. Ross

There have been rumblings of civil war, considering the political polarization within our current place in time.  The polarization, however, has been here for quite a while, but the left seems to have gotten a lot more strident in its militancy.  I am inclined to think desperation may be the true reason.  Leftists have been accustomed to controlling the narrative, which they no longer do.  Rather than hit the books and do more research, they just shout louder and with greater histrionics.

Olbermann: States should ignore today's ruling and the U.S. should dissolve the Supreme Court   "My guess is that he had pre-written this tweet to use when the Dobbs decision came down and accidentally hit “publish” in a fit of excitement when the Bruen case dropped instead.

"If I’m wrong and this really is his reaction to Bruen, I can’t imagine what he has planned for Dobbs. A livestream of him crying, maybe.

"Go ahead and treat this post as a palate cleanser rather than news. After all, at this stage of Olby’s career, this is basically just a random dude on Twitter freaking out to everyone’s amusement.". . .

Tucker Carlson savages Republican politicians' disrespect for Americans

Andrea Widberg: Tucker Carlson savages Republican politicians' disrespect for Americans  . . ."Tucker opened his monologue by pointing out that the American people have come to despise Biden and his policies.  Despite the media's covering for Biden, people have noticed raging inflation, a recession, lawlessness, broken borders, a tenderness for Ukraine denied to America, cultivated race-hatred, efforts to disarm law-abiding citizens, and the arrogance of the LGBTQ+++ crowd — and they don't like any of it.  It turns out that mean tweets aren't so bad when compared to a government that's hostile to its own citizens.

"The Democrats' intentional mismanagement is so extreme that the party is losing Hispanics and blacks in droves.  In theory, this should be a golden age for Republicans.  It's not, though, and that's the fault of the Republican political class, few of whom seem to embrace conservatism or Americans.  Rather, as Tucker exposes in his hard-hitting monologue, their principles are aligned with Biden and his Democrat politicians and media flaks, and they share the Democrat political class's disdain for Americans.". . .

. . ."Pay special attention to the last minute or so of Tucker's speech.  It's a warning I sincerely hope Republican politicians, from Mitch McConnell on down, heed, lest America become ungovernable and the whole American experiment devolves into a welter of violence, blood, and famine.

"As for the video, for reasons that elude me, as of this writing, Fox has chosen not to upload the video of Tucker's stunning monologue.  However, it has posted the transcript.  Also, although it may soon be pulled, here's an unofficial recording of Tucker's show, including the monologue:". . . (See below)

Tucker Carlson: Republican leaders are siding with Joe Biden   "Joe Biden is the weakest, most unpopular leader of our lifetime. He's also the most destructive. Now, that's not a partisan assessment. That's not the opinion of a right-wing talk show. That is the view of the overwhelming majority of American voters.  

"Biden's malicious ineptitude is so overwhelming that it is single-handedly changing American politics and everywhere there are signs of it, signs of a massive generational realignment taking shape, taking shape in response to the disasters this administration has created. The old coalitions are crumbling before our eyes. Suddenly we're seeing Hispanic voters, African and Middle Eastern immigrants, as well as huge numbers of American-born young men, all running at remarkable speed from Joe Biden and the anti-human corporate neoliberalism he represents. 

"Nowhere is this trend more obvious than in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. That's a place which for generations has been a Democratic Party stronghold. As recently as 2018, a Democrat called Henry Cuellar won his district in south Texas with fully 84% of the vote. His district is 80% Hispanic and for decades that meant it went Democrat. But then last cycle, that began to change. Two years ago, Cuellar's percentage of the vote plummeted by 26 points in one cycle. The same thing happened to Congressman Filemon Vela and Vicente Gonzalez. They also represent districts on the border with Mexico in Texas.  

"Both went from huge wins in 2018 to marginal victories in 2020. Hispanic voters are no longer automatically Democrats. In fact, they are openly hostile to the Democratic Party. Joe Biden's support among Hispanics has dropped to a stunning 24%. That's the lowest among any ethnic group in America. ". . .