Saturday, June 29, 2019

ALERT: Former Obama Officials Caught Working With Iran To Defeat U.S. Foreign Policy

DC Whispers

"Yet another HUGE story that has been largely ignored by the mainstream media. Thankfully, OAN has been following the ongoing developments that outline how former Obama officials in conjunction with multiple contacts in Congress, have recently been caught working with Iranian officials to defeat the remarkably successful Trump administration’s actions in isolating and possibly hastening the collapse of the #1 sponsor of state terrorism that is the Iranian regime. 
"Let that sink in. Former Obama officials and current members of Congress are working to support and maintain one of the worst human rights violators in the entire world. The Iranian government has a long history of brutalizing women, homosexuals, and other religious and/or racial minorities. The regime is also directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of U.S. military men and women. And on a no-doubt related note, the #1 geopolitical supporter of the terrorist-loving Iranian government (besides the former Obama administration) is Russia, which sells hundreds of millions of dollars worth of military goods to the regime every year. That’s right, the very same Russian government that Democrats here in America say is a threat to our own democracy is working hand-in-hand with former Obama officials to help prop up the radical mullahs who have forced the wonderful Iranian people to live under the boot of their oppressive regime for far too long.
"Watch the news video coverage below:"
Watch the video here.

The debates: Democrat contempt for America and Americans laid bare

The difference between Trump, who loves this country, and all twenty Democrat candidates who seem to hate everything about America could not have been clearer in these two debates.  Their hatred of Trump has eaten away at their wisdom and conscience.  It has poisoned their souls.  What we saw those two nights is what is left of them: misery; intolerance; and their disdain for freedom, the Constitution, and the American people.*
Nitwit Graphics

Liberals Ruled the Debates. Will Moderates Regain Their Voices?  "The Democratic debates this past week provided the clearest evidence yet that many of the leading presidential candidates are breaking with the incremental politics of the Clinton and Obama eras, and are embracing sweeping liberal policy changes on some of the most charged public issues in American life, even at the risk of political backlash.

"Vowing to eliminate private health insurance, decriminalize illegal immigration and provide government health care benefits to undocumented migrants, high-profile contenders like Senators Bernie SandersElizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris are wagering that they can energize voters eager to dismantle President Trump’s hard-line policies.
"But with moderate Democrats repeatedly drowned out or on the defensive in the debates, the sprint to the left has deeply unnerved establishment Democrats, who have largely picked the party nominees in recent decades." . . .
"SICK. Kamala Harris Defends Mothers Paying Human Traffickers to Bring Their Daughters to US — One-in-Three Girls are Assaulted on the Way"
From beheading to kidnappings, there seems to be no limit to what the Mexican drug cartels are willing to do to assert their dominance—and they deal not only in drugs, but also in humans. The majority of the coyotes who help undocumented immigrants cross the border are affiliated with the cartels.
 *The debates: Democrat contempt for America and Americans laid bare  . . . "But then [Biden] got raked over the coals by Harris on the busing issue.  Talk about old news.  She lied about her own experience; her Berkeley district was not segregated.  Forced busing was a terrible solution to a very real problem in the early 1970s.  Biden was right to oppose the program; it was awful for all involved.  Harris claimed she was one of those kids bused and almost tearfully claims to have benefited, but her mother was an academic.  It's doubtful she would have ever attended a school of which her mother did not approve.  Busing was a classic case of big government's good intentions having disastrous results.  Some kids spent four hours on buses each day!" . . .

Kate McKinnon Roasts Marianne Williamson’s Democratic Debate Performance with Amazing Impression


"Welcome to the race, Marianne Williamson. During Thursday night’s Democratic Debate, as Kamala Harris skewered Joe Biden and four white dudes duked it out for a “World’s Best Dad” paper plate award, one candidate made a lasting impression: Williamson, a self-help author with little political experience. Williamson’s performance was truly something to behold (and so are the memes), so naturally, it only took a few minutes for fans to start clamoring for a Saturday Night Live impression. Well, ask and you shall receive, folks. Just a few hours after the second Democratic Debate, SNL star Kate McKinnon dropped by Late Night with Seth Meyers and delivered the Marianne Williamson impression to end all impressions. “My plan is to harness the energy of babies to finally put a man on the moon,” said a wide-eyed, deep-voiced McKinnon." . . .

The U.S. Can Afford to Stay Calm with Iran

Victor Davis Hanson

The Trump administration can sit back and monitor Iran’s international ostracism and economic isolation while remaining unpredictable and enigmatic.

"President Trump recently ordered and then called off a retaliatory strike against Iran for destroying a U.S. surveillance drone. The U.S. asserts that the drone was operating in international airspace. Iran claims it was in Iranian airspace. 

"Anti-war critics of Trump’s Jacksonian rhetoric turned on a dime to blast him as a weak, vacillating leader afraid to call Iran to account. 

"Trump supporters countered that the president had shown Iran a final gesture of patience — and cleared the way for a stronger retaliation should Iran foolishly interpret his one-time forbearance as weakness to be exploited rather than as magnanimity to be reciprocated. 

"The charge of Trump’s being an appeaser was strange coming from leftist critics, especially given Trump’s past readiness to bomb Syrian president Bashar alAssad for allegedly using chemical weapons, his willingness to destroy ISIS through enhanced air strikes, and his liberation of American forces in Afghanistan from prior confining rules of engagement. 

"The truth is that Iran and the United States are now engaged in a great chess match. But the stakes are not those of intellectual gymnastics. The game is no game, but involves the lives, and possible deaths, of thousands." . . .

At first debate, Dems scramble to prove they’re the most pro-abortion

Life Site News

"June 27, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – If last night’s Democratic debate made anything crystal clear, it is that abortion extremism in its wokest and most horrific form is going to be at center-stage for the duration of this presidential election. This crowd of feticide fans wants abortion on demand, without apology, throughout all nine months of pregnancy – and funded by the taxpayer. Abortion was made to sound as if it was not just a necessary evil, but a downright noble act that every woman should feel proud to commit.
"Despite that, not a single candidate would say if they would support any restrictions on abortion at all. That is because most of them have already indicated that they support abortion until birth, but are also aware of the fact that while this position might play well with far-left progressive primary voters, it is repugnant to the vast majority of the American people. 
"That said, the Democratic candidates badly wanted to trumpet their credentials. Former Congressman and failed senatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke lunged at the subject without even receiving a relevant question from the moderators, announcing that “health care also has to mean that every woman can make her own decisions about her own body, and has access to the care that makes that possible.”
" Washington Governor Jay Inslee decided that O’Rourke must be one-upped on his support for abortion, and reminded the audience, “I am the only candidate here who has passed a law protecting a woman’s right of reproductive rights in health insurance." . . .

Hat tip to The Bridgehead