Tuesday, April 7, 2020

‘You Are A Fraud’: Rose McGowan Rips Alyssa Milano For Supporting Biden Despite Sexual Assault Allegations (UPDATED 4/9)


"Alyssa Milano is a liberal idiot that mercilessly attacked Brett Kavanaugh during his Senate confirmation hearings. Her stance was, “ALWAYS BELIEVE WOMEN.”
"Always believe women, that is true, of course, if the man accused is not Joe Biden.
"This woman accusing Joe Biden has a far more credible case against him than Christine Blasey Ford had against Kavanaugh.
"For starters, Tara Reade could prove without a doubt that she knew Joe Biden. Tara Reade had proof that she had to take the gym bag over to Biden at the capital that day. She has two witnesses that remember her telling them of the sexual assault when it happened.
"I wrote about the assault here. Please read the original post. I do not believe this is an instance where a woman is going after a powerful man for notoriety. I believe that she is a true sexual assault victim, and we need to be her voice.
"An exert from my original article is important to remember timeline and context surrounding the lack of support from the Times Up and Me Too movement:
You are a fraud. This is about holding the media accountable. You go after Trump & Kavanaugh saying Believe Victims, you are a lie. You have always been a lie. The corrupt DNC is in on the smear job of Tara Reade, so are you. SHAME https://twitter.com/alyssa_milano/status/1247217322542002177 Alyssa Milano
I explained my silence on the allegations against Joe Biden in this clip.
I am still endorsing @JoeBiden. Listen to this clip to find out why. #MeToo #TimesUp https://youtu.be/tcNx_nD6Bi4
Via Chicks On The Right Group

I cannot forget Milano's great photo op, set up with the help of Sen. Feinstein and keeping her on camera at the expense of Brett Kavanaugh and his family. She even had a political sign on the back of her clipboard. Publicity for Milano with praise at Hollywood parties and TV talk shows. TD

UPDATE: Milano Utterly Destroyed By #MeToo For Saying: ‘Don’t Believe Biden’s Accuser’  . . . "She sought to explain her “silence” in the face of mounting criticism by supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont Independent and Biden’s primary opponent.
“I never thought [Me Too] would be something that would destroy innocent men,” Milano said on SiriusXM’s Radio Andy. “We don’t want that to happen either. So we have to find this balance in the Believe Women movement and also giving men their due process and realizing that we’re destroying lives if we publicly don’t go through the right steps in order to find out if an accusation is credible or not.”
“ 'It’s got to be fair in both directions,” she added.
Milano's obviously sincerely devastated by her accuser,
 but as an actress, she is good at acting "obviously,
sincerely devastated". TD

"While Milano is refusing to believe Biden’s accuser without a “thorough investigation,” she believed Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation against Kavanaugh the same day the doctor came forward in the Washington Post.
"On September 16, 2018, after the Post named Ford, Milano went beyond merely calling for an investigation, instead, tweeting out her categorical support for Ford:" . . .

Rose McGowan Rips Media for ‘Covering Up Creepy Joe Biden’ Assault Allegation  . . . "The fact that Reade’s accusation is more credible than the accusation made against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, is not in dispute. For starters, there’s no proof Blasey Ford even knew Kavanaugh. Secondly, Blasey Ford’s own “witnesses” not only said they didn’t witness anything, more than one said the event never happened.
"Nevertheless, actress-activists like Milano and the establishment media ripped mercilessly into Kavanaugh while they now hang Reade out to dry." . . .  (Emphasis added by TD)

Have no doubt the HuffPo is just another MSNBCNN. See their content

List of S&P 500 companies Read the list and you may see companies in which you yourself have $500 to $1500, including companies that MSNBCNN find reprehensible. Maybe even funds Jim Acosta, Don Lemon and Mr. and Mrs. Morning Joe  have a mutual fund stake in. Imagine Donald Trump lusting for a 500-1500 dollar investment! That might just be enough to buy a new faucet handle for the Trump mansion. TD

Donald Trump Has Stake In Hydroxychloroquine Drugmaker: Report
"The president has repeatedly touted the anti-malaria drug as a coronavirus treatment despite a lack of medical evidence."
The story begins with these statements:
"President Donald Trump reportedly owns a stake in a company that produces hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malaria drug he has repeatedly touted as a coronavirus treatment even though his experts say there’s no strong evidence it works. 
"Trump “has a small personal financial interest” in Sanofi, the French drugmaker that makes Plaquenil, the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine, The New York Times reported Monday.
"In addition, Sanofi’s largest shareholders include a mutual fund company run by major Republican donor Ken Fisher, the paper said. Trump’s three family trusts, as of last year, each had investments in a mutual fund whose largest holding was Sanofi, according to the Times. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross also had ties to the drugmaker, the Times reported." . . .
Then read on down to the finish and learn this:
. . . "The financial news site MarketWatch and The Washington Post later estimated Trump’s stake to be worth between about $100 and $1,500, though the Post noted his trusts may have amassed other investments since his most recent disclosure. “He does look to have more than that modest sum invested in Sanofi, because, unmentioned in the Times report, his trusts also hold broader European stock-market index funds,” MarketWatch pointed out." . . .
. . . "John Dillard, a spokesperson for Fisher Investments, called the Times article a “false report” and said Sanofi “is neither a material holding of Fisher Investments nor of Ken Fisher personally.” He also took issue with the characterization of his boss as a Republican donor, saying Fisher also had contributed to Democrats in the past."

So simple: just ban coronavirus

That has protected our schools and other public places. TD

Tony Branco

The Babylon Bee reports: Governor Newsom Declares California A Coronavirus-Free Zone 
 SACRAMENTO, CA—Governor Newsom has declared California a coronavirus-free zone, instantly eradicating any threat of coronavirus infecting anyone in the state.The executive action makes any possession of coronavirus a state felony."When you declare something illegal, it is instantly gone forever," Newsom said solemnly. "That's why I'm taking immediate executive action to declare the possession of coronavirus a felony at the state level. Top scientists all agree that the best way to get rid of something is to ban it."
"That oughtta do it."
Anyone caught possessing the banned virus will be subject to prosecution. The state is also setting up bins throughout major cities where Californians can turn in their now-illegal coronaviruses to be melted down and destroyed.
After learning that the virus infects humans, Newsom also banned all humans from the state of California. Luckily, the politicians in Sacramento were not affected.

US media parrot Chinese propaganda, talk of censoring White House briefings

Washington Examiner  "Why do members of the free press keep parroting Chinese agitprop, including the preposterous and totally unverified claim that China has had not a single new coronavirus death since January?

“ 'U.S. reports 1,264 coronavirus deaths in over 24 hours,” NBC News recited this week. “Meanwhile in China, where the pandemic broke out, not a single new coronavirus death was reported.”
"Chinese officials concede they have new infection cases, but they also allege those cases were imported into China by dirty foreigners. This is the level on which the Chinese Communist Party has long operated — a sort of ultranationalism that seeks to blame outsiders for its nation's problems. Yet our media are accepting its dubious (even just from a math perspective) claims at face value.
"Let me put this in terms that American journalists might understand, were they not so bound up in irrational hatred of the Trump administration: Is it possible, just maybe, that the timing of China's supposed good news is not coincidental to the fact that it recently expelled a bunch of U.S. reporters?
“ 'Health officials reported 32 new confirmed cases of the coronavirus in mainland China on Monday, all of them imported, bringing the total to 81,740,” the NBC article continues. “The former epicenter of the epidemic, Wuhan, reported only two new confirmed cases in the past 14 days.”
"Now seems like a good time to remind everyone that the regime that claims now to have had no new coronavirus deaths since January is the same regime that claims only 200 civilians and security personnel died in the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. (The actual number may be as high as 10,000.)" . . .

Wuhan Derangement Syndrome  . . . "Tuck made a huge deal out of the fact that there are no horseshoe bats within 900km of Wuhan. But guess what? There are no SARS-carrying bats within one thousand kilometers of the wet markets where the SARS outbreak started (the SARS-carrying bat colonies are in Yunnan province; the spillover to humans happened in Guangdong). As I said, bat proximity is irrelevant, because the intermediary animals were brought to the wet markets from elsewhere. The wet markets deal in exotic animals. Don’t breeze by that sentence. Slow down and repeat the word exotic. Sound it out and think. What does that word mean? It means not from there." . . .

Is this the best a free press has to offer?

Liberals Backwards Think
He has a reputation for making it all about himself   "Jim Acosta is a household name. Some of his critics believe that's by design. "As is his habit, Acosta doesn't ask questions — he makes accusations and argues," the New York Post said of the CNN journalist. Writing about Acosta's confrontation with Sarah Sanders over Trump's "enemy of the people" claim, The Atlantic said the journalist "reinforced the corrosive, cynical, and deeply dangerous feedback loop that has convinced Trump's most fervent supporters that his relentless brief against the press has merit." Even his fellow reporters at the press conference appeared to understand this. "Those watching the exchange on television would have noticed the faces of Mr. Acosta's fellow correspondents," The New York Times reported, "some watching with curiosity and others averting their gaze."
"Infamous for his out of control shouting and "grandstanding" during televised press briefings and other White House events, Acosta even had to address and defend this fact on CNN with an appearance on Reliable Sources. "If they want to send me to hell, I'll still be shouting at the devil," he said."   . . .

Back in March, 2020:

From the same link as above: Sometimes Acosta is useful; he even took on Obama and Castro   . . . "A lot of Americans have this frustration that they see the United States has the greatest military in the world; it has the backing of nearly every other country in the world when it comes to taking on ISIS. I guess the question is, and if you'll forgive the language, but why can't we take out these bastards?" he asked. Obama, clearly frustrated, replied, "Well Jim, I just spent the last three questions answering that very question, so I don't know what more you want me to add."

"During a joint press conference between Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro in 2016, Acosta (whose father fled Cuba) pressed Castro on his country's practice of taking political prisoners. Per Politico, Acosta addressed the leader in Spanish. Castro reportedly smirked "at Acosta's pronunciation" and acted as though the question wasn't meant for him. That reportedly prompted Obama to look at Castro in "disbelief" and say, "Excuse me ... second one was to you."  . . . Nicki Swift

Look what your publicized personality disorders can do for you!

And a big ego; here is the Jim Acosta of sports:

Even the snarky Babylon Bee saw opportunity in MSNBCNN:  

CNN Report: Millions Of American Voters May Have Colluded To Elect Trump  U.S.—A new, exclusive CNN investigative report revealed Thursday that millions of American voters may have potentially colluded with the Trump campaign to elect Donald Trump as President of the United States.
"While Russia has been accused of interfering in the election, the breaking report indicates that the collusion may have extended to a significant portion of the U.S. population—“as many as 60 million citizens, and possibly even more.”
"“The conspiracy goes much deeper than anyone expected,” Jake Tapper said on his news segment The Politics Lead. “We’re talking tens of millions of people involved in this secret plot to make sure Hillary didn’t make it into the White House and to prop up Donald Trump as the winner.”
"The CNN report does not accuse anyone of hacking or rigging the vote, but rather suggests that those colluding with the real estate mogul in the far-reaching scheme may have simply walked into voting booths and cast their vote for Donald Trump, giving him the electoral college victory."

CNN's Jim Acosta blasted for interrupting Dr. Birx to attack Trump

Another Trump-hater with an ego to match that of Megan Rapinoe, the purple-haired flag-dragger of women's soccer

CNN's Jim Acosta blasted for 'mansplaining' after interrupting Dr. Birx to attack Trump  . . . "Many took to social media to blast the reporter.
"Jim Acosta's interruption of Dr. Birx is an example of how CNN's echo-journalism model is destroying the media's credibility," George Washington University Law professor Jonathan Turley reacted. "Every question from Acosta is an effort to score points rather than elicit information. It is a press pandemic that continues to rage without relief." . . .
. . . "CNN did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.
"Acosta has made a name for himself in the Trump era for his hostile exchanges with the president.
"However, he is even criticized among his White House press corps colleagues. In his new book, ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl knocked his CNN counterpart, accusing him of "playing into the explicit Trump strategy of portraying the press as the opposition party."
" 'The surest way to undermine the credibility of the White House press corps is to behave like the political opposition," Karl wrote. "Don't give speeches from the White House briefing room.' " . . .

Note to the Trump-hating media: Just shut up and say, 'Thank you'   . . . "Despite these advances on so many fronts, there are always several journalists in the crowd who come loaded only with gotcha questions.  Does your son-in-law know what he's doing?  Shouldn't you have reacted to this earlier?  It's the same questions, from the same folks, day after day.
"If he were more eloquent, he might drive home the point that New York is woefully short of ventilators because it chose to spend the state and city treasuries on other matters." . . .. . . "Perhaps I missed it, but not one of these highly paid gatherers of facts asked the governors of New York and Michigan why they had sharply limited the use of hydroxychloroquine or failed to stock sufficient quantities of ventilators." . . .
2019: A current CNN employee is shredding pseudo-journalist Jim Acosta just as the reporter’s forthcoming new book makes clear his anti-Trump bias. 
The second takeaway is how an employee of the very network Acosta works for told Fox News that insiders are pretty much embarrassed by Acosta.Shredding Private Acosta. The CNN employee stated that while Acosta is asking important questions, he tends to “grandstand” and make everything about himself. That’s the exact opposite organizations want from a reporter assigned to the White House.
2018: Jim Acosta Gets Bad News After What Cameras Caught Him Doing On D.C. Street  . . . "Perhaps the worst offender known to the American people right now is CNN’s Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta. Not only is he the biggest whiner ever to hold a seat in the White House press briefing room, but he’s also made it his personal mission to make President Donald Trump look bad in any way possible — even if that means spreading falsehoods.
"Too bad for Acosta, the American people are just about fed up with his nonsense. Proving just that, a citizen journalist recently approached him on the streets, but things probably didn’t go how he was expecting. In fact, the moment Acosta noticed that things were going sideways, he bolted, only for the other reporter to later notice that he was visibly furious.

"According to the video on her Twitter account, Laura Loomer approached Acosta and started off the exchange with a seemingly harmless question. However, with his guard was down, she hit him right between the eyes with the thing he hates most — being called fake news to his face." . . .
Pictures added by TD