Saturday, January 2, 2010

House Resolution Calls for Removal of 'Safe School Czar'

CitizenLink "Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, has introduced a resolution calling for the dismissal of "safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings. The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, a gay activist group founded by Jennings, has been scrutinized for pushing controversial reading lists and curriculums in public schools. Family advocates are worried Jennings will use his new post to introduce a homosexual agenda in public schools. Rep. Steve King said that's almost guaranteed."

San Francisco as it once was

BookwormRoom "...the current Progressive City government tightly controls law abiding citizens and businesses, while allowing special interest groups to function without limitations. The result is a dangerous blend of totalitarian anarchy."

They Have Awoken a Sleeping Giant America

Gateway Pundit "...6. We’re tired of being lied to by a media that only tells half a story – A media that produces untrue pictures in favor of those they love and in opposition to those they hate.7. We’re tired of a media who tells us that to be Christian or God loving is immature or silly.8. We’re tired of a media that tells us that our military are murderers and that we are causing terrorists to murder.9. We’re tired of being told that we are the evil ones when we don’t accept the lies of the media or government.10. We’re tired of being told constantly why we should hate our great country, the most giving country ever in world history.11. We’re tired of being told that we are the ones who started wars and killed people without reason..."

White House Adviser Briefed in October on Underwear Bomb Technique

Newsweek "In late August, Nayef had survived an assassination attempt by an operative dispatched by the Yemeni branch of Al Qaeda who was pretending to turn himself in. The operative had tried to kill the Saudi prince by detonating a bomb on his body, but stumbled on his way into the prince's palace and blew himself up."

Democrats' worst nightmare: Terrorism on their watch

Politico via BigGovernment "And yet the White House’s response to last week’s attempt to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight to Detroit could rank as one of the low points of the new president’s first year. Over the course of five days, Obama’s Obama’ reaction ranged from low-keyed to reassuring to, finally, a vow to find out what went wrong."

Danish Cartoonist Westeragaard's Muslim Assassin Involved in Islamic Plot to Kill Hillary Clinton

Atlas Shrugs "The Muslim that tried to kill Westergaard with an ax was also involved in a jihad plot to kill Hillary a few months back but they didn't have enough evidence to hold him. Got that? That's what happens when you fight a war as a [law] enforcement issue."

Why the Health-Care Bills Are Unconstitutional

By ORRIN G. HATCH, J. KENNETH BLACKWELL AND KENNETH A. KLUKOWSKI in WSJ "...the Supreme Court in United States v. Lopez (1995) rejected a version of the commerce power so expansive that it would leave virtually no activities by individuals that Congress could not regulate. By requiring Americans to use their own money to purchase a particular good or service, Congress would be doing exactly what the court said it could not do."

Obama's problems with the intelligence community

Rick Moran "It seems pretty clear that the president wants to shift any blame for this debacle to the intelligence agencies. Not surprisingly, this isn't sitting well with them.Nor was the other oddity relating to intelligence that Obama was involved in; his seemingly innocent statement about the attack in Afghanistan that killed 8 CIA agents. "

Massachusetts' Obama-like Reforms Increase Health Costs, Wait Times

CATO "Those reforms reveal that the Obama plan would mean higher health insurance premiums for millions, would reduce choice by eliminating both low-cost and comprehensive health plans, would encourage insurers to avoid the sick and would reduce the quality of care."

'Messiah' Man (better late than never)

Weekly Standard "That is what Handel's music does: It makes you want to live. There is no greater gift an artist can give his audience."

What’s More Important Than Being Electable? Being Able To Govern

Adam Graham, PJM "There are three basic questions conservatives should ask themselves: Does the candidate have a coherent agenda that will make the country better?"...."Does the candidate have the necessary skills to get his agenda passed?"...."Does the candidate have the ability to make executive decisions?"...."A Republican presidency that betrayed the core principles of the people who brought it to power is responsible for the lingering divisions within the GOP. However, thanks to opponents that took the wrong lessons from the Bush years, Republicans could be given another chance in 2012."

Don’t Worry, Honey, It’s Just Another “Isolated Extremist”

Claudia Rosett , Pajamas Media "...despite U.S. efforts to bring “an end” to “Overseas Contingency Operations,” there is still a risk that an “isolated extremist” might “allegedly” attempt to bring about a “man-caused disaster.” (In which case, the “suspect,” if caught, will be treated as a common criminal, read his Miranda rights, provided with the best available medical care if needed, and offered a stage in a U.S. court)."

Rush Limbaugh: an essential voice of protest in America

UK Telegraph "Rush Limbaugh is a hugely influential and tremendously patriotic voice of protest in the face of an intensely partisan administration that does not take very kindly to dissenting views, and which often seems to expect the media to kowtow to its agenda. Freedom of speech, even in a free society, must never be taken for granted, and Rush Limbaugh’s role as a prominent defender of it, is a vital one."

Spy chiefs turn on President Obama after seven CIA agents are slaughtered in Afghanistan

UK DailyMail "[Obama] lauded the victims as ‘part of a long line of patriots who have made great sacrifices for their fellow citizens and for our way of life’. Yet the previous day he had blasted ‘systemic failures’ in the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies for failing to prevent the Christmas Day syringe bomb attack " "Syringe bomb"?

The Threat of Lawful Islamism

Islamist Watch "Lawful Islamists advance their cause through lobbying politicians, intimidating the media, threatening international boycotts, making predatory use of the legal system, advancing novel legislation, influencing the contents of school textbooks... They advance their agenda in incremental steps, each of which in itself is minor but in the aggregate point to fundamental changes in society. Here is a sampling of such steps taken by non-Muslims to accommodate Islamists:"

Summary of Republican health care plan

GOP Leader Found at along with a pdf of the entire plan which the Democrats claim the GOP doesn't have.

Top 10 Ramirez Cartoons of 2009 "IBD Editorial Cartoonist Michael Ramirez picks his favorite cartoons of the year."

Mayo Clinic in Arizona to Stop Treating Some Medicare Patients

Bloomberg "The Mayo Clinic, praised by President Barack Obama as a national model for efficient health care, will stop accepting Medicare patients as of tomorrow at one of its primary-care clinics in Arizona, saying the U.S. government pays too little. "