Friday, May 6, 2011

White House Wants to Track and Tax Your Mileage

Newsmax "The new tax scheme, designed to help fund transportation spending, would determine your mileage by installing electronic equipment on your car. This would involve monitoring your location and how far you’ve traveled.
"Fox host Lou Dobbs offered this reaction to the trial balloon on his radio show Thursday: “We’ve got an effective unemployment rate of nearly 17 percent in this country, and these idiots want to tax car mileage. It’s nuts, what they want to do,” he said." 
You can be sure Mr. Obama will not dither for days about going after you and me.
Hat tip to the California Chronicle.

Al-Qaeda data yield details of planned plots/ Helicopters used in raid

Washington Post  "Among the files recovered from captured computers and flash drives were documents detailing a previously unknown plan to attack the U.S. commuter rail network, intelligence officials confirmed. The plan, which described a sabotage attack to occur on this year’s 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, was being actively considered as recently as February 2010, Obama administration officials said."

US: Helicopter Used in Bin Laden Raid Could Fall into Enemy Hands  "It appears to have an unusual tail assembly, possibly hinting at a type of previously-unknown stealth capability.    "US officials are worried the China or enemy states could use the technology in the helicopter to advance their own military capabilities, FOX reported."

"OK, here’s another view of the tail rotor from the crashed mystery helicopter used in the raid to kill Osama bin Laden. All I’ll say is that it sure doesn’t look like it came off even a modified MH-60 Black Hawk. It looks like a stealthy new aircraft."

  More here.
Al-Qaida confirms Osama bin Laden's death  "The writers of the statement appeared unaware of the announcement by American officials that bin Laden's body had been buried at sea. The statement warned against mishandling or mistreating bin Laden's body and demanded that be handed over to his family, saying "any harm (to the body) will open more doors of evil, and there will be no one to blame but yourselves.""

Will this be the next "truther" quest? Leon Panetta, not Obama, issued order to kill bin Laden?

White House fumbles getting its Osama bin Laden story straight  From DEBKAfile  "Two days after the US President Barack Obama's triumphal announcement that Osama bin Laden was dead, the White House was grappling with a serious credibility problem: Questions and contradictions are mounting about the how and why US elite SEALs killed the most wanted man in the world at his mansion in Abbottabad, Pakistan on May 2. New information proving the first stories wrong comes not just from a defensive Pakistan government but also from US officials."
Personally, I couldn't care less how OBL got it. Be thankful these leftists weren't press darlings when we killed Yamamoto in WW2.
 PJ Tatler  "I was told – in these exact terms, “we overruled him.” (Obama) I have since followed up and received further details on exactly what that meant, as well as the specifics of how Leon Panetta worked around the president’s “persistent hesitation to act.” There appears NOT to have been an outright overruling of any specific position by President Obama, simply because there was no specific position from the president to do so. President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president.
"I was correct in stating there had been a push to invade the compound for several weeks if not months, primarily led by Leon Panetta, Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, David Petraeus, and Jim Clapper."

More details here.  " Nothing changed with the president’s opinion – he continued to avoid having one. Every time military and intelligence officials appeared to make progress in forming a position, Jarrett would intervene and the stalling would begin again."

 This report suspect   " Upon closer inspection of the article, it appears a well-informed. A little TOO well informed. Why would an insider talk to some blog instead of Fox or the NYT?
"Also, some of these points (presumably)come from private conversations. Even the highest aides aren't there for personal conversations of the President. Until we get a report from a real news source, it's not true. "
From the article comments.

Victor Davis Hanson: Rules for Killing Rogues "Americans rejoiced at news of the end of this psychopathic mass murderer, and, privately, are probably relieved that he was not captured and extradited to Guantanamo. If bin Laden had been taken alive, we might be revisiting the controversy surrounding the Obama administration’s failed efforts to try in a civilian federal court bin Laden’s subordinate, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — the master planner behind 9/11.
"But what, exactly, are the moral, legal, or practical rules in going after terrorist leaders or the savage dictators of rogue regimes?"

Lib talker: When are SEALs going to assassinate Bush?

Rick Moran  "In another demonstration of their vaunted liberal civility, talk show host, Mike Malloy, has asked when the SEALs are going to assassinate George W. Bush. Can you imagine the outrage from the liberal media if Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity posed a similar question regarding Barack Obama, Bill Clinton or even Jimmy Carter? "