Friday, February 14, 2014

Joe Wilson Was Right: Obamacare Recruiting Illegal Aliens To Sign Up

"In 2009, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) apologized profusely to the White House for shouting, “You lie!” as President Barack Obama told Congress that Obamacare would not cover illegal immigrants. Now it would appear that the White House owes Wilson an apology, as Covered California–the flagship of state Obamacare exchanges–is recruiting illegal (“undocumented”) immigrants to sign up for the program, regardless of their eligibility.
"The Covered California website includes a special page entitled: “No temas si eres indocumentado/a y quieres inscribir a tu familia en un seguro médico” (“Fear not if you are undocumented and want to enroll your family in health insurance”). The website goes on to explain that information shared with Obamacare cannot be shared with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). It does not explicitly warn that illegal aliens are ineligible.

Krauthammer: Obamacare’s war on jobs; Pelosi, Marx, and 'Job Lock'

Krauthammer  "In the ongoing saga of the Affordable Care Act, oddly referred to by Democrats as the law of the land even as it is amended at will by presidential fiat, we are beginning to understand the extent of its war on jobs.
"Nancy Pelosi spoke lyrically about how Obamacare subsidies will allow people to leave unfulfilling jobs to pursue their passions: “Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance.' ”
"Pelosi’s vision is equally idyllic except for one thing: The taxes of the American factory worker — grinding away dutifully at his repetitive mind-numbing job — will be subsidizing the voluntary unemployment of the artiste in search of his muse. A rather paradoxical position for the party that poses as tribune of the working man."

"But doesn’t this undermine the whole idea of universal health coverage? Of course it does, but Obamacare was so structured that it is crushing small business and killing jobs. It creates a major incentive for small businesses to cut back to under 50 employees to avoid the mandate. Your business becomes a 49er by either firing workers or reducing their hours to below 30 a week. Because that doesn’t count as full time, you escape both the employer mandate to buy health insurance and the fine for not doing so."
And these excerpts are only a sample of what Mr. Krauthammer has to say on the subject.   Full article.

Pelosi, Marx, and 'Job Lock'   "Actually, the Pelosiites are pursuing a dream rooted in Karl Marx. The major work in which Marx expounded on what a communist society would look like is titled The German Ideology, written in 1845. Here is a famous passage from it in which Marx expounds on the virutes of liberation from job lock that communism supposedly would provide (courtesy of" ... Read more:

Obama ambassador nominees prompt an uproar with bungled answers, lack of ties

WaPo  "A century-old debate over whether presidents should reward political donors and allies by making them ambassadors has flared again after a string of embarrassing gaffes by President Obama’s picks.

"The nominee for ambassador to Norway, for example, prompted outrage in Oslo by characterizing one of the nation’s ruling parties as extremist. A soap-opera producer slated for Hungary appeared to have little knowledge of the country she would be living in. A prominent Obama bundler nominated to be ambassador to Argentina acknowledged that he had never set foot in the country and isn’t fluent in Spanish." ...

"Norwegians, meanwhile, are still seething over Tsunis’s erroneous remarks about the Progress Party. Jan Arild Ellingsen, a member of the party who serves in Norway’s parliament, said the remarks were “unacceptable and a provocation” and demanded an apology.

"Tsunis has responded with diplomacy, calling Norwegian politicians to apologize. He also contacted Anders Tvegard, the Norwegian Broadcasting Corp.’s Washington correspondent, and offered to do an on-air interview — but only after he is confirmed by the Senate."

This part of the 1% living large

Bokbluster  "The Obamas hosted a state dinner this week for the tax cutting socialist president of France, Francois Hollande. The menu featured dry aged ribeye beef, quail eggs, caviar, chocolate cake, ice cream, fudge, shortbread cookies and cotton candy."

Obamas' 2009 Date Night in New York City Draws Criticism  "Even before the Obamas left Washington, the there-and-back trip drew criticism from Republicans. They questioned the president's decision to travel to New York for a night of entertainment during a recession and while automakers struggle to survive.
"It was just a few months ago that auto executives were roundly criticized when they traveled to Washington for congressional hearings in pricey private planes."

"Hillary" signs should actually read "The Clintons".

If you had a daughter hoping to intern at the White House, would she look just like Monica?

Former CNN host Larry King has never heard of Juanita Broaddrick; have you?  "Broaddrick, a former Arkansas nursing home worker, accused President Clinton of raping her during the late 1970s in a 1998 Dateline interview."  This incident gave us the immortal Clinton quote, "Better put some ice on that..."

Column: The Hillary Papers and the Death of the Mainstream Media  "How ironic if Bill Clinton's behavior is the cause of Hillary's defeat."
 " I seem to remember that the shadow of the Clinton scandals—described in the “Hillary Papers” as a “pattern of sleaze”—loomed over Al Gore’s candidacy in 2000; that George W. Bush made a vow during that campaign to restore “integrity” to the White House; that when Democratic mogul David Geffen threw his he told Maureen Dowd, “I don’t think anybody believes that in the last six years, all of a sudden Bill Clinton has become a different person.” The Clintons call to mind the old Faulkner line that
“The past isn’t dead. It isn’t even past.” They carry their baggage like Marley carries his chains. It weighs them down."
allegiance to Barack Obama in 2007,

Sen. Rand Paul is hammering former President Bill Clinton hard for his past sexual indiscretions -- and it isn't by accident.    "Someone who takes advantage of a young girl in their office? I mean, really. And then they have the gall to stand up and say, 'Republicans are having a war on women?'"
"The phrase “Clinton fatigue” entered the political lexicon during the previous century; by this point, we surely must have entered the age of Chronic Clinton-Fatigue Syndrome. But the recent making public of the so-called Hillary Papers — the notes kept by her close friend Diane Blair during Mrs. Clinton’s tumultuous White House years, as reported by the Washington Free Beacon — shed additional light on the character of the “co-presidents” who just will not go away."
"The Clintons are our national grotesques. At the height of the Lewinsky scandal, President Clinton, who had immovable support among black voters, began using black leaders as the political equivalent of human shields — Jesse Jackson and the Congressional Black Caucus prominent among them — while his minions smeared prosecutor Ken Starr, characterizing him as a racist, a sex fanatic, and a monomaniac. President Clinton strutted into church waving a Bible the size of a telephone directory..."

Obama's cult of personality has turned US into 'a nation of enablers'

Washington Examiner   "Law professor Jonathan Turley said he's astonished by how passive Americans -- especially Democrats -- have been to President Obama's abuse of executive power, which he said has become so dangerous it's making the U.S. political system unstable.
" 'I think that we've become a nation of enablers. We are turning a blind eye to a fundamental change in our system. I think many people will come to loathe that they remained silent during this period," Turley, who teaches at George Washington University, told Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Wednesday.
"I'm afraid this is beginning to border on a cult of personality for people on the Left.' "
"This isn't the first time Turley has issued his warning. He told the House Judiciary Committee on Dec. 3 that Obama is "becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid.' "   Emphasis added, TD

The Republican alternative for Obamacare

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Budgetary and Coverage Impact of the Empowering Patients First Act (H.R. 2300) "is legislation aimed at repealing the Affordable Care Act and replacing it with patient centered solutions. The proposed reform creates a defined contribution environment intended to “ensure access to health coverage for all Americans; rein in out-of-control costs; solve insurance challenges of portability and pre-existing illness; and improve the health care delivery structure,”[1] and achieves budget neutrality. We used a non-elderly, health insurance market model to estimate the budgetary and health insurance market impacts of the legislation compared to current law."
 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Eakinomics: The Unraveling of ObamaCare  " ... HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius “announced” ...that the administration was 1) waiving the individual mandate for those with cancelled policies, and 2) Waiving the age limitations on catastrophic plans so those with cancelled policies can purchase a catastrophic plan.
"This is a big deal.  Substantively, it opens the door to deferring the mandate entirely and by acknowledging that catastrophic plans would be suitable coverage it makes a lie of all the rhetoric about how existing insurance (“underinsurance”) is “subpar” and “poor”. It will be fine for 2014."
I am 74 years old; my wife is 71, and our present plan is subpar because we do not have prenatal care and contraceptives provided.
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Myth: “Republicans have no alternative for Obamacare.”

... "Congressman Price is rightfully regarded as one of the brightest minds we have when it comes to healthcare. What I find particularly interesting is that we have been proposing alternatives to Obamacare since day one. Price’s Empowering Patients First Act of 2009 manages to both increase the number of insured Americans and save us trillions of dollars, two of Obamacare’s biggest failures.
"These facts are far from manufactured. In fact, Douglaz Hotlz-Eakin*, the former director of the Congressional Budget Office conducted an independent review of the proposal, and found that the number of insured Americans would actually increase by 29% by 2016, which is a relief after wave after wave of Obamacare cancellations.
"Surely this must be expensive, right? Again, false. Holtz-Eakin’s study also predicted that Price’s bill would actually save $2.3 trillion over the next ten years. Remember when Obama promised that Obamacare won’t “add one dime to our deficit?' ”
Via Jackie Wellfonder at Conservative Bloggers on Facebook

*Douglas Holtz-Eakin has a distinguished record as an academic, policy adviser, and strategist. Currently he is the President of the American Action Forum and most recently was a Commissioner on the Congressionally-chartered Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. Since 2001, he has served in a variety of important policy positions.